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way he wanted. To touch her delicate skin but not claim her as he needed.
It was good. I have to work the next few weeks but I will be off after that for several months. I
plan to return to my family s farm to help out, he began.
Oh, Mattie said looking away.
I do not have a place within the East House suitable for you to stay with me, he said walking
toward her.
Mattie glanced at him before focusing on the room around her. It was small, especially with all
the animals in it, but she had been happy in the cramped quarters. It wasn t much different than living
in her camper.
I guess this is it, she responded in a husky voice. I& Thank you for helping me this past
Mattie, Jai said softly, waiting for her to look up at him. He smiled tenderly down at her when
she finally did. I would like to stay with you, if you don t mind. Until I can get approval for a larger
living area.
Oh, she whispered, before she nodded. I have plenty of room. Well, not really but it is more
than you have here.
That is perfect, he answered. Only know this, I will not just be holding you in my arms any
longer. I need you, Mattie.
Mattie s eyes widened at the desperate plea in Jai s voice. She smiled as she reached up to touch
his cheek. She loved him so much. This past week with him had shown her that.
I need you too, she whispered, blushing.
Jai closed his eyes and breathed deeply before he opened them and shook his head in amazement.
I really wish you would have told me that last night. It has been pure torture, he chuckled.
Mattie grinned up at him. Tonight will be pure pleasure, she teased before brushing a kiss
against his lips. I love you, Jai.
I have loved you from the moment you ran by me, Mattie. Gods, I only hope I can wait until
tonight, he muttered before he sealed his lips over hers again.
Neither one of them heard the dogs groan as they laid back down to wait for their mistress again.
Chapter 7
Mattie looked around nervously at her new home. The planet was gorgeous, at least what she was
able to see from the shuttles that brought them down from the Spaceport. The area where their
campers were located was just outside the main city. Ricki, who had been debriefed on everything by
Lord Manota, had explained that construction had already begun on more permanent housing for them
as soon as Lord Ajaska heard they were coming. She explained everyone would eventually have their
own home.
Mattie was amazed when she finally saw the compound from above at how fast the construction
was going. Ricki explained the houses were prefabricated modules that could be hooked together
relatively quickly and added onto if needed. Crystals were embedded in the houses as they were
being constructed and provided a natural energy source and light.
The compound covered over one hundred acres of land and included room for their current living
quarters which had already been delivered and set up, in addition to animal pens and a special area
for the Big Top. A small group of scientists and healers were being assigned to assist the human vet
and nurse with any issues.
A holographic image had been presented to the entire crew in a meeting before they were
escorted onto shuttles to take them down to the planet. Kev Mul Kar, along with Walter and Ricki,
had shown everyone the area, set up and answered any questions the crew had. To protect the humans,
a large perimeter fence had been erected. Kev emphasized that the fencing was for their privacy and
protection and assured everyone they had the freedom to come and go as they pleased.
Mattie couldn t get over the beautiful area where their campers had been set up. Huge trees
shaded their homes and each had a large lot providing them privacy. In addition, a flowing river with
crystal clear water emptied into a nearby lake. Mattie excitedly peered out the window of the shuttle
and wished that Jai could have accompanied her. She hadn t even been able to bring her animals as
they were being brought down on separate transport shuttles.
Ricki had explained the animals would be kept in quarantine for a few days so they could be
thoroughly checked by the Kassisan scientists. She emphasized that it was much like what happened
when they traveled to different countries, only she had less paperwork to file. That drew a laugh out
of everyone as they knew how much Ricki did to make sure everything flowed seamlessly for them.
It s beautiful, isn t it? Suzy whispered looking over Mattie s shoulder. I can t believe we are
really here!
It is beautiful, Mattie replied in awe. Look at how clear the water is! I can see all the way to
the bottom.
Look! There it is! Suzy excitedly exclaimed, pointing. There are some of the animals!
Mattie looked over to a section that was fenced off. Pens, set up to model each animal s habitat,
had been constructed. Some of the larger animals, like the three elephants Tony had, were already
inside their structure. Mattie could see several people walking around the outer perimeter of it,
observing Sydney, Myrtle and their calf. Another enclosure showed Katarina s lions and tigers.
They did a great job, Mattie murmured.
I overheard Ricki talking to Nema about it. She said that Manota had K tar download
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