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the limo over to the side. That s my signal.
Rohan peered through the tinted glass. He
could see people milling about outside, but he
didn t know enough of the hawks to figure out
which side the people were on.
It doesn t matter who wins here. I ve got what
I need. Vick pointed a gun at Harris. I know you
wouldn t want to endanger your pretty bear.
Aww, you think I m pretty? Harris batted his
eyes at the vampire.
I think you are the reason we are failing as a
species. Too much interspecies mingling, Vick
said in a disgusted voice.
You do know that as a gay man, I wasn t going
to reproduce anyway, right? Rohan asked, dryly.
Don t be a smart ass, Rohan. You could ve
been the best ruler ever, but instead, you dull our
fangs and restrict our hunting. We could run this
city, but you have us hiding in the shadows, afraid
of humans hunting us. I say, let them come, we ll
use them for food. Vick giggled.
Which sorcerer is yours? Harris asked
To Bite a Bear
What? Vick asked.
You re obviously under a sorcerer s control.
Which one? Harris persisted.
Rohan peeked outside. Vampires can t be
controlled by sorcerers, Harris. There, that was
definitely Eaton punching out a sorcerer.
He doesn t control me, Vick said. He loves
Rohan s head snapped back around. You fell
in love with a sorcerer?
Harris and Rohan exchanged knowing glances.
A sorcerer could influence a vampire if the
vampire was stupid enough to drink his blood.
I m not in love, Vick sneered. We are
partners. I don t touch men.
Are you the one who poisoned the humans?
That was one thing Rohan hadn t been able to
figure out. How the humans had become
poisoned. He foolishly hadn t believed a member
of his coven could ve done such a thing.
You are a bit slow, aren t you? Didn t think
any of your people could turn on you?
Rohan owed Madeleine an apology. Privately,
he d thought she might be the source of the
I guess I hoped the people I ve cared for over
the past few centuries had some loyalty, Rohan
admitted. The betrayal hurt more than he thought
Amber Kell
You know how it goes. It s all about what
you ve done for us lately, Vick mocked.
Without warning, he fired his pistol. Harris
jerked back. A blossom of blood spread across his
No! Rohan screamed. Horror took over his
good sense as Harris blinked up at him with pain-
filled eyes.
Another weapon fired. The sound had him
snapping around in time to see a hole appear in
Vick s head before the vampire tumbled over onto
the seat. The limo door swept open and Aden
appeared in the opening.
Harris has been shot! Rohan shouted. He
couldn t think. Panic overwhelmed his mind like
white noise. With shaking hands he tried to stop
the flow of blood pouring from his mate. For the
first time, he didn t want the life-giving liquid, not
if it meant the death of his beloved.
Keep it together, boy! Aden snapped. With
quick, efficient movements, Aden stripped off
Harris shirt and turned him to examine the
wound. A hole pierced Harris back. It went
through. We need to get him back to the
M-my house is closer, Rohan stuttered out.
We don t know who in your coven to trust.
This guy might not have been the only one. Aden
To Bite a Bear
pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket. Keep
pressure on his wound.
Before he could respond by more than taking
control of the cloth, Aden stepped back and
slammed the door behind him.
I can do this. Stick with me, beloved. I need
you by my side. Words of love and adoration
tumbled from Rohan s lips. He couldn t stop
spilling every thought and secret to Harris.
Throughout the drive, Harris said little and his
labored breathing frightened Rohan. Please,
beloved, don t leave me.
If Harris were a human, Rohan could ve saved
him with a bite and converted him to a vampire.
Shifters didn t work like that. Once a shifter,
always a shifter. Rohan could bite Harris until the
end of his days and he d never become a vamp.
I-I m not going anywhere, Harris whispered.
Heavy lids covered his usually vibrant eyes, and
he lost consciousness.
Rohan chilled as he imagined the emptiness of
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