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Our resident smith.
And there, do you have someone who makes
glass here?
Aye, we do.
I remember reading once that people in this
time often were sick from lead poisoning. I noticed
most of the dishes and cooking surfaces are some
type of iron. Do you know if they contain lead?
Some I suppose.
You might consider having him make more of
the cooking and eating surfaces.
Duncan nodded at her. Aye, I will.
The scent of baked apples filled the air. Mmm...
what smells so good?
Mrs. Claunch. She makes the best sweet pies.
Binding Vows
Would you like one? He signaled for a nearby lad to
fetch the leads of his horse after he dismounted.
Duncan took her by the waist, and helped her from
the horse.
Thank you, my Lord, she teased.
The pleasure is mine, my Lady. He swept her
fingers in his hand, and brushed the back of them
with his lips.
They stared at each other.
You sure have the moves.
Are they working then, Tara love?
Instead of answering, she kept his hand from
dropping hers and placed it above her rapidly
beating heart. You tell me?
The clearing of someone s throat stopped him
from capturing her lips. He turned to see Mrs.
Claunch dusting flour from her hands.
Lord Duncan, give the girl some room, lad. She
looks a bit flushed to me.
Holding Tara possessively around the waist, he
led her to Mrs. Claunch. She smells the aroma of
your lovely cakes, lass. Might you have some to
spare for a pair of hungry travelers?
Mrs. Claunch, long past her lass days, blushed
at his words.
Tara sent Duncan a hidden you big flirt
message. His hand squeezed hers signaling he heard
Mrs. Claunch, I want you to meet Lady Tara.
I had heard of a new Lady at the Keep. Tis nice
to match a face to the name. Mrs. Claunch looked
Tara up and down with a smile. Come, come. No
need to stand in the street.
They entered a large room with a cook s fire. It
held a table with four wooden chairs. A larger chair
laden down with blankets was obviously where Mrs.
Claunch spent her days. A much smaller room
appeared to hold a bed was toward the back.
Catherine Bybee
Sit please. Have ye eaten?
We ate before we left the Keep, Duncan told
No wonder your Lady looks like she does.
Starving her, are ye? Mrs. Claunch moved to the
fire and pulled out the skillet holding the object of
the mouth-watering aroma.
It was some type of apple bread or cake, Tara
thought. Can I help you?
No, my lady. I have it.
Call me Tara.
Pleased at the request, Mrs. Claunch moved to
place her hot skillet on the table.
Tara noticed an iron trivet and quickly placed it
down for their hostess.
Mrs. Claunch patted Tara s cheek and smiled. I
like your Lady, my Lord. Ye must bring her back to
see me.
Once she tastes your treats, I ll have a hard
time keeping her away.
Mrs. Claunch set a kettle on for tea and then
took a seat with her guests. Tell me news of the
Duncan filled her in on the comings and goings
of those in the main house. He talked of Amber s
kittens and how she would be looking for homes for
them when they were old enough.
Mrs. Claunch s movements were slow and well
thought out. Tara thought she suffered from
arthritis, and did her best to assist the woman while
they enjoyed her apple cakes.
When the water boiled in the kettle, Tara moved
quickly to pour the tea.
Duncan gave her a nod of approval.
When it was time for them to go, Tara helped
Mrs. Claunch to her feet. Thank you for the
delicious cake. Perhaps you would show me how to
make them sometime? I ve never tasted anything
Binding Vows
quite like them.
I would love to. Mrs. Claunch said her
goodbyes and sent them off with a bag of cakes to
take back.
She was very nice. Tara said to Duncan when
they walked away.
Aye, she is. By day s end she ll have spoken to
every woman in the village singing your praises.
I doubt that.
There is little to entertain our people. Your
kindness will be talked about for weeks.
My kindness? She was the one who cooked. All
I did was eat. She wouldn t even let me help with the
I believe you are the first Lady to volunteer to
do her dishes.
We both know I m no more a Lady than she
is, Tara said.
Nay, Tara. You are in every way a Lady.
The widow s cottage was like Mrs. Claunch s
home. Straight across was Haggart s. His offensive
dog slept peacefully by the door.
We ll talk with the widow first. Duncan took
stock of the darkening sky. The clouds forming
overhead worried him. The time it would take to
bring closure to the neighboring feud would mean
they would return to the Keep in the rain.
We could save a little time if we talk to each of
them separately. Tara tapped her head. We can
use our special communication skills to work out a
Are you sure? he asked. You ve been working
hard to keep me out of your beautiful head.
It s all the MacCoinnich charm you ve been
oozing today. It makes me want to try something
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