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than over land as before. I had not bothered to refuel as I had enough to
reach Trella with ample to spare, the plane having a range of well over five
hundred miles even on only one wing tank. I mention these facts now at this
time only because of what happened later on.
"It's not really that hard," I smiled, seeing those lovely azure eyes glowing
into mine like those of a little child with a new toy. I love Darlanis very
much. She is to me what Janet Rogers was back in the
20th Century in a way, but yet different.
"Could you show me how?" she asked, a hint of a pleading note in her voice. As
the plane has dual controls, it was an easy matter to let her take the wheel,
make a few easy turns and climbs. Let her get the feel of the Beechcraft while
I explained to her something of the principles involved in flying an airplane
like mine. Darlanis having a surprising "talent" that amazed me. She seemed to
have a "head"
for flying that utterly surprised me!
"Want some orange juice?" I asked, pouring myself a big cup of it from the
bottle I had brought with me. Darlanis now flying the plane with a gleeful
delight like a child with some new toy. Darlanis shaking her head in the
negative as I took a big swal- low, noticing that it didn't taste as good as I
had first hoped. There was an odd flavor to it that I couldn't place, but yet
felt I should know. I suspected that someone had squeezed the oranges too hard
and had gotten some of the flavor of the rind into it.
"This is fun!" Darlanis laughed as I explained the meaning of some of the
instruments to her. The
Empress forgetting for the moment the pain, discomfort she still had in her
abdomen where I had removed her uterus only five days ago. The incision was
concealed by her brief skirt, being quite low on her abdomen, just above where
her strap ordinarily covered her. I had checked it that morning. Her
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recovery amazed me, but she was "young", in excellent health, and possesses a
"vitality" that I can only envy! She is in every way a truly wonderful woman I
love dearly!
"Watch your airspeed or you'll stall out and go into a spin," I warned her.
Darlanis wanted to try that, but I had no desire to demonstrate a spin, being
terrified of them myself with good reason. Its a good way to "buy the farm" if
you "goof up"!
"I'd like to know what to do though if it happens," Darlanis smiled back. I
promised that I would show her sometime later on. Secretly hoping that she'd
forget about it, as it is not some- thing I like to do, as I have a terrifying
fear that I won't be able to "recover" in time and I actually will crash the
I am a good pilot, but I am also usually a "careful" one too, I might add
here. Of course the reader may disagree with me here, considering how I
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managed to arrive here in this era with Sharon by flying into a
"Gateway", but that was something that I've nev- er been able to figure out
just why I did what I did back then!
"That's odd," I muttered a while later, feeling a growing numbness in my
fingers and toes. Darlanis at the moment playing with the plane's throttle,
pushing it in and out, varying the en- gine speed.
Noticing that we either climbed or descended depend- ing upon how it was set.
We were perhaps thirty miles or so out from Trella. Just about where we had
earlier fought the pirates.
"Something wrong?" she asked, regarding me as she sat there beside me with her
hands on the wheel, flying the plane with a skill that amazed me for this
being only her first "flying les- son". The numbness rapidly growing in my
hands and feet, my feet now almost without any feeling in them. They felt
heavy, lumpy. There was no doubt in my mind that the orange juice had been
poi- soned! And by one of Princess Tara's agents, I had no doubt!!!
"We'd better get down," I said to the golden haired Queen, taking the
controls. I prayed that I would live long enough to get us down. Darlanis
could taxi on the ocean to Trella even if I died from whatever poison had been
placed in the orange juice!
"There is something wrong with you!" Darlanis observed as I started to take
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