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idea what this is all about.
 You know exactly what this is about, he snapped.  Do not
pretend you don t understand, because you do.
Lizzie s Laces
Three steps put her directly in front of him, her anger flaring to life
at his refusal to say what he meant, to even acknowledge his
feelings.  I will tell you what I do understand, Tony. You are a
coward. You are scared of me, you are scared of your own
emotions, and you are scared of what you think I would ask of
you. She jabbed a finger into his chest to punctuate each
sentence.  The truth is, the last thing I would want would be for
you to stop sailing. I am no fragile flower to sit beside the fire and
cry for your return. I would be your partner. I would be by your
 Damn it, Lizzie, he said, his voice somewhere between a whisper
and a growl,  why can t you be like the others? Why can t I let you
They locked eyes and he caught her hand in his before dragging
her into a rough embrace. His hard lips closed over hers, robbing
her of breath and strength in the same sweet moment. One large
hand caught her around the waist while the other tangled in her
hair, and she strained to get even closer, to press the length of her
body against his. Exaltation raced through her as their lips, hands,
and bodies intertwined. She wrapped her arms about his neck and
let him show her what a kiss should be, the touch of his mouth
leaving her breathless and weak with hunger for more. It was
everything she had ever wanted, all she had dreamed about.
But then it was over. Before she could react, he pulled away and
stared down at her with an unfathomable expression.
 Lizzie, I 
 Captain! Captain! The door flew open to reveal Stenn standing in
the doorway, his thick chest heaving.
 What is it? Tony growled.
Lizzie dropped her arms from Tony s neck and pulled away
hurriedly, the warmth of a flush spreading across her cheeks.
Kirsten Scott
Stenn coughed apologetically, but didn t budge from the doorway.
 A fierce storm s blowing in. The lines are already starting to ice
over. Should I order the men to reef the topsails?
Tony shook his head.  No. Leave her be.
 But what about . . .? Stenn looked at Lizzie.
She did not hide her outrage. Pulling up to her full five feet three
inches, she tilted her head back and said sternly,  We will not slow
down on my account, Mr. Stenn. I have ridden out my share of
storms. They do not frighten me. Besides, the sooner we get to
Boston, the sooner I will see my father.
Stenn looked skeptical. He turned to Tony, who stared at Lizzie as
the barest hint of a smile played around the corner of his mouth.
 You heard her. We will ride the storm as far as she will take us.
Lizzie s Laces
Chapter Three
November 19, 1829
Tony raked an exhausted hand through his hair as he cautiously
made his way down the narrow flight of stairs to the lower deck.
He hadn t slept more than a few hours at a time since the storm
began days before, and he wasn t entirely sure his legs would carry
him the rest of the way to his cabin. But they had done it. Four
days of unspeakable winds had brought them within days of
Boston s harbor.
Lizzie would be home to share her birthday with her father.
Wispy white clouds had replaced the blanket of grey, and shards of
deep blue sky appeared high overhead earlier that morning. When
a light wind finally took the place of the howling gale, Tony
ordered extra rations and a brief break from duties, and all the
sailors sent up a rousing cheer.
He d just reached the bottom step when a tiny bundle of blue and
white flowers and dark chestnut hair barreled into his chest,
lodging somewhere between his neck and his stomach.
 I am so glad you are all right, Lizzie said fiercely, her face buried
in his shirt, still damp from the ocean spray.  I thought the wind
would never cease.
He looked down, unsure what to do with the soft flesh pressed so
closely to his. After a pause he did the only thing he could. He
wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.
Kirsten Scott
 I am glad you were here. The warmth of her body almost stole
the strength from his legs.
Each day of the storm, Lizzie had appeared on deck for a few
minutes, barely catching his eyes before heading back below, and
each time a surge of joy had shot through him. He d thought
having her aboard would terrify him. Instead, it redoubled his
commitment to press on. It was like nothing he had ever felt
before, both intensifying the storm and yet somehow nullifying it.
Simply by her presence, Lizzie made him believe the storm would
be overcome.
She looked up at him in wonder.  Really?
 Really. He circled her waist with his hands and pulled her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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