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could see the.m, too, and his eyes glittered in the Shadowlight as he watched them
pour forth, and now the ruby flame from Bale's blood-jewel flickered along the edge
of the blade.
Doom! Doom! Doom!
King Aurion peered intently, and he struck the stone curtain in frustration. "Still I
cannot see them. What are their numbers? The arrangement of their march? What
kind of forces?"
Patrel spoke: "Thousands do I see. I cannot guess at their number, yet more
come through the 'Dark behind. They are spread on a wide front, perhaps a mile or
so. Most are what I take to be Rücks, though among them stride the taller Hlöks,
while one in a hundred are mounted Ghûls, and Vulgs range wide to fore and flank,"
Aurion's face turned ashen to hear such dire figures, for his forces were meager
compared to the Horde. "Is there aught else?"
"Nay, Sire," answered Patrel, "except that more march out from the 'Dark."
Doom! Boom! Doom! Boom!
The sound of drum was answered by a stirring call of Valonian horns, and Tuck
looked down and saw the army of Challerain Keep march out to take up positions
upon the hills below: pikemen to the fore with archers behind, foot soldiers with
halberds and swords and axes came next, and mounted riders of Valon in back, with
spears that would be couched for the charge through lanes when the enemy hove to.
"But Sire," protested Patrel, "they are too many and we too few to meet them in
open battle. We have not one tenth their forces. It would be senseless sacrifice to set
our handful 'gainst their Swarm."
"Pah!" grated Aurion. "Could I but see them, then would I know whether to strike
hard or withdraw. Rather would I cleave into their ranks in fury than to fight like a
cornered badger." He turned to Gildor.
"I think, Sire, that Captain Patrel is right," said the Elf as he sheathed burning
Bale. But Aurion said nought in return, and Tuck's spirit wrenched in desperation as
he watched the vast array inexorably march through the hills toward the King's
forces. Yet Tuck, too, said nought, though his eyes brimmed with tears of distress.
Doom! Boom! Doom! Boom! Onward came the enemy. Vidron strode up the
ramp and stood beside the King. At last the Horde hove into the range of Man-sight,
and Aurion Redeye blenched to see the Swarm in all its numbers. With a groan, the
High King signalled to Vidron, "Sound the withdrawal. They are too many to meet
upon the field."
Vidron lifted his black-oxen horn to his lips, and an imperative call split the air:
Hahn, taa-roo! Hahn, taa-roo! (Return! Return!) From the distant force below
came a faint horn call. "Sire," rumbled Vidron, "Hagan questions the order."
Doom! Boom! Doom! Doom!
"Ah, Vidron, your Captains of Valon are brave, yet bravery alone is not enough
to whelm that Horde. Only the numbers of mine own Host can even begin to
challenge such a might, and they are yet far south." King Aurion looked weary. "We
have no choice but to follow the War-council's plan to defend the walls."
Hahn, taa-roo! Hahn, taa-roo! demanded Vidron's black horn. Slowly the
meager army of Challerain Keep withdrew, coming at last through the first wall, and
the gates clanged shut behind.
Boom! Boom! Doom! Doom! Onward came the Horde, a dark flood. Now the
sharp Warrow eyes could see that among the Hlöks were those who lashed at the
Rücks with whips of thongs, driving them forward if any lagged or strayed in the
Boom! Doom! Boom! Still the vast Horde poured forth out of the blackness, and
among the ranks were carried standards bearing Modru's sigil-a burning ring, scarlet
on black, the sign of the Sun-Death. And where the standards were, there, too, rode
Ghûls upon Hèlsteeds, pacing the Swarm forth. And they came until they were just
beyond bow shot from the first wall, nor could mangonels fling missiles to reach
their ranks.
With a hideous, chilling howl, like that of a Vulg, a Ghûl in fore center flung up his
hand, tulwar raised high, and so signalled all the Ghûls. A harsh blat of Rücken
horns sounded, discordant and grating, and the ranks of the Horde split, like a vast
flood cleaving around a great rock, curving east and west and south again. Once
more the chilling Ghûlen howl rent the air, and as if released from a duty, the Vulgs
left the Rücken Horde and raced away to the south. Swiftly they ran, as if following
the wave of Dimmendark engulfing the Lands afar. At last their black shapes were
lost to Warrow sight, and the beasts passed beyond seeing, leaving the Horde and
Keep far behind. And still the Swarm curved 'round the mount, at last to come
together on the far side, beringing the walls.
And then the great drum pulsed loudly: DOOM! DOOM! DOOM! and fell silent. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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