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imagined she would, she felt tired and weak.
Jenna Bayley-Burke
Once her world stopped churning, she needed to get her health in order. She didn t want to see Briana
until she felt better. She d watched her sister battle anorexia all through their teens and knew the lectures
that would come if anyone ever found out she d gone days on only diet cola.
Tossing the unpleasant memory atop the pile of things she didn t want to think about, Megan grabbed
a pair of knee-high black leather boots and carried them into the living room. She set them on the bench by
the door where her handbag had ended up last night. The two men were still immersed in business, so she
snagged the steaming mug of creamy coffee from the table and gave Brandon s shoulder a squeeze in
Their conversation stalled while she was in the room, but picked up again as soon as she entered
Brandon s bedroom. It gave her pause, but she decided not to borrow trouble. She didn t care what business
they were discussing. They d already managed to take controlling interest in Carlton International and had
begun to sell off the subsidiaries. It was only a matter of time until everything was parceled out and she
didn t want to know the gory details.
She wanted to get Brandon alone so they could talk about what she d seen, about what exactly they
wanted to tell people about their relationship. She took her time styling her hair and for the first time in
ages did her makeup so that she looked and felt like she used to.
Still, voices blended together in the other room. She didn t have any more time to wait. If Brandon
had more business to take care of, they would just have to talk later.
When she entered the living room, all conversation stopped again. This time the air felt different,
charged with something she didn t want to name. As she neared the table, both Brandon and Danny slid
paperwork into folders and closed them.
Don t hide everything on my account, unless of course, I m why you re putting things away.
Brandon s smile was fake, his dark eyes fathomless as she came to stand beside where he sat. Not at
all, we re just finishing up for the day. Loverboy has a wedding to plan.
Danny shook his head. I just have to fly to Vegas and have a good time. She takes care of all the
details. You re both coming, right?
Megan blinked, a little stunned that Danny had accepted her so readily, enough to invite her to his
I wouldn t miss it. It s not every day you can marry off your two best friends in one shot. Brandon
grinned, even his eyes smiling this time.
Well, you did have something to do with that. Danny slid all of the folders into his briefcase and
then snapped it closed before sliding it onto his lap.
When are you getting married? Megan s mind tried to figure out who he would be marrying.
Brandon knew lots of people, but Danny was the only one she d ever considered his best friend.
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Private Scandal
New Years Eve. He looked to Brandon. We should all fly out together. Maybe you can even talk
her into inviting some of her other friends.
Gemma doesn t want it to be an event, just a wedding. Brandon leaned back in his chair. I know
when my mom finds out she ll probably want to hold some kind of reception.
Megan s pulse thudded in her ears as things clicked into place. She scanned the room, finding her
shoes and purse, but Cash s leash was gone from the table by the door. Brandon must have given him to the
pet concierge of the hotel, a move that would send rumors through the hotel grapevine. Everyone would
know that she d been here, been with Brandon. But the waves of impending humiliation at being used and
discarded were nothing compared to the tsunami of pain drowning her soul.
She looked at Danny s smiling face, hating what she d just realized, hating that he too would soon be
mired in the despair of betrayal. You re going to marry Gemma Ryan?
Danny nodded and raised his hands. I know you two aren t the best of friends, but
She s having an affair with Brandon. Megan stared at Danny, watching his eyes glaze over in
shock. She didn t want to hurt him, but a clean break was better than the slow, strangling end she was
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