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husband could be caressed, embraced like a living entity.
She stayed quiet for a long time, staring at the wall and Dante
could see tears fighting to get free, but she held them back. There was
nothing he could say to take away her pain, so he remained quiet as
 The day I learned that my husband had been killed, I vowed that
I would protect my children from the horrors of the world. She gave
him a weak smile.  I know it s something I can t possibly do, but
keeping them safe is what keeps me going. Making sure they have a
happy and full life is what I want for each of them.
Dante moved from his chair and rested his hand on her upper arm.
 It s what any mother wants for her children, no matter the species.
58 Lynn Hagen
 Can you give Kory that? she asked.  Can you make him
 It doesn t matter to you that I am a male?
She gave him a sad smile.  It doesn t matter to me what gender
Kory loves, just as long as he s the center of that person s universe.
Dante s respect for Kelly grew as he stood there in the kitchen of
her suburban home, listening to the noises of the house, and scenting
wolf. Kory was listening, but how long he had been standing there
Dante didn t know.
 I don t know him yet, but I ll do everything in my power to make
him happy. Dante s eyes flickered toward the steps leading upstairs.
Wherever Kory was listening from, it wasn t in sight.  And I know
we will grow to love each other.
 Why don t you take this one step at a time? Kelly suggested.
 Starting with letting me digest the fact that you re an old vampire.
She poked at his chest.  Does your heart beat?
 It does, he said.  I even breathe. Although he wasn t going to
tell her his heart moved and his lungs functioned only to appear
normal. He didn t need to do either. But he had freaked her out
enough for one night.
 You can take the guest bedroom. Her words threw Dante off
guard.  As long as you are under my roof, no fooling around. Her
expression told Dante she wasn t kidding. He would concede to her
demands, for now. But nothing was going to stand in his way when
Kory was ready to be claimed.
* * * *
Kory hurried up the stairs after he listened to his mom and
Dante s conversation. Dante had already told him that they were
mates, but Kory hadn t really understood what that entailed.
He did now.
Forever Yours 59
The vampire wanted to& Kory wiped his hand over his forehead,
wondering what he was going to do. Dante was suave, worldly,
and& and& god! Kory paced his bedroom, thinking about Dante and
just how attracted he was to the guy. It was just like Dante had
described it. An overwhelming attraction, as if his soul was being
pulled toward the vampire.
He had just thought the vampire was using some kind of mojo on
him. But it wasn t that.
I don t know him yet, but I ll do everything in my power to make
him happy. What guy didn t want that kind of commitment? But Kory
felt like he needed to be committed for everything that was happening
I knew I shouldn t have brought a dead guy home. Yeah, but how
was he supposed to know the dead guy was his mate? Okay, that was
a gross thought. Not the mate part, but the&  What am I going to do?
 About what?
Kory flipped around, tangled his feet, and went sailing toward the
floor where he knew he was going to face-plant.
Dante caught him before Kory s nose could gain a rug burn.
 Why are you so jumpy?
Because you said that we are going to spend the rest of our lives
together. For Dante, that was a damn long time. What if it didn t work
out? How did mates break up? Did mates break up?
 Stop creeping around here so quietly. Kory rubbed his hands
over his shirt, pretending to straighten the material. He noticed how
his hands shook, and cursed under his breath.
Before either could say another word, Kory s mom stuck her head
in the room.  Uh, Dante, you have company downstairs.
Kory and his mom watched as Dante flew toward the window and
looked outside. As the vampire looked for& whatever, Kory shivered
at just how downright evil Dante s expression was. What was he
looking for? Was someone after the man?
60 Lynn Hagen
 Is there something you re looking for? his mom asked.
 Because it s just the neighborhood watch guys. Apparently you
made quite an impression on them.
 That s impossible, Dante muttered.  They shouldn t even
remember me.
 How do they know you? Kory asked. He knew the four men
who were waiting. Not personally, but when Kory had been in high
school, these men had been the butt of a lot of jokes. No one took
them seriously. The four men had never solved a crime not that
there was a lot of crime in Kory s neighborhood and there were
rumors that they had tried to arrest one kid for shoplifting when all
he d been trying to do was load the morning s newspapers in the
newspaper stand.
Dante glanced between Kory and his mom.  I fed from them.
Kory s mom burst out laughing as Kory s jaw dropped.  You
don t kill people when you feed from them?
Dante gave him a droll stare.  Did I kill you?
 You fed from Kory? She crossed her arms over her chest and
gave Dante a look that Kory was far too familiar with. The look that
said she was five seconds away from grounding someone.
Kory would love to see her ground Dante. That would be
 Did they say what they wanted? Dante changed the subject like
a pro.
Kory s mom shrugged.  They want you to join their watch.
 No, both Kory and Dante said at the same time, only Kory said
the word with disbelief. Dante said it as if the very thought was about
to make him sick.
 Why not? she asked.  You re a night person and I m guessing
you don t have anything else to do. Plus  she pointed a finger in
Dante s direction  you need to loosen up and have some fun. You
seem a bit stiff to me.
Forever Yours 61
Kory couldn t hold back the snicker. Dante did seem very formal.
What would it take to make the old vampire laugh? The man was
already handsome, but Kory bet he had a million-dollar smile.  I ll go
with you, he volunteered.
She looked skeptical but nodded.  See? Kory will tag along.
 I m not tagging along, Kory argued.  I can help. Although he
wasn t about to tell her that he could change into a wolf. Kory wanted
to, but the words just wouldn t form. What if she looked at him as
some sort of freak or monster? She was taking the news of Dante
being a vampire pretty well, but he highly doubted Dante cared if she
freaked out or not.
 I am not stiff, Dante stated.  And I know how to have fun.
 Yeah? Her eyebrow arched.  Tell me the last thing you did that
was exciting?
Kory waited for Dante to answer, but the vampire just stood there
 That s what I thought, she said.  Go hang with them tonight.
Find something interesting to talk about, and try to laugh. She tapped
her finger on his chin.  Although I would advise against telling them
you re a vampire.
 Duh, Kory said under his breath as his mom left the room.
 I m not going down there. Dante almost sounded like a child
having a fit.  I m not stiff and I do know how to have fun.
 But you don t remember that last time you laughed, Kory
pointed out. Now that he thought about it, he wanted nothing more
than to hear the sound coming from Dante.  I don t have to work
tomorrow, so we can stay out until the sun almost comes up.
Grabbing Dante s arm, Kory tugged. He knew he couldn t move the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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