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fallen in the first half of the year from 3 to well though.
below £2 million. M: Right, now should I charge this to your account?
F: Yes please, our account reference is TC27334.
Five: What is the date of the meeting? M: Thanks.
F: Jim, I m still trying to organise our next sales F: Can you give me the price? I think last time it was
meeting. Sarah s away on the 17th of March, of £675 for the same room.
course. M: We ve made a small increase, so it should be 720,
M: Well, I can t make the 17th now either, but Peter but as you re regular customers, we re keeping the
and Jane are both free on the 22nd, so can we meet old prices for now.
then? F: Excellent &
F: That s fine. I know Sarah won t be free on the 30th M: & but then there s tax.
and we do all need to be there. I ll let the others F: Not for training that s zero rate.
know. M: Sorry, you re right.
F: Now have you got my new number?
Six: What were the production figures in August? M: We ve got 01842 276500.
M: Now, the production figures for August. After July s F: It s now 2-7-6-5 double 1.
excellent figure of 450 units, we forecast another M: Fine. I ll send you a confirmation today &
rise & but, unfortunately staff illness in August
meant production was only 425 units. However, the Part Three. Questions 16 to 22.
September figures are better, and production is up to M: Baxfords has always been a family business. My
400 already, after only 3 weeks. grandmother set up the business in 1960, and my
father became Managing Director 20 years later.
Seven: Why is Mr Bloom late for his meeting? Today, many of my relatives are still involved in the
M: John Beck speaking. business, including my daughter, who used to be a
F: Hello. This is Mr Bloom s secretary. I m afraid Mr creative director for an advertising agency. My
Bloom s going to be late for his meeting with you at father s experience as an accountant helped the
your Bank. There s been a problem with his train company to establish a strong financial base. As for
it s nearly an hour late, I m afraid. myself, I was an engineer before I joined the
M: OK. Thanks for letting me know. Oh, does Mr company. I ve concentrated a lot on improving
Bloom know how to find us? We moved offices last production.
F: Yes, your secretary faxed us a map. Thanks. Today Baxfords is best known for its health food
products. In spite of the rise in sales of fast food and
Eight: What will the customer pay for the printer? the ever-increasing range of frozen meals available,
M: & and how much is your AE125 printer? we re winning many new young customers.
F: Well, the printer itself is £350, sir, but if you re The company hasn t always operated from the hi-
buying the computer with it you get a 10% tech factory we now own. Sitting in our modern
discount, so that s, er, £315. offices today, it s hard to remember that, in fact, we
M: Mm, that s a good discount, but I only want the started production in an old warehouse!
printer. How much would it be including delivery?
F: For this printer & um & £375, sir.
M: Oh & I think I ll come and fetch it myself.
Page 35
In the early days, although there was a demand for M: Well, when I got back to Chester, I began walking
our products here in Britain, the aim was also to round the part of the town where I wanted to open
find export markets. Not, as you might expect, in my restaurant, so that I could see how many
France, or other European countries, but in Australia customers I could hope for and what competition
a country which still represents 30% of our there might be from other restaurants. After just a
exports. few days I began to feel really sure that I could
make a success of a fish restaurant there.
At the time many companies in our line of business F: And what happened then, when you took your
were beginning to put all their resources into new business plan to the bank?
equipment, but we decided to concentrate on staff M: The manager looked at the plan he seemed quite
training. For this we received a government award, impressed and promised to study it in more detail.
which was presented to us at a national Export Five days later he rang me to say that the bank
Association conference. would be prepared to lend me all the money I d
asked for.
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