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"There is no need to explain. Which brings me to the point of my
visit. Perhaps you can tell me why he found it necessary to plant his
fist in my face before informing me he had no intention of wishing me
well in my future nuptials."
"Oh, dear heavens, I... I never thought..." Her voice trailed away and
then she forced herself to go on.
"It was something I said. I am afraid I... I told him I was in love
with someone else." She looked away, unable to meet Harry's eyes.
He was silent for a moment.
"So he concluded it was me. Tell me, my dear, was there a particular
reason why you hinted such a thing?
Trying to make him jealous or merely rid yourself of him? " Even more
chagrined, Claire knotted her hands together.
"Neither. Miss... someone said he was betrothed to Alicia Snowden."
"And what reliable source told you that?"
There was no point in lying to Harry.
"Miss Snowden. Last night. She said it was a secret, but he had just
made her an offer." Harry stared at her.
"What the devil would make him do such a thing? He wants to marry
"How do you know that?"
"He told me. Then what happened?"
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"He... he kissed me and that was when I... I told him I was in love
with someone else."
"Damn it, Claire, how can you be such an idiot? The man is more than
half in love with you whether he'll admit it or not!" She looked at
him, his words adding to her misery.
"Oh, Harry! As soon as I saw his face, I knew I was wrong. But she
said he must marry to inherit a castle, and I told him I wouldn't marry
him when he asked me after the masquerade so I thought he had decided
to offer for her."
"He asked you to marry him?"
"Yes, but I really didn't want to be married again." She sniffed,
trying to keep the tears at bay.
"I am so sorry! Now I have ruined your friendship as well."
Harry stepped forward.
"Hang it all, Claire, please don't look like that!" He patted her
shoulder with an awkward movement.
"All is not lost. He'll probably come around once he realises we
aren't to be married." He didn't sound very confident.
She gave him a weak smile.
"It probably is, but I promise I'll try to set things right."
He eyed her with some apprehension.
"Don't do anything rash. Besides, he is to leave London tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" She hadn't much time. She looked at Harry's face, pale
beneath the bruises, and knew she couldn't let things stay as they
were. She touched his sleeve.
"You must go. You look terrible." He frowned--a movement that made
him flinch--then gave her a brief hug.
"Don't look so despairing, my dear. He'll come around, but he needs
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time." He touched her cheek.
"And no more lies."
Jack picked up the decanter of brandy, ready to pour himself another
glass. He set the bottle down in disgust.
Getting thoroughly drunk was not the answer to his sprained wrist. Nor
would a headache in the morning do a thing to ease the emptiness he
felt in his soul.
Even connecting with Harry's face had brought nothing more than
temporary relief.
"Hell!" He slammed his fist on the table. He scarcely noted the pain
that seared through him as his sore hand hit the wood.
"My lord." His butler's voice recalled him to his senses. He spun
around, a frown on his brow.
"What is it?"
"It is Mrs. Ellison, my lord. She wishes to see you." Claire? What
the devil was she doing calling on him this late? It was nearly ten in
the evening. He scowled.
"I am in no condition to receive visitors.
Tell her that. "
"She seems rather distressed." Simms allowed a note of reproach to
enter his voice.
He should send her away. All logic told him so. But his body, his
desires told him something different. He wanted to see her one last
"Very well."
He stood by his desk, waiting for her, his face in the shadows. She
hesitantly entered, still limping slightly. She looked around,
apparently not seeing him at first.
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He stepped forward.
"What brings you here? I usually don't receive visitors this late at
night. Particularly ladies--unless, of course, the business is purely
for pleasure. I doubt you're here in that capacity."
She flinched. A twinge of conscience pricked him, making him even
"I know you are leaving London tomorrow, so I had to come tonight. I
came to apologise."
He stared at her.
"Apologise? What for?"
She knotted her hands together, suddenly reminding him of the girl she
had been.
"For lying to you."
"I have no idea what you're talking about. When did you lie to me?"
She took a deep breath.
"Last night. When I... I told you I was in love with someone. And
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