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Betrys summoned her bag and pulled out a white crock from within. He watched her remove
the lid and became horrified when she scooped out a sticky, dark blue cream. Certain the cream
would stain his hands he pulled them away and crossed his arms, hiding them.
I can make you, her voice was soft and even, calm, letting him make of her words what he
would, and then smiled when he once more presented his hands. She slowly applied an even
layer of the cream to each hand, then while waiting for it to dry, she explained what it would do.
Twill ease the pain and heal the wounds, dissolving the splinters as it works. And no, Captain,
it does not stain. Once it has done what twas crafted to do, twill peel off. Now, tell me of the
spell your Torin used.
It snapped with purple arcs of magik. After the first shock, when I brought my hand close,
it reached out towards me, angry, daring. Tis not a friendly spell. He looked at his hands; the
cream was becoming rubbery, which he had to admit disturbed him a bit, except that it was
easing the raw feeling.
He was also growing quite tired.
Interesting. Betrys eased the pirate down upon the berth, the medicine in the cream
beginning to take affect. You angered him most grievously it appears.
I& I said something, but he thought I meant he was a pervert. Never would I say such
about him. I& He wishes to leave me now. Mayhap were I to promise to be good and& His
eyes grew heavy and his voice became child-like. I do not want him to leave. Mamé and Papa
left. Yelled at them I did because I wanted to sail too, but I had to stay because Stupid Ellis was
sick. They never came back because I yelled, because I allowed them not to sing to me, to give
me kisses goodbye.
She brushed hair off Gin s forehead, not surprised by his slight regression. The medicine
was opening doors Gin would normally keep closed. Emotion burned her eyes for the child he
had been, for the guilt he still carried. Your parents were struck down at sea by curs, twas not
their choice to leave you or your brother. Twas not your fault they did not return.
But I wanted to go. Twould have been a grand adventure and mayhap& mayhap I could
have saved them.
No. Had you been with them, you would have suffered the same fate and then where would
your treasure be? He would not have you to help him escape. And what of Ellis? Never could he
have survived your departure from this world. Tis because of you he has become the pirate he
is. Never would he have met Red were you to have perished. Which was not exactly true, but
Gin did not need to know that. Your parents left you with your brother knowing well that you
would take fine care of him.
Stupid Ellis.
Now, now, tis unfair to think such, especially when he loves you so, when he has worked
hard so that you would think him more than just your little brother. Tis why he learned to fight
and steal; wished he did to impress you. She drew two connecting circles upon Gin s forehead
until they glowed bright silver as he drew ever closer to sleep, and then, with a finger in the
center of each circle, reversed their positions with a quick twist of her hand. Sleep now, Master
Py. In need you are of rest and dreams.
Tell Torin not to leave. Good I will be.
I think such sentiments need come from you upon your waking, for I think then you will
understand the words which were spoken in anger and fear, and how they were received by your
How? it was a faint whisper.
By experiencing it all through his eyes while you sleep. She took the circles and dragged
them down over the pirate s closed eyes.
Betrys waited until Gin s soft snores rustled past his lips before taking her leave. She stood
on deck and enjoyed the sea air. She thought soon that she and Rayn would need to take a trip.
Pulling out of her thoughts, she smiled at Rune and motioned him over.
High Keeper! Is all well?
Indeed. Twill take some time to fix the situation in Lynda, but twill be done.
Tis a relief to know, though twill be a long while before we return to Lyndian shores.
Of course. She took a deep breath, once more enjoying the sea air upon her face, uncaring
that there was a bite to it. Of course after battling Green Ice in the Northern Seas, upon the
shores of Nortand this past fall, nothing could ever seem as cold. Master Stone, I would suggest
you soon make port. I know you search out those who harmed your son, but in need you are of
gathering supplies and crew you are dangerously low on both commodities. You need not a
large crew, but a few trusted individuals.
I will speak with my mother about the matter and gain her thoughts. High Keeper, I would
thank ye for forcing my nephew below. Mayhap after some sleep he will gain perspective upon
all that has happened.
We shall see. She offered a secret smile.
Did ye see my son while down below? He is well?
Twas my original intent when I teleported to the boat, and yes, despite the bruises and a
mild fever, he is well. Though he is to rest at least until the morrow.
Aye, twill be so.
Betrys looked over her shoulder at the captain s quarters and wandered over to see the spell
Torin had placed upon the door. Reaching her hand out, she felt the magik stretch towards her,
an angry sizzle accompanying it. She had to admit she was impressed. The spell was completely
under control, not wildly searching out prey, but waiting. It was not a vindictive spell, one that
continued to shock over and over without recourse, but would only attack if approached.
With a soft sound of humor, and slicing motion of her hand, she disarmed the spell, allowing
her to enter the cabin. She closed the door softly behind her and waited for the portly man busy
pacing to take notice of her.
She waited exactly one minute.
Torin stopped and stepped back, stumbled really. Who& ?
Betrys van Wyrn, Master eth Welex. Or mayhap I should call you Thunder Crash. Your
temper is much like your name.
Torin worked his jaw as he stared at the woman with the burgundy wine hair and black eyes.
He was having trouble calming down enough to speak immediately, still angry, still hurt from
the argument with Gin. He had tried lying down on the bed, but he had been unable to shut off
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