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now we have known tragedy. I cannot blame myself-but only because I cannot
spare the energy. In truth, I fear that I
became complacent, even arrogant, in the fullness of my strength and the
certainty that no one would dare challenge me. I was wrong, and tragic events
have occurred. Still, I may not allow myself to be injured by remorse.
Shimrod approached the table.  These things-are they still alive?
 They are alive: Tamurello and Desmei, and desperately scheming for survival.
This time I shall not dally with them and they shall fail. Murgen went to one
of his cabinets and threw wide the doors. He worked at a whirling apparatus
and in due course evoked a glare of pink light and a queer fluting voice:
 Murgen, I speak across the unthinkable gulf!
 I do the same, said Murgen.  How goes your war with Xabiste?
 Well enough. We ordered the whorl Sirmish and flushed the green from
Fangusto. However, at Mang
Meeps they came in force; the place is now infested.
 A pity! But take cheer! I now give you two hybrid demons, Desmei and
Tamurello, both reeking with green.
 This is a pleasant event.
 Just so. You may send a trendnl to take the pair, and to seek out any sops
and seepages of green which they might have exuded.
For an instant the hall flickered with pink light; when it subsided the
hatchet and the pile of bones were gone.
Murgen spoke:  Take the pair to the deepest pits of Myrdal, and seek out the
hottest fires. There destroy them utterly, so that not even their last regrets
linger in the flux. I will wait to learn of this final disposition.
 You must be patient! said the effrit.  A deed worth doing is worth doing
well! I shall be at least ten of your seconds, with another two seconds for my
ritual cleansing.
 I will wait.
Twelve seconds passed. The effrit from Myrdal spoke once more.  The deed is
done. Of the two demons neither jot, atom, breath, thought nor tittle remain.
The pits of Myrdal burn hot.
 Excellent! said Murgen.  I wish you continued success against the green. He
closed the cabinet, and turned back to the table, where he reinforced the
bonds which held Joald quiescent.
Shimrod watched with disapproval.  Joald should also be de stroyed.
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Murgen spoke in a soft voice.  He is protected. Only this much is allowed to
us, and then grudgingly.
 Who protects him?
 Some of the old gods still live.
For a long moment Murgen said nothing. Then:  Certain names should not be
named and certain topics are best not discussed.
Rumours of the cataclysm along the Ulfish coast reached Haidion three days
after the event. King
Casmir heard the reports with keen interest and impatiently awaited full
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details. A courier at last arrived, telling of the devastation which the
ocean had wrought along the South Ulfish coast.
Casmir s sole interest was the damage done to King Aillas military
capabilities.  How far north did the waves strike?
 Not so far as Oaldes. The offshore islands diverted the waves. They also
saved Skaghane and the
Ska Foreshore.
 What do you know of Doun Darric?
 It is King Aiiias Ulfish capital, but it sits high on the middle moors and
it took no damage.
 So the army suffered no losses?
 I cannot say with certainty, Sire. No doubt warriors on leave were lost. I
doubt if the army as a whole was much affected.
Casmir grunted.  And where is King Aillas now?
 Apparently he has taken ship from Troicinet and would be at sea.
 Very well. Go.
The courier bowed and departed. King Casmir looked around at the faces of his
aides.  The time of decision is upon us. Our armies are trained and ready;
they are poised for a swift advance and eager for a smashing defeat of the
Dauts. When Dahaut is ours, we can deal with Aillas at leisure, no matter what [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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