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her another glance.
Lydia kept her back to him.  Did you want to talk about the Rawlings account?
 Would you at least look at me?
She huffed before turning around. There were bags under her eyes, he noticed for the first
time. Was she not sleeping either, from thinking of him?  What can I do for you?
Hostile Takeover 111
 I think you should take a walk with me on the path by the pond everyone seems so fond
of using.
 I hardly think that's necessary to talk business.
 But I wasn't interested in talking business, and unless you'd like the entire office to know
some very personal details about us, I suggest you take that walk with me.
She folded her arms across her chest and pursed her lips.  Blackmail, Ryder? Is it really
that serious?
 Obviously it is. I think you owe me an explanation for your little disappearing act on
Saturday. Now let's go.
Her nostrils flared.  Fine. She walked past him, forcing him to lengthen his strides to
catch up with her.
Lydia knew she'd have to speak with him sooner or later. She might as well do it now,
even though she'd die before she admitted to him what she'd overheard. The hurt was still raw,
and she could barely bring herself to look him in the face after he'd completely duped her into
believing they had something real. He wasn't the man she believed he was. Once they were on
the walking path, they went a few yards before Ryder broke the uneasy silence between the two
of them.  So are you going to tell me what the problem is, or do I have to read your mind?
 You're the one who wanted this talk, not me.
 Don't give me that shit. I fucking pour my heart out to you, and you basically throw it all
back in my face by leaving without an explanation. Do you know how I felt when I realized
you'd left?
Was he kidding? After what he'd said, why the hell would he care whether she stuck
around, unless he was just the type of guy who couldn't stand losing? It dawned on her that
Ryder wasn't upset that she'd left, but that he wasn't the one to tell her to leave. It sickened her to
think she'd given herself to such a whack job. Thank God she hadn't told him she loved him
that would have made things worse.  Look, Ryder. I was hoping you wouldn't make such a big
deal about it, but I think this little thing we had& well, it's run its course. At least for me it has.
All color drained from his face, leaving him pale beneath his sun-kissed skin.  What?
 Oh come on, Ryder. Let's be adult about this. You've wanted to get into my pants since I
started working here. And I was wary at first because I wasn't looking for any romantic
entanglement. But you were persistent. I was horny, and you were a good lay. I figured if I
wanted to get laid, I'd play along with your little game. But on Saturday I had an epiphany.
His chest visibly rose and fell; his lips thinned to an angry white line.  And what was
 That beyond sex, there's really nothing I want from you. And I could probably get good
sex from any number of places without having to deal with the mushy stuff.
 The hell you will! He looked like he'd explode like Mount Vesuvius. Taking her by the
forearm, Ryder hauled her against him.  What the hell has gotten into you? You aren't the
loving, sensitive woman I fell in love with.
She laughed harshly.  I don't know who you think I am, but it sounds to me like you've
built a fantasy in your head. There's nothing between us beyond sex, and the sooner you realize
112 Eve Vaughn & Shara Azod
that, the sooner you can move on as I have. I'm not ready for any heavy involvement. My main
focus is on my career, and I hope you don't make things difficult for me because of this.
His eyes narrowed, and his fingers dug into her arms, making Lydia gasp.  Do you think I
have so little integrity that I'd allow our relationship to get in the way of business?
 You tell me, Ryder. I noticed Casey has a black eye. I wonder how that happened? What's
the matter? Are you upset because he had me first? Or maybe you're upset because he actually
might be a better lover than you?
 If you think&  Just as quickly as it had appeared, the fire went out in his eyes, and he
released her arms and took a step back with narrowed eyes.  What game are you playing,
She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue.  I don't know what you're talking about.
 You almost had me fooled, but you laid it on pretty thick. A little too thick. Why are you
trying to make me hate you? There's something going on here. Call me conceited if you'd like,
but there's no way you could respond to me the way you did without feeling a little something
for me. What are you so scared of?
Why was he pushing her to admit feelings for him after what he'd said? Was this some
twisted game of his to get her to spill her soul to him and, when she did, he'd laugh in her face?
She couldn't be around him for another second.  Look, you're making this harder for me than it
should be. We never should have gotten involved. Once the Rawlings project is sent to the
production team, it's best I leave Garrison's.
 What are you saying, Lydia?
 I'm saying consider this my two weeks' notice. And I'd appreciate if you didn't speak to
me again unless its business related. She turned on her heel, feeling absolutely sick to her
stomach, but most of all to her heart. With tears blinding her, she took off as fast as her legs
could carry her. She need not have run, because Ryder didn't follow.
Hostile Takeover 113
Chapter Eighteen
Ryder gulped the entire contents of his whiskey glass, wincing at the burn of the fiery
liquid sliding down his throat. Lydia was leaving the agency and walking out of his life. He
could have run after her, could have held her in his arms, could have kissed her until she melted,
but it didn't change the fact that she wanted to leave the agency. Leave him. How had something
so beautiful gone so terribly wrong?
Everything had been going great until his parents showed up. He wondered if meeting
them had scared her off. It was a possibility, but then he dismissed it. He'd made it clear to her
what his parents thought didn't matter to him. It had to be something, though, but what? Hell, he
was too damn drunk to figure it out. He grabbed the whiskey bottle and took a swig, bypassing
the glass altogether this time.
He should have known his sister would put in an appearance when he didn't return any of
her calls.  Don't you ever knock? I think I'm going to ask for my house key back if you keep
showing up unannounced.
She placed her hands on her hips and glared at him.  Well, if you would have answered the
door when I rang the bell, maybe I wouldn't have needed to use my key.
 Didn't want any company. He slurred his words.
 What the hell is the matter with you? You're a mess, and you're drunk.
 There's no law against a man having a few drinks in his own home. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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