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gets stronger. You like light show when you come. Maybe
next time I tune it up, I make sac with fake balls too. Hate
making things that don't work right." The corners of Pak
Song's mouth lifted, and he held his palms apart. "Is twelve
inches when erect. Like this. Two inches diameter. Deluxe
sexbot sized. Don't believe in doing things halfway. Made you
most popular sexbot model."
Conan wondered if he'd be able to get his man-made, neon
cock up at will or whether he'd have to pump it as he
understood women had to do with most sexbots, but he
Luna Ten Chronicles (Collection)
by Ann Jacobs
wasn't inclined to ask just now. Now that he'd recovered from
the first look at the outrageous cock he was actually rather
intrigued by it he turned his attention to his arm. He could
feel it, or maybe he was just feeling the arm that wasn't there
anymore, because while it looked absolutely real, Conan
hadn't been able to control the movement of the wrist or
fingers, no matter how hard he tried.
"It doesn't work," he said as the arm came off in Pak
Song's hands.
"It will." The cyborg maker set the realistic looking forearm
and hand on Conan's stomach, then lifted the stump of his
arm to the light. "Ah. Just as I thought. Loose connection
here. Not making contact." Pak Song folded back a flap of
skin-like material, revealing a grid of complex circuits that
passed nerve impulses from Conan's stump to the bionic arm.
Pak Song looked up and grinned. "I made flap this way so you
not scare people when you not wearing your arm. You like?"
Pak Song's skill amazed Conan. His meticulous attention to
detail in hiding the high-tech circuits that connected his own
severed muscles and nerves to the ones in his prosthesis
seemed unimportant now that the prosthesis acted as an
extension of Conan's own body. "I doubt anyone will have
occasion to see."
When he had on the prosthesis, the only visible evidence
of his severed hand and lower arm would be the barely
discernable line where flesh met the bionic replacement
unlike his colorful cock, which was now a permanent part of
his anatomy. If he ever disrobed, that new addition couldn't
Luna Ten Chronicles (Collection)
by Ann Jacobs
possibly escape notice. Of course the empty crotch it had
replaced would have grabbed attention of a different kind.
"Oh, yeah, Captain. Some pretty lady will see. You gonna
work better than sexbot, even best ones I make." The robot
maker grinned. "Just wait. You be horny devil once this
hormone starts working. Get back sex drive." Pak Song
slapped a small square patch onto Conan's left hip.
Testosterone, forbidden on Earth, was apparently easy to
come by on Obsidion. "You try out new cock in one of the
pleasure palaces, once catheter comes out and Leander gets
cock pierced to please the ladies. Better yet, I lend you one of
my best sexbots to practice on. Now sit up and pay attention.
I show you how we make this arm work good as the one you
* * * *
The following week, freed from his bed at last, Conan
made his first stop the barber and piercer next door to Pak
Song's Sexbot Emporium. He felt naked without a ring in his
cock almost as naked as he'd felt when he'd had no cock at
"Pak Song says use this," Leander said, grinning as he held
up a thick, clear circle. "I never put a fiber-optic cock ring on
a man before. Just on Pak Song's deluxe sexbots. Changes
color, tells your lover you're in the mood." He lost no time
once Conan had stripped, climbed onto the piercing table, and
positioned his legs in the stirrups. "This shouldn't hurt. Pak
Song says cock only has feeling when it's hard, except for
sensors that let you know when you need to pee. This
Luna Ten Chronicles (Collection)
by Ann Jacobs
piercing won't interfere with them." He laughed. "Good thing,
in case you get into fight. No pain when opponent knees you
in groin." Quickly, Leander marked and pierced the head of
the glowing hot-pink cock with its psychedelic green veining.
As he'd promised, the large gauge needle went through
without causing the slightest twinge, and Leander threaded
the transparent ring through the hole.
Once he'd closed the ring with a purple captive bead, he
glanced up at the five weeks' growth of hair on Conan's
shaggy head. "You need shave. Or wax. Head, not body. No
hair on body. And you should get new nipple rings to match
Conan glanced down at the simple gold barbells that
adorned his nipples. It seemed they'd already grown slightly
larger and softer since his castration. Perhaps Leander was
right. "Do you have acrylic rings? Thinner ones?" He couldn't
imagine having rings as thick as the one now swinging from
his cock head dangling from his nipples.
"Yes, boss." Reaching into a drawer, Leander brought forth
a pair of rings and laid them in Conan's hand. "These one inch
diameter. Perfect to make your nipples stand up for
"Thanks. I guess that will be all."
"What about shave?"
"I have no body hair to worry about. Pak Song
permanently removed it. Said it would have interfered with
the electronics inside me. I think I'll keep the hair on my
head. It covers the scars where Pak Song inserted his
electrodes. Go ahead, though, and clip it back to about a
Luna Ten Chronicles (Collection)
by Ann Jacobs
quarter-inch or so." Once Conan would have cringed at the
idea of anybody seeing him with hair sprouting out of his
skull, but no more. He no longer cared that he didn't look the
same as every other Earthling male. Hell, he was no longer
welcome on Earth, and no longer male, strictly speaking, a
fact that had to have been obvious to the barber who'd just
finished inserting a fiber-optic ring through his prosthetic
penis. There wasn't much point in keeping his head shaved
Once Leander cut his hair, Conan ran the fingers of his
bionic hand through the short stubble. It felt good. Soft, yet
prickly. Different, after a lifetime of keeping his scalp cleanly
shaven in accord with Federation regulations.
"Thanks, Leander. I'm sure we'll meet again." Conan
stepped through the connecting door from the barbershop to
Pak Song's workroom and switched on the sexbot the robot
maker had provided for him to test his cock.
"Here. Try this. Helps eunuchs to find pleasure," Pak Song
said, handing Conan a slender silver plug that reminded him
of the finger on his Federation-issued sexbot. "Let it massage
prostate while you have sex."
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