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"When you went to the obvious whatever you bought--I couldn't see what it
was--was not for Desiderata, I thought you had a lover back in England.
Some highborn noble lady, I thought. Oh, Ranulf, I was so jealous! "
"Foolish wench," he said fondly.
"I'll never give you cause not to trust me."
But suddenly she looked distressed.
"But I have nothing to give you!"
she wailed.
"I had no money. How..."
Standing by her side of the bed, he kissed her forehead. "Shh. You have
given me yourself, my dearest love. What greater gift can there be to a man
from a maiden?" But she was not ready to give up so easily.
"I see that I could give you that gift again," she murmured, reaching a hand
out daringly and stroking his staff, which had stubbornly refused to relax.
Now, at her touch, it sprang fully to life.
He groaned as he felt her touch.
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"Cease that, you shameless wench!
You need to rest now. We dare not make love again so soon, with you so
recently a virgin. " She ignored him grinning as that one part of him, at
least, did not try to deny its delight in her attentions. He was rapidly
losing his struggle to do what he knew he should.
"I would make up for lost time," she purred, all woman now.
He gave himlf up to the inevitable. Lowering his long frame onto the bed,
he lay down on his back, grinning up at her as she leaned over him on her
extended arms. "Very well, Aldyth, I will surrender to your insatiable
demands. But I know a way we may make love that will k- low you to take only
as much of me as you are able."
"I want all of you," she told him frankly, her eyes glowing.
"Now, show me, my loving lord, this wondrous way...."
He pulled her over him, reveling in the sight of her luscious breasts so near
to his mouth. Her eyes closed in bliss as she positioned herself above him
and guided him inside her.
"Now ride me, sweetheart .... " "Oh, Ranulf," she breathed as he reached up
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to cup one of the rosy-tipped globes. She moved forward tentatively, taking
him deeper still, and he thought he would die of the pleasure.
Never had any woman-- "My lord, when you didn't come back down I got worried,
and I thought I had better bring up the poultice" -- began a voice, and then
a woman's shriek shattered their paradise.
Desiderata stood just inside the door, eyes bulging at the scene before her.
Aldyth looked up and caught sight of the intruder, then gave a muffled shriek
of her own as she rolled off Ranulf and grabbed for the rumpled bed linens to
cover herself. So shocked that her mouth gaped open like a carp, the Norman
courtesan dropped the jar she carrkxl--right on her foot, an accident that
only served to accelerate her fury.
"So this is why you won't even look at me, you cleceiving co chon
Desiderata cried, clutching at her foot.
"Your little page was a girl all along! How you must all have been laughing
at me--Henry, too! How pathetic I must have looked, throwing myself at you,
when you already had a peasant wench to serve you in bed as well as at table.
Scoundrel! " she shrilled, stooping to pick up the jar containing the
poultice, which she then hurled at the pair on the bed. Aldyth ducked
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against Ranulf's shoulder, coveting her head.
Desiderata's aim was abysmal, causing the jar to shatter on the corner of the
bedside table, which in turn caused the fat candle atop it to fall on its
side, dangerously near the bed curtain.
Heedless of his nudity, Ranulf reached out and righted the candle before it
could do any harm. Then, trying to smother the rage he felt at this untimely
breach of a very private moment, he said,
"Stop screeching like a fishwife, Desiderata. This is none of your concern.
Go away." Beside him, Aldyth raised herself up on one elbow, still clutching
the linen around her chest.
"My lady, please. No one was laughing at you, on my honor. Prince Henry
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