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yourself, then you will get hurt. You should an das swert komen und das mag / her wol
also turn [Wenden] well and always aim tuen / mit den vorsetczen / wen dy komen
your point at his breast so that he must con- aus den vier hewen / von itzlicher seiten
sider this. A good swordsman should also / eyn o[e]berhaw und eyn u[e]nderhaw /
learn how to get at the opponent s sword. Und gen yn dy vier hengen wen als bald als
And this you will do well from the displace- eyner vorsetzt von unden / ader von oben
ments [Vorsetczen] that comes from the / so sal her czu hant yn dy hengen komen
four strikes, from each side an upper strike / und als her mit der vo[e]rdern sneiden /
[Ober] and an [Unterhaw] and into the four alle hew und stiche abewendet / als ist es
hangings [Hengen]. Since as soon as you mit den vorsetczen
can displace [Vorsetzt] from above or be-
low, then you shall come into the hangings
[Hengen] at once. And as you turn aside
[Abewendet] all strikes and thrusts with
the foremost edge, that is also displacing
33R 33R
This is regarding attacking after [Noch- Das ist von nochreisen
reisen] Nochreisen lere / czwefach ader sneit in dy
Learn to attack after [Nochreisen ] twofold were / Czwey ewsere nymme / der erbeit
or cut in the defence. Two outer takings dornoch begynne / Und pru[e]ff dy ferte /
[Ewsere nymme] let the work begin. And ab sye sint weich ader herte / Das fu[e]len
try the contact, if it is weak [Weich], or lere / Indes / das wort sneidet sere / Reisen
hard [Herte] learn how to feel [Fuelen], at czwefache / den alden snet mete mache /
once [Indes] - that word cuts severely. At- Volge allen treffen / den starken wiltu sy
tack twofold, and also do the old cut well, effen / In aller lere / den ort keyn eyns ge-
follow all hits if you whish to emulate the sichte kere / mit ganczem leibe / nochreize
strong one. In all teachings, turn the point / deyn ort io da pleibe / lere auch behende
into the face and attack after [Nochreize] / reizen / zo magstu wol enden
with all your body then your point will do
well. Learn to attack with skill and you will
make a good ending.
33V 33V
This is regarding the running over [Ober- Das ist von o[e]berlawfen / ffechter sich
lawfen] Swordsman, take notice. czu /
He who seeks below, run over him [Ober- Wer unden remet / o[e]berlawf den / der
lawf] above and he will be ashamed. When wirt beschemet / Wen is klitzt oben / so
it flashes above, be strong, that I will praise. sterke das ger ich loben / deyn erbeit mache
Do your work, or press strongly twofold. / ader herte dru[e]cke czwefache / wer dich
He who presses you down, run him over dru[e]kt neder / o[e]berlawf in / slach sere
[Oeberlawf] and strike hard against him. weder / Von beiden seiten / o[e]berlawf und
From both sides run over [Oeberlawf] and merke dy sneiden
notice the edges.
34R 34R
This is regarding the setting aside, learn it Das ist von abesetczen / das lere wol
well [Abesetczen] Lere abesetczen / hewe stiche ku[e]nstlichen
Learn to set aside, to hurt strikes and letczen / Wer auf dich sticht / dyn ort trift
thrusts with skill. When he thrust at you, und seynen bricht / von payden seyten / trif
your point will hit and break his. From both allemal wiltu schreiten / in aller lere / deyn
sides, always step if you wish to hit. In all ort keyn eyns gesichte kere /
teachings turn your point into his face.
34V 34V
This is regarding changing through Das ist vom durchwechsel
[Durchwechsel] Durchwechsel lere / von payden seyten
Learn how to change through [Durch- stich mete sere / Wer auf dich bindet /
wechsel] from both sides and thrust with durchwechsel in schire vindet / (Wen du
intent. He who binds you [your sword] is durchwechselt hast / slach stich / ader
found to be open by the changing through winde/ haw nicht zum swerte durchwechsel
[Durchwechsel]. When you have changed do mete nicht laz warte)
through , strike, thrust or turn [Wind]. Do Glossa / Hie merke / das durchwechsel gar
not strike at the sword but change through gerade czugehet / czu beiden seiten / von
[Durchwechsel] and do not wait for (or oben neder / und von unden of / Wer is
with doing the changing through, do it at anders rischlich treibet / Wiltu nu / czu der
once) it. rechten hant / von oben neder durchwech-
Glossa. Note here that changing through seln / zo haw eyn o[e]berhaw gleich czu ym
[Durchwechsel] goes straight forward on / alzo das du dynen ort schu[e]st / ym czu
both sides, from above to below and from seyner linken seiten o[e]ber dem gehilcze
below upwards when done quickly. If you yn / alzo das du das selbe lo[e]chel und fen-
wish to change through from above to be- sterleyn / io gerade treffest / czwischen der
low on the right side, then strike an upper sneiden und deme gehilcze / triftz du / zo
strike [Oberhaw] straight at him so that hastu / gesigt /
you shoot your point towards the left side Wert her dir das / mit deme das her dyn
in over his cross guard [Gehilcze], so that ort abeweist und / dru[e]ckt / mit seyme
you hit in that small opening between the swerte hin / so la dyn ort sinken von der
edge and the cross guard. If you hit then selben seiten under seyme swerte heru[e]m
you have won. / czu der andern seiten / nicht weit u[e]m /
zonder unden an sym swerte / zo du neste
If he defends against that and presses your magst / und da var ym gar rischlich / o[e]ber
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