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Joseph was a man who d been raised to curb his
tremendous strength around women, to lend it if it was needed,
but to never deliberately hurt a woman. His spanking tendencies
in the Before Time conflicted with this philosophy, but then any
spanking was entirely consensual or he was very careful not to do
proceed. That road would have lead to a numbered orange
jumper and an affectionate roommate named Bubba.
Things were radically different now, however. He had
resisted a lot of the changes that he didn t agree with, and had
ended up wealthy enough, somehow, that he could do so with
relative immunity. But Prima . . . Katherine s presence in his life
had changed things again, brought out things in himself  and
not pleasant things  that he didn t necessarily want to recognize,
like the fact that gazing at her well punished bottom kept him
perpetually stiff and horny.
Even with several big, fluffy cushions he d put on her
chair, she couldn t sit down to eat. Joseph made sure she only did
light duty  really only cooking for him  for several days
afterwards, drank lots of fluid and took expensive Vitamin E
capsules to help speed the healing of her rounded nates. Despite
his somewhat clumsy attempts to care for her, Prima was skittish
at best. Joseph felt like he was trying to coax a feral creature to
eat out of his hand; she very carefully hadn t disobeyed any order
he d given her, but every time Prima had to get close to him she
looked like a frightened rabbit, ready to flee at any second  not
that there was anywhere for her to go. Conversely, he touched
her more often  he probably had sex with her more when her
bottom was sore than when it wasn t - hoping it would settle her.
Joseph also consciously spent more time with her, reading to her
and just holding her on his lap or playing cards with her as he let
her stretch out on the couch on her tummy.
To his delight, he discovered that she knew how to play
cribbage. Few men knew the game anymore, and even fewer
women. She royally skunked him the first game, then gave him a
deer in headlights look that blatantly said that she hadn t even
considered the idea that she should let him win.
Joseph leaned over and caught her chin, tipping her face
up to his so that she had to meet his eyes.  If I d ve wanted a
lapdog, I d ve bought one. Beating the pants off me at cribbage is
not disrespectful, he reassured her.  It s just humiliating! he
added with a rueful smile that he was glad to see her tentatively
return. Katherine had been so subdued around him; he d missed
their lively conversations at dinner. Hopefully this was a sign that
she was getting back to normal.
At breakfast one morning, he hit his head with a loud
slap.  Dammit all to hell!
Katherine looked at him questioningly. He didn t
usually use any sort of profanity  well, except the word  fuck
around her . . . usually while he was doing it to her.
 I forgot that some of the guys I used to hang around
with  they re coming over tonight for poker. We alternate
monthly or so, and this is my night. Sonofabitch!
As she cleaned their dishes, she croaked,  You don t
sound very happy about it, Sir.
Joseph leaned against the counter next to her, frowning
and gulping down the last of his coffee.  They re old friends and
business partners, some of them. I can t really cancel it, especially
not on such late notice. He looked down at her critically.  Are
you up to it?
Prima shrugged her shoulders, pleasantly surprised that
he d even asked.  I m all right. What will you be needing, Sir?
His gaze didn t waver as he looked into her clear hazel
eyes, his own narrowing thoughtfully.  Are you telling me the
truth, Prima, or what you think I want to hear?
She gulped hard, but answered,  I m telling you the
Joseph seemed to consider this carefully.  Maybe it
would be best if I just did this myself and put you to bed early . . .
but I really did want to show you off. He put his mug down and
wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, guiding her
gently back against him until he heard the hiss of breath through
her teeth when her bare bottom came in contact with his jeans.
 Sore, baby? Joseph pressed his lips against her temple tenderly.
Squirming a little, and blushing a lot, Katherine
answered primly,  Yes, Sir. Oh, God, she wished he wouldn t
treat her so carefully sometimes  the contrast between the man
who was holding her now and the man who lit into her bottom
savagely two days in a row was too much for her to reconcile.
Which one was the real man? Why, when he was affectionate like
this, treating her like he cared just a little bit about her, did she
melt so quickly, forgetting the torment he d put her through a
short time ago? Her body remembered, and she was reminded in
spades every time she tried to sit down. Her mind forgot almost
instantaneously, it seemed. She couldn t even keep a decent
grudge against him, to the point where it wasn t even him she
was angry at  it was herself and her damned willingness to fall
for him every time he did anything towards her that smacked of
niceness and decency.
Maybe it was Stockholm Syndrome . . . but then she
hadn t been kidnapped. This was her life.
Joseph turned her around within his arms, his lips
caressing hers, teasing them into a soft, hot kiss. His next words
amazed her.  I m going to allow you to decide for yourself. I don t
care one way or another; I would like to parade you in front of my
friends because you re the most beautiful thing I ve ever owned.
Katherine forgot herself and snorted when he used the
word  beautiful in relation to her, and Joseph wasn t going to
put up with it.
He looked down at her from his towering height,
frowning in that terribly intimidating manner he could adopt in a
second.  Katherine Marie, you know how I feel about you
denying that you re beautiful. You know that s naughty behavior
and it could get you a spanking. You don t want a spanking, do
Prima shook her head emphatically. No way did she
want his broad palm blistering her bottom! But she could
already feel her traitorous body preparing itself for him, just at
those words. At the idea of being owned by him. At the way he
treated her like a little girl when she was twenty-nine. Because he
could spank her any time he wanted  and did, that her bottom
and her pussy and her breasts were no longer her own, no more
than her pleasure or her pain was her own any longer.
 I can t hear you shaking your head, young lady, came
the sharp reprimand.
 N-no, Sir. Please, I don t want a spanking! Her words
only confirmed that she had been regressed to the level of a five
year old, pleading not to be punished on her bare bottom.
Joseph relented from his stern demeanor and hugged
her to him, rocking slightly back and forth as he rubbed her back.
 I don t want to have to spank you either, Katherine, but I will if
you re naughty again. He moved away only enough to catch her
cheeks between his palms.  You are my beautiful Prima. Joseph
turned her head up so that she had to look into his eyes, then he
kissed the tip of her nose.
 I don t care which one you pick  I m thinking maybe
you need to be put to bed early to do some more recovering
rather than staying up way past your bedtime, running around
and filling up everyone s beer mug all evening . . . What do you
Katherine bit her lip, wondering if somehow he was
trying to trick her into something.  May I ask you some
 If I choose the wrong thing, will I be punished? Her
eyes darted to his then down, fearfully.
Joseph sighed hard, running a hand through his hair, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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