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instead he had begun asking questions about things that were important to her, things that had made her
River opened her eyes and stared above Jo and Star s head gazing into Torak s beautiful, dark eyes.
 A clown is someone who can make you laugh, even when you are hurting. River replied softly tears
glistening in her eyes and spilling over to splash down her cheek.
 Then I need to find these clowns and bring them to you. Torak said softly.
Jo and Star looked back and forth between Torak and River. Jo stood motioning for Star to follow
her. Star stopped as she moved past Torak.  Remember what I told you. I meant it. She said before
she blew River a kiss and left her alone with Torak.
River stared at Torak for several minutes before her gaze dropped to the covers lying over her.  What
did she tell you?
 That if I hurt you again she would kill me. Torak replied.
River s eyes flew up to Torak s before she lowered them again, biting her lip to keep the small smile
from escaping at the idea of little, gentle Star killing a warrior over twice as big as her.
 She d do it too. River couldn t help but say.
Torak walked over to River, gently picking up her hand before sitting on the bed next to her.  I know.
And, I would let her. He added.
River looked at Torak and shook her head.  I can t go back there. I won t. River s lip trembled and
she raised a shaking hand to wipe away a stray tear.
 We will talk of that later. You are still weak. Torak gazed down into River s pale face brushing her
hair away from it.
He had never seen her hair down until a few days ago when Jo and Star had undone the braid to wash
her hair. When he had walked in they had been talking like they were today, like she was really there
with them. They had just finished bathing her and had dressed her in a new gown. He had walked in
as they were holding her gently, brushing her long, dark hair until it shone like delicate dew on the
webs of the thread trees. It had been over a week since she had been shot but she had still not
awakened. The healer had been right. They had been able to heal her body but not her mind. She had
retreated from the world of the living into the shadow world of a half-life, her body here but her mind
there. Jo and Star had called it a coma. They said that on their planet it was believed if someone was
in a coma they could still hear those who were in the land of the living and it was important to talk to
the person so they could find their way back.
During the day, Jo and Star had remained at River s side while Manota, Jazin, and he had taken care
of business within their Houses. Any and all females with whom they had had as a lover were no
longer there. The only females that remained were those who were mated, young children, or elderly
women. It had not been an easy task as many of the females fought their transfer to another House.
In Torak s House, Javonna had been the most difficult screaming, cursing, and finally threatening
River s life. It was only when she made that final statement that Torak had had enough. The threat
against River was too much considering she was fighting for her life as Javonna spoke of ending it.
Torak had threatened to have her put to death for the threat and Mul Kar had been only too eager to
carry out the death sentence. Torak had noticed his Captain of the Guard was keeping close tabs on
River s condition and had even visited her on one occasion, though never alone. He knew any and
everything that touched River s life now. Never again would she be threatened or harmed if he could
prevent it.
Nighttime was the time he spent with River. In the stillness of the night he would read to her, tell her
stories of when he and his brothers were young, talk about his people, and brush her long hair telling
her how much he loved her and needed her. He didn t know if she heard him or not but it had been a
time of healing for himself. He found for the first time in his life he wanted to know more about
someone other than his men or his brothers. He wanted to know more about River. What her favorite
color was, what she like to eat, what she did for relaxation, what type of stories she was interested in.
In short, he wanted to know everything there was to know about her.
River was too tired to fight so she just nodded her head.  What happened? I know Jo and Star are
alright but what about your brothers?
Torak picked up the brush from the side table and carefully helped River into a sitting position. Her
shoulders felt so small and fragile. It felt as if a soft breeze might blow her away. Torak gripped the
brush tightly as he thought about how close he had been too losing her forever. Taking a deep breath [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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