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slept most of the day.
A dreadful thought crossed her mind. What if
Zacke had been called into work, and Miles and
Hawk were too chicken to come out and tell her?
Because of Hawk s impromptu run after the blonde,
she had to bust her butt to be ready for her date.
 Hello, where is everyone? Miranda called
stepping off the final step.
Zacke stood in the shadows of the entryway, a
few feet from Miranda. He had finished dressing
while the water pipes still hummed for Miranda s
shower. He d been in the basement, where he had
moved his blood supply, enjoying a bit of liquid
dinner when he heard Miranda s tentative query. He
followed her voice but instead of answering her, he
stared, mesmerized by the sight of her standing on
the stairs.
Faith V. Smith
Never had his home been graced with a vision
such as Miranda. Her copper hair reflected the light
from the entrance hall and shone with a mixture of
tangerine, red, and even lighter shades of peach. The
lovely mass tumbled to her shoulders and then
cascaded downward to contrast with alabaster skin
peeking above the neckline of her sapphire dress.
Zacke s heart collided with his feet. To have this
wonderful woman in his life everyday and to truly be
able to love her in all ways would be more than he
had ever dreamed possible.
Yet, his own stupidity in dragging his feet and
his reluctance to tell her what he was could cause
him to lose her forever.
He should have gone to her after he d spoken
with Hawk and Miles. Both had been visibly angry
at Gabriella s bold approach.
 I m sorry, Zacke, it took both Miles and I a
moment to snap out of that mind freeze and by the
time I realized it was her, then followed, she
disappeared. I did find the wig in a dumpster but
nothing else to show which direction she d gone.
 She s devious. Don t blame yourselves for not
being on her level. We ll catch her. Zacke grimaced.
 I just hope it s sooner rather than later.
Zacke s heart moved back to his chest from
where it had lodged in his throat and pounded so
loudly it hurt his sensitive ears. His breath exploded
with such force his incisors extended and then
retracted. He had run out of excuses and time was a
luxury he could not afford.
He would tell her tonight after dinner.
Zacke watched Miranda push the last of her
prime tenderloin around the edges of the porcelain
dinner plate. Despite her slightly hesitant mood, she
participated in his hard sought topics during the
appetizer and their entrees.
Kensington s Soul
The rare steak he ordered sat in his stomach
like a boulder surrounded by a red wine river.
The liquor helped to relax both of them or at
least he d thought it had. But for the last several
minutes, Miranda had silently avoided his gaze.
Zacke found himself at a loss for words, a
problem he encountered only with Miranda. Being
with her tonight was his idea; he had succumbed to
the inevitable. His strength of will had slowly eroded
over the last two months, ever since he d installed
her in his home and his bed.
If he had not already been working nights, he
would have volunteered just to keep his sanity. He
tried to schedule his nocturnal visits home when he
knew Miranda would be asleep, but some nights he
had misjudged the timing.
Those moments haunted him night and day.
He didn t know what was worse; finding a
football jersey clad Miranda snuggled against his
pillow, or surprising her in the kitchen during her
chocolate hunts.
She invaded his peace of mind ten times worse
than an enemy army could invade the shores of his
English home. Not to mention what she d done to his
Miranda filled each room of his previously
austere dwelling with flowers, pictures, and various
but separate mates of footwear.
He smiled as he remembered how she would
bemoan the fact that she could never find her shoes.
 Zacke, why are you looking at me that way?
He jerked as Miranda s words penetrated his
memories.  Like what?
 Like, I don t know, maybe like I ve developed
the traits of a cuddly puppy or something.
Zacke s laughter burst forth, startling the waiter
weaving his way behind their table.
 You, my darling Miranda, are much more
Faith V. Smith
enticing than a puppy.
Miranda s gaze sparked with humor but the
laughing lights quickly extinguished. Her blue eyes
turned a stormy gray and her beautiful lips pulled
into a taut line.  Well, you couldn t prove it by me,
Zacke. I have been a guest in your home for 
 Not a guest, Miranda, you are much 
 If you say  much more one more time Zacke, I ll
hit you. The entire time I have been living there, I ve
seen you maybe ten times. Can you explain that?
Zacke didn t care for the turn their conversation
had taken. Miranda s attitude demanded an
immediate response, but he didn t want to get into
that here and now.
The courage he had garnered at the beginning of
the evening crawled back into its black hole. Zacke
didn t know if he could coach it back.
He watched the storm clouds grow in Miranda s
eyes and realized he would rather confront her anger
with a bit of his own.
 So be it. If you want an explanation for my
attitude, Miranda, I ll give you one. He ignored her
wide eyes and open mouth.  But, I will not do it
here. My alleged faults and my life history will be
better told at home. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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