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argument with their woman. He watched her talking to Jack and felt a
stab of jealousy at their easy camaraderie. He wanted to be able to
talk to her and have her conversing with him in such an easy manner.
He took a seat across from her, watching as she kept her eyes averted
from him, Tom, and Billy. Yep, she was sulking, and it looked like she
was going to continue giving them the cold shoulder. They couldn t
let her get away with that. Luke decided it was time to start training
their woman to let her know that she was theirs, and only theirs. They
didn t have to fuck her. They could bring her pleasure without even
penetrating her. He turned his head to Tom and Billy. Since the three
of them had practically grown up together, they often knew what the
other was thinking. Tom gave a barely perceptible nod, letting him
know he was in accordance with him.
Luke knew Tom was getting mighty pissed off at being ignored.
He and his friends hated it when a woman used the cold-shoulder,
40 Becca Van
silent treatment. He d rather have a rip-roaring argument than be
totally ignored because he knew that making up would be so sweet.
Since he was still getting to know their little woman and wanted to
know how she would react to being goaded, he decided that he, Tom,
and Billy should begin their courting in earnest. Since Tom was sitting
too far away to be able to touch Felicity and Billy had a ranch hand
between him and Felicity, he knew he was the only one able to touch
her without anyone else knowing. He nodded to Tom, letting him
know the game was on.
Double E Ranch 41
Chapter Four
Felicity froze in her seat when she felt a large socked foot sliding
up her calf. She flinched, trying to keep her cheeks from heating with
embarrassment. Jack turned to look at her curiously and, when he saw
her heated cheeks, must have thought she wasn t feeling well.
Are you all right, Felicity?
Fine, she squeaked out. She cleared her throat and repeated her
answer in a calmer voice. I m fine, thanks, Jack.
You look a little flushed, sweetheart. Are you sure you re all
Yeah, just a little tired, I guess, Felicity answered. She turned
away from Jack and glared at Luke.
Felicity could see Luke was struggling not to smile. She could see
the twinkle of amusement in his eyes. She felt him slide his foot a
little higher, keeping his eyes on hers the whole time. His foot was
now in between her thighs, halfway between her knee and pussy.
Felicity gave Luke her best you re dead stare from across the table.
She felt him slip his foot up higher until he was covering her pussy
with his large appendage. She nearly groaned out loud from sheer
pleasure as she felt the moist heat of her cunt being touched through
her jeans. She loved being touched by Luke, Tom, and Billy. She was
just anxious about being caught by the others. She jumped to her feet
and stood glaring at him.
Are you all right, honey? Can I get you something? Nanette
asked from across the kitchen counter.
Um, I just wanted to get a glass of water, Felicity replied,
looking to Nan.
42 Becca Van
There s a jug on the table already, honey. There should be
glasses, too. Yes, there they are, behind the jug. Luke, pour Felicity
some water, Nanette demanded then returned to cleaning the kitchen.
Felicity reluctantly returned to her chair but didn t pull herself as
close to the table. Hopefully she was thwarting Luke by not moving in
so close to him, but he was such a tall man, she knew she didn t have
much chance of keeping him and his foot at bay. Not that she really
wanted to. She was fighting the urge to crawl over the table, sit in his
lap, and place his big hands on her breast and pussy. She wondered
what the hell he thought he was doing. Why was he hitting on her?
She looked to Tom and Billy to see if they had been watching. She
glared at them as they gave her innocent smiles. Oh yeah, they knew.
She wasn t that ignorant of men. She did read erotic romance novels,
after all. Even though she was still a virgin, she knew what went on
between men and women. Felicity ate a few mouthfuls of food, not
really tasting anything. She was just beginning to relax again when
she felt Luke s foot in her crotch. He hadn t given her any warning
this time. He had gone straight for what he wanted. Felicity jumped to
her feet, grabbed her plate, and took it into the kitchen.
Thanks for dinner, Nanette. I m sorry I couldn t do it justice. I m
just not very hungry, Felicity stated, and then she practically ran for
her bedroom.
* * * *
Nan turned to Luke, Tom, and Billy. She stood with her hands on
her ample hips, tapping her foot on the floor, and glared at the three
men. What did you do to that poor girl? She ran out of the room as if
all the hounds of hell were on her heels.
We didn t do anything, Tom replied, struggling to keep his
amusement from showing.
And pigs fly backwards. I know you three, and I know what
you re up to. You treat that little girl right. She s an innocent little
Double E Ranch 43
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