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he remembered it. I know how I remember it, and I ll never forgive
myself for leaving him. He was lucky to find you.
 I feel lucky to have found him. He makes me feel& good about
myself. I ve discovered I m capable of compassion. After living two
very disparate lives, I was never really sure if I had any.
 You have more than most. Quinn turned to her with a smile.
 So, what s your story, Captain Savage?
Kit stared into the crystal blue water that lapped against the hull,
then raised her face and smiled.  My story involves a lonely little girl
and her need to feel something. Perhaps, when this is over, I ll tell
you my story and you can tell me yours.
 It s a deal.
She glanced into the rigging then headed toward the wheel to
relieve Trueblood.
* * * *
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A Pirate's Life for Three 123
Two Fingers skidded to a halt, nearly plowing into her as she
headed toward her cabin.  He s awake, Captain. Doc sent me to get
She whirled around and practically slid down the hatch stairs on
her ass. Shouldering her way through several crewmen piling barrels,
she dodged crates and chests and pushed her way to the back of the
hold to the little niche Doc had carved out for his surgery. She
grabbed the door jamb and careened into the room. Doc patted her
 I m off to get him some coffee.
Doc ducked his head and vanished, leaving them alone.
 Hi, Captain, Silas said softly. A wistful smile spread across his
face as he twisted her blue scarf in his hands. He blinked several
times in the gloom.
 Oh, Silas. She took two steps forward, her heart pounding in her
chest. She lifted the lamp from Doc s desk and placed it on the small
table near the cot. Her gaze traveled every visible inch of his body.
Silas sat up in the cot, his back propped against two of the fluffiest
pillows she d ever seen, his body covered in a soft linen blanket. His
bandages were pristine, and his skin glowed with the salve used to
treat his superficial wounds. Doc had been taking excellent care of
 How do you feel?
 Good, good, he murmured. He lifted his hand and traced the
bandage on his forehead.  New hat?
 A temporary one, she said.  When you feel better, we ll go
through the trunks and get you a nicer one.
 Good, good.
She sat on the edge of the cot while he lowered his head and ran
his fingers over the silk scarf.
 Memories, memories. Good? Bad? he murmured. He raised his
head, and his gaze darted around the room. He touched the side of the
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124 Amber Carlton
hull, tenting his fingers against the wood. He closed his eyes and
tilted his head.  We sail.
 Aye, Silas. We re hunting the men that hurt you.
His hand fluttered upward toward his bandage again.
 Memories&  He brought his gaze back to hers.  I saw Hennessey.
 Hennessey hurt you, but he can t hurt you again. He s dead.
 He s a bad man. Always was. He studied her face for a moment.
 Blackwell is a good man. Always was. I remember& he tried to help.
I hid and made him leave. Glad the  gators didn t eat him. He
 Me too.
 Blackwell loves Kit. He gave a little shudder.  James is scary,
but he loves Kit too. He studied her face for a moment.  Kit will be
 Aye, I hope so. She blinked back tears.  I ll be happier now that
you re awake.
 Deep sleep. Good dreams. He sat up straight and gripped her
hand, staring through her.  Saltpeter, sulfur, paraffin, quicklime, coal
tar& My journal! Where s my journal?
 In my cabin. It s safe. You tucked it into a book.
 Good, good. Safe. I knew it. Where s my cup? I want coffee.
 Doc s gone to get it for you.
Silas glanced around the cabin, and his gaze came to rest on the
rags, scraps, and odds and ends tucked in the corner. He smiled.  Ah,
my friends have been here.
She took his hand, and her fingers traced over his rough skin.
 Everyone s been worried about you.
 No need. No need. The angels said it was time. Can I have soup?
And my journal?
 Of course. I ll get them now. There are quite a few people that
would like to see you. Would you like some company? Two Fingers
has been waiting outside the door for you to wake up. I can barely get
a decent hour s work from him.
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A Pirate's Life for Three 125
 Works hard. Good man. Like to see him.
She rose as Doc entered the room with a steaming cup of aromatic
coffee in a dainty china cup. He placed it in Silas s outstretched
 Hmm&  He breathed deeply.  Vainilla. My favorite. Future coin
in that. Oh, aye, definitely future coin. Kit?
 Aye, Silas?
 You re my favorite angel, he whispered.
 And you re my favorite scientist.
He took a sip of coffee, making humming noises. He gave her a
little wave.
* * * *
Hal s voice thundered through the open door with the warm rush
of Caribbean air.
 Target sighted off the port bow! Prepare for engagement!
Kit shoved her hip against James s thigh.  Get out of my way, you
big ox. He smirked at her in the mirror, and she rolled her eyes.  A
girl can t even get near a mirror on her own ship.
Quinn laughed.  You re a little more than a girl, Captain Savage.
Kit reached for a black ribbon to tie her hair back.  We are
definitely going to need a bigger cabin just the same.
James s hand paused in mid-brush stroke. His eyes widened, and
he spun toward her, lifting her in his arms.  Music to my ears, kitten.
She dropped a kiss on his smiling mouth.  It s getting congested
in here.
 We can extend the quarterdeck, Quinn said.  Separate the
quarters into a sleeping cabin and an office. More privacy that way.
He winked at her.
She wiggled in James s arms, and he dropped her to the floor. Her
gaze shot toward Quinn as he pulled on his boots.  That s a good
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