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 What do you think happened to him? the other guy
 God only knows, Mac said.
 I wonder how he got here? I didn t see a car.
 Someone probably dumped him. I only hope the medics
get here in time.
Autumn Leaves
Chapter 17
Kate had gone back to school after taking a couple of
weeks off to try and heal her shattered heart. She flew to
Washington to visit her sister, Joan, and her family. It turned
out to be good therapy to be with them. Joan s twin five-year-
old boys ran her ragged, but she loved every second of the de-
lightful torture.
Joan had married her childhood sweetheart. Paul always
knew he wanted to be an airline pilot. He had taken lessons
from the moment he was allowed to fly and had logged hun-
dreds of flying hours by the time he applied for a job with
American Airlines after graduating from high school.
Kate knew that her parents had wanted Joan to go to col-
lege and have a profession to fall back on in case she needed to
support herself, but they kept their silence when she decided
not to go and took a job in a local department store. It
wouldn t have mattered much, anyway, for two years later
she was married and living in Chicago.
Joan wanted children more than anything. Unfortunately
she had one miscarriage after another. But she refused to give
up. Finally after nine years of failed pregnancies and disap-
pointment, she conceded that if she wanted to have children
Autumn Leaves
she would have to adopt.
Waiting to be called and told that the adoption agency
had a child for her, she conceived once more. Only this time
she carried full-term and gave birth to two beautiful boys.
That Christmas, Kate and her parents flew to Seattle to see
the babies. She had gone back for a visit two years later, but
hadn t been there since. So seeing the boys again was like see-
ing two new kids, because they had grown and changed so
The visit took her mind off Peter during the day. It was
during the long empty nights that she ached for him the most.
Joan, knowing her sister was hurting, brought up the sub-
ject of Peter.  Kate, I know you loved Peter with your entire
being, but he s gone. You ve got to accept that and get on
with your life.
Kate said nothing. Tears formed in her eyes.
 I love you, Kate. I would never say anything to hurt
 Why did He have to take him? We were so happy, damn
 If you re trying to understand God, forget it. He defi-
nitely works in mysterious ways. I m a prime example.
 What does that have to do with me?
 Nothing, and yet, everything. He took Peter for a rea-
son. I have no idea why, only that it s according to His game
 That s a crock and you know it.
 You ve got to believe in something, Kate, so you can
move on.
 I believe that He is a spiteful God.
 No. Kate, not really. You re just hurting now. You ll
Autumn Leaves
see things differently in time.
 Look, Joan, I don t want to seem ungrateful, but I really
don t want to talk about this now.
 All right, but I m here if you need to talk.
Kate thanked her and walked away, tears streaming down
her face. Why didn t anyone understand how she felt? Waking
up and greeting each new day without Peter was so painful.
Everyone told her she had to get on with her life. What life?
The empty shell she had become? Peter had been her entire
Joan did not bring up the subject again, which made the
remaining days of Kate s visit more comfortable. On the last
day a postcard came from her parents. They were in Texas
and thinking of joining a cattle drive.
 I thought you brought our parents up to be logical
people, Kate said to Joan.
 Don t you dare blame me for this craziness. I left them
in your care after I moved out.
 Where did we go wrong? they both said in unison and
began to laugh. They laughed until the tears came.
 What s so hysterical? Paul Dyson asked, walking into
the kitchen and finding his wife and sister-in-law laughing and
crying at the same time.
Not able to quite catch her breath yet, Joan handed him
the card. He read it and then asked,  So, what s so funny?
That started the women laughing again. Confused, Paul
left the kitchen. When they were calm and all laughed out,
they found Paul in the den watching TV.
 You don t think it s funny that my parents want to join a
cattle drive at their age? Joan asked.
 Is that what you two were so hysterical about?
Autumn Leaves
 I guess you had to be there, Kate added in their defense.
 I guess so, Paul said.  Where are the kids?
 At Sarah s. She offered to watch them so we can go out
to dinner for Kate s last night here.
 That was nice of her. Did you decide where you want to
go eat?
 I thought so. Wanna fill me in.
 The Blue Striper, since we all like seafood.
 Do we need reservations?
 No. I don t think we ll have a problem getting a table.
It s a Wednesday night.
 Okay. I ll go shower and change. You two do whatever
you two have to do.
After Paul walked out, Joan said,  Doesn t he just have a
way with words?
Kate suppressed a laugh.  Don t get me started.
 You needed that.
 Maybe, Kate said and hugged her older sister.  Some-
times I miss not sharing a room and having you there to tell
my problems to.
 There s always the telephone.
 It s not the same.
Joan smiled.  I know what you mean, Sis. Then glancing
at the wall clock, she said,  Hey, we d better get ready too.
* * * *
Joan drove Kate to the airport. Kate promised not to wait
too long to return for a visit. After a tearful goodbye, Joan
watched her younger sister walk into the terminal. She hoped
that she d come to terms with Peter s death soon and find a
way to begin again.
Autumn Leaves
* * * *
Kate tried to keep her mind on the book she had started,
but it kept straying. She thought about some of the things Joan
had said and wished she could accept everything on blind
faith. But she knew she couldn t. Religion had really never
been a strong point in their home. She just wanted to make
some sense out of the whole thing. Why give her something
so beautiful only to eventually take it away?
An hour into the flight Kate fell asleep. She dreamed of
Peter. They were lying in bed together after having made
love. He kissed her head and then her hand.
 I love you, Kate. I never thought I find someone that
filled me with such wonderful thoughts as you do.
 Maybe you were hanging around computers too much.
 I m being serious here.
 I ve been with many women, but none could hold a can-
dle to you.
Kate leaned over and kissed his mouth.  I love you just as
 That s why I want to find a better job. I want to be able
to give you whatever your heart desires.
 I d love you even if you were a ditch digger. It s you that
matters, not materialism.
 I know that& but I want you to have everything& 
Kate put her finger over his lips and shook her head.
 None of that is necessary, she said, kissing him.  Just stay
with me forever.
 You know I will. Till death do us part& 
* * * *
Mark picked Kate at the airport and took her home. She
Autumn Leaves
felt as if she had been on the plane for a week, let alone only a
few hours.
 Would you like to come in for some coffee? Kate asked
when they reached her apartment complex.
 If you re sure you re not too tired.
 I m okay. I d like to be filled in on what s been happen-
ing at school.
Kate made a pot of coffee and opened a box of cookies.
 Yuck! Those are low fat cookies.
 That s all I have. I m sorry. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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