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said as he breezed by to his office.
 Take a message, he said.  I ve got something to follow up
 Yes, sir.
Trevor entered his office, finding Sandy at his desk fielding
phone calls.
 No, I m sorry, he has no comment.
When she had the chance to catch her breath, she had all his
calls routed to the receptionist giving her orders to take them and
they d be handled later.
 You re a gem, he said, throwing himself down on his leather
couch.  You also look good behind my desk.
 Flattery will get you everywhere.
 Sandy, I have to ask you something, he said, turning serious.
 What, Trev?
 While I ve been out searching for my best friend, one thing
hit me like a ton of bricks.
 And what s that?
 Life is too fucking short.
 True but& 
 Sandy, we ve lost too damned much time together. When we
are together, we re good and when we re not, I feel& 
 Trevor, I& 
 Hear me out. I saw what Brock found with Dominique and
realized I ve screwed up a lot between us. I want to see if there is
Internet Bonds Series Book 8: After Glow
anything between us because if there is, I want to explore it and
hold on to it if we can.
Sandy got up from the desk, locked the door to the office then
went to stand before him. Crossing the room, she slowly removed
her clothes, her beautiful body calling to him. Wearing only a
thong and high heels, she held out her hand to him, Trevor taking
 I ve waited so long to hear you say those words. I want the
same thing and I don t care what the reasoning is behind you find-
ing some sense in your life. I want you, Trevor, because some-
where along the way, I fell in love with you.
Trevor pulled her down to him, his lips covering hers while
his hands cupped her breasts. She slid the thong off, their kiss dee-
pening as she fumbled with his belt and finally got his pants out of
the way. Her long legs straddled his lap, Sandy lowering herself to
his waiting cock.
His hand went to the barrette holding her luxurious mane of
tumbling dark curls back. Once freed, they blanketed her shoul-
ders, their softness driving Trevor insane with desire for her.
 You re amazing, you know that?
 Keep telling me that, Trevor.
He kissed her again then drew back to look at her. While she
moved her fabulous body along the length of his swollen shaft, Tre-
vor knew he d crossed a line he couldn t come back from.
 How long have we been together?
 On and off ten years.
 And you never gave up on me?
 Never, she answered as he took her to the edge and held her
 Sandy, I think ten years is long enough to wait. I love you and
I want you to marry me.
Trevor s release filled her, Sandy crying out as she threw her
head back. Trevor groaned, pulling her down to kiss him.
Internet Bonds Series Book 8: After Glow
 Yes, she said.  Yes.
* * * *
Trevor watched his sexy vixen dress, going back to her profes-
sional persona wanting her more. He fixed his clothes, leaving his
shirt out.
 I m going to see someone and I want you to come with me. I
want no lies between us.
 I think I know who we re going to see. Has all this been done
to flush out& 
 Yes, he said quietly.  Does this change anything?
 No, because I know you wouldn t endanger your best
friend s life any more than it has been. For someone to publicly
take him from the courthouse and out the front door took balls, to
be blunt.
 I ve been trying to build a case against Peterson so we can
bury him somewhere while giving Brock a chance to recover from
what the asshole had his men do to him.
 I ve worked with you long enough to know how you think
and work. I admire someone who can handle things the way you do
because you get the job done and right.
 I don t know about this one though. Peterson s gone deep
underground. I don t like when we can t find our suspect or his as-
 What happened to the trial?
 Postponed until the furor over the kidnapping dies down
both sides agreeing. I don t think they want to appoint another
judge but& 
 But if he s still in hiding, he can t hear the case and you start
getting into the right to a speedy trial argument.
 That s up to Brock s boss.
She nodded then went to him.
 Shall we get going? I want to pick up where we left off.
Trevor groaned, kissing her. Why didn t I do this before?
Internet Bonds Series Book 8: After Glow
* * * *
The doorbell rang, Dominique answering it while Brock re-
mained out of sight, his Glock ready if needed. Even though they
expected Trevor, he refused to take any chances, especially after
his wife s reminder.
 Trevor, how are you? she asked, inviting him in.
He gave Dominique a quick kiss then he and Sandy stepped to
the side so she could close the door.
 Dominique Sanders, Sandy Danner my secretary and, as of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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