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He hoped it d be soon though. Hell, if it meant solidifying their mating, he d consult a Magic 8
ball and be done with it.
Mrs. Laurie tapped her cane on the sidewalk.  Is that your girl, there? Kiki or something? Turn
around, girl.
Kira released a low, almost inaudible groan and slowly turned in his embrace. He let her move,
but wasn t letting her go.
 It s Kira, Mrs. Laurie.
The old woman harrumphed.  No making babies on the streets, miss. Don t think I didn t see
Kira s whole body warmed and his bear rushed forward. Ancient woman or not, no one was
going to embarrass his mate.
He tried to keep the growl from his voice when he replied.  Mrs. Laurie, I don t think 
His mate s soft hand on his forearm had him quieting.  Of course, Mrs. Laurie. You know, I meant
to come by your home the other day. Kira sounded sugary sweet.  I wanted to ask your opinion on
growing tomatoes.
His neighbor preened and off the women went, chatting about vegetables and which fertilizer
worked best and what type of weather Grayslake had during the seasons and&
Isaac closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He accepted his mate was a mole, which meant she
was very into gardening. He normally listened to her chatter, especially since they were working
together to rebuild her garden, but now she was delving into the topic with others. Others who were
as equally passionate about carrots, and then there was mention of some weird carrot serial killer
carnivorous wererabbit in Jamesburg.
He didn t even wanna think about that. He just quietly helped her rebuild her steel carrot shield
thing and went on his way. He hadn t had the strength to ask questions.
He readily admitted he was afraid of the answers.
They d moved on to the best time of day to plant and Isaac tried really hard not to groan. What
did it matter? Seeds went in the ground. There. Done. In, whatever, a few weeks they d have food. Or
at least, the beginnings of food.
He wished his mate was a solid carnivore. Then he could just hunt for her like a normal couple.
Then again, he was pretty happy with their non-normal relationship.
The slow roll of an approaching SUV drew his attention, had him looking over Kira s and Mrs.
Laurie s heads and watching traffic. The vehicle was all black, windows tinted so dark he couldn t
see into the truck, but he didn t have a good feeling about the driver. It was too slow, almost easing to
a full stop when they crept past, and he kept his bear s focus on it, trying to see the driver.
Unease assaulted him, digging its claws into his mind and taking up residence. His bear snarled
and roared, desperate to rush to the SUV and take it apart piece by piece. Logically, he didn t know if
a threat lingered inside the truck. That didn t keep the bear from wanting to bathe in the blood of the
occupants. It was just& something inside him said the vehicle was bad news.
 Isaac? Kira s delicate hand tugging on his shirt tore his attention from the vehicle and back to
his mate.
He dropped his gaze to her shining blue eyes and wide smile.  I promised Mrs. Laurie we d stop
by the store for her on our way home.
 Of course, he murmured. He didn t want to bother with another stop, but if it made her happy,
he d shop for the old lady.
 Perfect. Mrs. Laurie clapped.  Now, dear, I made you a list. You must buy exactly two and one
eighth pounds of& 
He tuned out their chatter once again until his world centered on the feel of Kira pressed against
him. She was so damned soft and sweet. He wasn t sure he d ever get enough of her touch. Then
again, it didn t matter. He d have his entire life to enjoy her. Day in and day out, she was his.
Even better was the fact that he was hers.
Ebenezer nudged Isaac s hand with his cold nose and shifted in place, his weight easing from side
to side as he whined.
 What s up, boy? He kept his voice low, not wanting to interrupt the women. He also didn t want
Mrs. Laurie turning her non-stop talking on him.
Another near-silent whine and the dog glanced toward the street.
The now-familiar black SUV gently rolled by. This time the passenger window lowered, sliding
into the door until the driver was revealed in all his wicked glory. He had short hair that shined in the
low light, as if greasy and needing to be washed. His body was thin, almost emaciated and wiry, and
his gaunt face matched.
The man needed a deer or two.
He also wasn t anyone Isaac recognized. He couldn t claim to know everyone in town, but as the
town s only doctor and clan Healer, he knew pretty much everyone. Even if he met them in passing for
a flu shot. He knew everybody.
So, in addition to a big dose of protein, the guy needed his ass kicked. The bear was insanely
protective of Kira and the male s look was anything but welcoming.
No, it was evil, predatory, and filled with deadly intent.
And it wasn t focused on Isaac or Mrs. Laurie. No, it was all for his Kira.
Oh well, the bastard would have to get over it. He wasn t getting anywhere near his mate. Ever.
 Is that okay, Isaac? Kira s words caught some of his attention, but he kept his gaze on the SUV
still making its way past them.
His fingers itched, the bear more than ready to pounce on the male if he stopped and got out of the
vehicle. The desire to crush the perceived threat pummeled him. He didn t have a logical reason for
the need to murder the man. It was simply a pulsing drive to kill the interloper.
Already the bear imagined ways to destroy him.
 Isaac? Concern coated Kira s question and he forced himself to pay attention.
 Sorry, he shook his head.  I missed that. What s okay?
 Going to the plant nursery on our way home?
Home. Our way home. The hopeful part inside him kinda hoped she saw his house as home. Or
hell, hers as long as he was inside.
Then the rest weaseled into his brain.
Plant nursery.
 Of course. I think you mentioned you wanted to grab a few things for yourself, too. Right? He
prayed she wouldn t ask him to remind her about what she needed because there was no way in hell
he d know. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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