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If the Windshield washer function was interrupted, the started function is continued after
the vehicle start procedure has been completed.
Headlight Washer System
The headlight washer system is switched on during the first wash cycle after "terminal R
ON" and "lights ON". Activation is then suppressed for 7 minutes. The headlight washer
system is activated if the Windshield washer system is operated 5 times within the 7 min-
In response to the request from the junction box control unit, the headlight washer sys-
tem is switched on by means of a relay in the junction box.
The headlight washer system is no longer activated if the washer fluid level in the washer
fluid reservoir is too low. The junction box control unit receives the corresponding signal
from the washer fluid level sensor.
The headlight washer system is also not activated when blocking of the wipers is detect-
E70 Wipe/wash System
Service Information
Emergency Operating Functions
SZL Failure
The wipers can no longer be operated in the event of the steering column switch cluster
failing or a break in the bus connection. The junction box control unit switches to emer-
gency operating mode and the Windshield wipers are switched on in Stage 1 setting.
RLSS Failure
If there is a fault in the rain/driving lights/solar sensor or it fails completely, the junction
box control unit takes over control of the wipe/wash system and assumes emergency
operating mode. Emergency operating mode is an intermittent wipe function that is
dependent on the vehicle speed.
Replacing the RLSS
The following steps are necessary after replacing the sensor:
" Encode rain/driving lights/solar sensor
" Clear fault code memory
" Initialize rain/driving lights/solar sensor.
E70 Wipe/wash System [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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