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A few minutes later I heard someone yelling about a guy walking between cars.
It happened so fast that no one even fired a shot. The guy detonated it. After the
smoked cleared we all ran towards the guys that were down. Besides Phillip he got
Gregg, Mercer and Hawk. Gregg was killed instantly. The other two are still in the
trauma center.
Ryan isn't doing well at all. They are trying to get him to take something to
sleep but he won't do it. The LT got him in to see Phillip before Phillip was shipped to
Germany. He still hasn't talked about it.
All I can say is thank God for LT. Kripke. He's been dragging Ryan into his
office. Ryan normally comes out with new information and the LT is trying to get
Ryan's R & R bumped up.
After Alexander's email Mark called Tory to thank her for it. She burst into
tears and Mark damn near started to cry himself.
I feel awful. When Sandy called all I could say was thank God Alexander is safe. God,
I'm horrible. She sobbed.
No it's normal. I did the same thing with Patrick, Mark said, clearing his
throat. Still feels like shit, he agreed.
They didn't talk long. When he hung up he sat down on the couch. Kenneth
and Sandy were on their way back from San Antonio again. Mark had gotten Katie to
pack a small bag. They were all heading back that way first thing in the morning.
Kenneth had pulled every string he had to get Phillip transferred to The
Intrepid Center at Brooke Army Medical Center. He was being brought in tomorrow.
Everyone was getting ready to leave and head that way. Patrick knew that Mark would
be there. Hopefully he could leave voice mails or text if he got in.
The hospital was cold; sterile; it smelled bad. And Mark had a hard time
breathing. Sandy was holding his hand tightly when they entered the family waiting
room of ICU.
Phillip's parents and siblings were already there.
Sandy. Gerry greeted her, pulling the young woman into his arms. Katie came
over and he slipped an arm around her too.
Meghan was pale and went straight to Mark. She hugged him tightly. Glad
you re here.
Thanks, Mark whispered.
A nurse came out and frowned at Mark and Kenneth.
I'm sorry, only family can be here.
Sharon cleared her throat. Can't you see? That's Mark and Kenneth. Phillip's
cousins. They have been best friends since grade school, she lied.
Mark blinked and nodded at Sharon, thankful for the woman.
Can we? Is he?
Kenneth was trembling. Mark knew what he wanted because Mark wanted to
go back there in the worst way.
Two at a time. Sharon nodded.
Kenneth looked at Mark and Sandy. You both should go on in, he said,
willing to wait his turn.
Mark felt like kissing the guy. Both he and Sandy walked into the ICU arm in
arm. Mark wasn't sure who was holding who up. All he knew was his legs were shaking
and if he stopped at any time they would hear his knees knocking together.
The room was shut off from the outside and the curtain was drawn. He pushed
it back looking at the floor. He wasn't ready to look at his friend yet. Taking a deep
breath he looked up.
Sandy drew in a sharp breath, and it came out as a sob.
Mark's breath caught in his throat. He felt bile rising and wanted to vomit.
The man lying on the bed wasn't his friend.
It wasn't Phillip who was always the picture of good health.
Phil, Sandy whimpered.
This Phillip had tubes poking from everywhere. A ventilator was hooked up to
keep him breathing. IVs hung all over the place. Plasma, fluids medicines were all being
pumped into his too still body. Machines beeped and growled behind him.
But what made Mark die a little more was his friend. Phillip was too white.
They had him lying on his stomach so the burns on his back would heal but his face was
visible. Phillip's face was paler than pale. It was sunken and gaunt.
What struck Mark was how small Phillip looked on the hospital bed. That hurt
him in more ways than one. He didn't say anything but listened to the beeps of the
machines, and Sandy's soft cries.
He can't be this hurt, Sandy whispered. Phillip...Oh god, Mark, he can't be
like this.
I know, he said huskily, his voice rough from unshed tears.
They stood beside the bed remembering Phillip as he was. Not what he was
First time I ever saw him I thought he was the goofiest motherfucker I ever
seen. Mark said, breaking the silence. He...God he wore this fucking straw hat...he
was carrying a rubber chicken around. He was telling everyone to kiss his cock.
Sandy made a sound that was between a chuckle and a sob.
Anyways, he gets to me and tells me to kiss his cock. He pushes the rubber
chicken into my face. Then I kiss the fucking thing and he smiles. Mark broke off
because the need to cry was so strong he had to gather himself again. He said 'Well,
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