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wanting to pay your respects to someone you loved, Ben explained.
 Neil didn t love Gavin. As a matter-of-fact, it was the lack of love that drove the guilt
down deep inside Neil. But I don t think his unwillingness to attend the ceremony has
anything at all to do with Gavin.
 You don t? Ben questioned.
Kyle shook his head.  He doesn t want to be seen in public riding around in a chair. It s
natural, believe me.
 It sounds self-centred if you ask me, Ben grumbled.
 Said the man walking on two good legs. Kyle reached across the table and laid his
hand on Ben s wrist.  I know you mean well, but Neil s entire life s been turned upside
down. Give him a break. Invite people over. Get him used to being around his friends again.
He ll eventually see the chair doesn t matter to them.
 According to Matt, Neil shouldn t even be in the chair much longer. Once we get
Neil s hands working again, he should be able to use a walker or crutches to get himself
around until he regains control of his foot.
 If anyone can help him accomplish it, it s Matt. He s the god that finally got me up and
walking again. But just in case, Neil needs to know he s accepted by his friends regardless of
the chair.
Ben glanced at his watch.  I d better get. Neil s usually madder than a wet hen after his
Kyle laughed.  Ahhh, the good ole days. I remember them well.
* * * *
Sitting in his chair on the deck, Neil watched Ben push a load of straw and shit out of
the barn. The sweat covering Ben s bare chest glistened in the afternoon sunlight. After
dumping the wheelbarrow, Ben pulled a red bandana out of his back jean pocket and wiped
his face and neck.
Neil s mouth watered as he watched Ben s muscles flex at the simple movement. Damn,
the man was gorgeous. Neil s cock hardened, making him wish he d put on underwear that
morning. He d finally learned to pull on his own cut-off sweats, but underwear was still
beyond his skill level.
Over the past week, Ben had massaged Neil s hands several times a day, and although
Neil was loath to admit it to Matt, it was definitely helping. He d read once about spots on
your feet that directly affect other parts of your body. Neil wondered if the same went for
hands. There wasn t a massage session that went by without Neil springing wood. So far,
Ben had been polite enough not to comment, but Neil knew the man had to have noticed.
Ben glanced towards the house and caught Neil staring straight at him. The older man
smiled, stuffed the bandana back into his pocket and yelled towards Neil.  Why don t you
grab an apple off the table? I think your horse is missing ya.
Neil nodded and rode into the house. Ben wasn t fooling him. They both knew
Footloose preferred carrots, but for some reason, apples were harder for Neil to get his hand
Neil s gaze swung from the bowl of fruit on the kitchen table to the new bag sitting on
the counter. Feeling defiant, Neil powered over to the counter and used his forearm to push
the bag into his lap.
Shit! Neil bit his bottom lip as the heavy bag dropped onto his balls. Served him right,
he supposed. He readjusted the apples and slowly made his way back out of the house and
down the boardwalk towards the barn.
By the time he arrived, Ben had already spread fresh straw and sawdust in Footloose s
stall. The smell of the dimly-lit barn brought back memories.  Would you mind taking me
over to the EZ Does It some evening?
 Not at all. We can go later today if you want. Ben spotted the plastic bag in Neil s lap
and raised an eyebrow.  You cheated.
 No I didn t. You said to bring an apple. I just brought more than one.
 Okay, smart guy. Now let s see you open the bag. Ben crossed his sun-bronzed arms
over his lightly furred chest and leaned against a pole.
Neil winced. He hadn t thought of that.  If you ll get it started, I can finish it.
Ben pushed off the pole and walked over.
The simple act of Ben reaching towards Neil s lap had Neil s cock hard in no time. Neil
squeezed his eyes closed and prayed Ben wouldn t notice the bulge propping up the apples.
After several moments, Neil opened his eyes to find Ben staring straight at him.  Did
you get it? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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