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been soiled.
In the faint illumination from the mercury light outside, he recognized her.  You met with the general last
night. Or should I say,  your boyfriend, the general ?
 You turn on the light, she demanded, an exotic lilt adding haughty authority to her words.  I do not
have the same quality night vision as you do.
 Could that be because, oh, I don t know, you re not a vampire? But he turned on the light anyway,
because she still had a stake and he was curiously allergic to wooden splinters through the heart.  I
always thought dogs could see in the dark. Or is that cats?
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 General Breton sent me. Apparently he was worried about an assassin who is not capable of finishing
the assignment. Her last words morphed into a growl.
 That still doesn t explain why you re in my friend s house. Especially when he s running berserk on the
streets. What the hell were you thinking, coming here? The knife was on the floor at his feet. He just had
to figure out a way to grab it without getting skewered.
Thankfully, she didn t appear to have noticed his frantic glance downward.  I could ask the same of you.
You are walking around, drinking their blood supply, using their appliances. It seems like you might be
playing both sides.
 There s only one side, sweetheart. I hate to disappoint you, but Nolen  Max sketched quotation
marks with his fingers   is on it.
 He has killed.
 Under very extenuating circumstances!
Bella shook her head.  There are no extenuating circumstances. He has killed, he will be killed.
 Unless I kill you first. Max expected to see some reaction in her eyes, but there was none. Just the
cold, calculating stare of a predator who lived only for the hunt.
Moving faster than any mortal creature he d ever seen, the werewolf threw the stake at him. He ducked
it and scooped up the knife. The wooden missile embedded itself in the wall, near where his heart would
have been.
She ran for the door, grabbing a handful of clothes from the laundry hamper as she passed.
For the scent, he realized with an inward curse. He admitted with sick fury that she might have the upper
hand in this fight. You could train a person to be a hunter, but animals& they were born with it.
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He ran after her, nearly catching her at the bottom of the stairs, but when she threw open the door,
newborn sunlight flooded the stairwell. He hissed and jumped back.
As she fled down the street, she called,  Stay out of my way, vampire. I will kill you if I must.
I hooked up with I-94 and hauled ass over the state line before the sun rose. After a boring, cramped
day in the unbearably stuffy van, I hit the road with a travel mug of cold blood from the cooler I d
brought, and set my sights west.
Just outside ofChicago I caught the junction of 80-90, which would lead me intoIowa , and the
landscape flattened almost immediately. With no tape deck and a broken radio, I exhausted my
voice and repertoire of Abba songs quickly.
With nothing to occupy my mind, my thoughts turned inevitably to Nathan. I knew he wasn t dead. I
tried the blood tie vigilantly, though all I ever got in return was the tiniest pull. I filled my mind with as
much love and support as I could, and sent it his way, hoping he would get the message. Eventually,
memories I would rather have ignored started popping to the surface.
I thought of all our failed attempts to play Risk. The way I d shouted  Bad omen! Bad omen! every
time he d rolled the dice. It had driven him mad, but not so mad he couldn t see the humor in it.
I remembered the time we d tried to repaint The Crypt.
 What the hell is that? he d demanded of the botanical border I d begun sponging around the top of the
I d squinted at it with what I d considered a critical eye.  A fig leaf.
Apparently, I d not been critical enough. He d looked deeply offended by my artistic skills.  Apparently
your idea of a leaf and my idea of a leaf differ greatly.
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Frowning, I d dabbed at the paint protectively.  I think it looks fine.
 All I m saying is if you were in charge of the Garden of Eden, I d be glad not to live there. It had been
close to dawn and we d been working since sunset. Nathan s tired voice and his accent, grown thick
with exhaustion, had rendered his words barely distinguishable as English.
I d been unable to resist a guttural  Och! The ensuing paint fight had splattered the shelves and the
ceiling. We would have gotten around to painting over it if we hadn t ended up jumping each other s
bones right there on the plastic sheets on the floor.
I pulled all the happiness I could from these memories and gave it over to the blood tie. Maybe it would
reassure him we were looking for him, and keep him from despairing.
I wished I could pull the van over and cry, but there was no time. I swallowed my pain and kept my
eyes on the road.
What would happen if Max caught up with him? Though Anne had sounded pretty sure he wouldn t
finish Nathan off, she d also seemed certain the Oracle wouldn t hurt anybody, and look where that had
gotten her. The thought of Max doing anything to Nathan& I wasn t confident if I would ever be able to
face him again should that happen. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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