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Ignoring the queen for a moment, Malfurion s brother gingerly touched one. Immediately he felt a surge of power.
It coursed through him. His body radiated primal energy that he knew took as its source that which fed the Well. He
realized that the demon lord had amplified his abilities by marking him so.
Truly you are favored by him& and, thus, favored by me, Queen Azshara whispered, drawing close again. And
there are many favors I can grant you, which even he cannot
Forgive this untimely intrusion, Light of Lights, a figure at the door almost growled.
Illidan tensed, but Azshara coolly straightened, brushing back her luxurious hair and eyeing the newcomer with
misleading, languid eyes. What is it, dear captain?
In contrast to the seductive brilliance surrounding the queen, Captain Varo then emitted a darkness that reminded
Illidan of the demons. He had only a hint of ability in the sorcerous arts, but Illidan already understood that the
soldier was possibly as deadly in his own way as Mannoroth.
Perhaps deadlier at times, at least where it concerned his jealousy against real and imagined rivals for his queen.
Varo then all but seethed as he took in the sight of Azshara and Illidan on the couch. She did not help matters by
reaching out and caressing the sorcerer s cheek as she rose.
I ve come for him, your majesty. This one s made promises and our lord expects those promises fulfilled.
And I will, Illidan returned strongly, staring back at the officer despite the scarf. Varo then s eyes narrowed
dangerously, but he nodded.
Then, by all means, Azshara interjected, coming between the pair and glancing at both coyly. I m certain
between the two of you that no dragon stands a chance! I very much look forward to hearing of your exploits
She ran a hand across the captain s breast plate, causing his eyes to light up in lust. both of your exploits, that
is! the queen added, doing the same over Illidan s bare chest.
Despite knowing that she played games with the pair of them, the sorcerer could not help reacting slightly. Steeling
himself against her wiles, he replied, I will not disappoint you& Azshara.
His use of her name without any title before or after it and the close familiarity such use hinted at did not sit
well with the soldier. Varo then s hand slipped to the hilt of his sword, but he wisely let it pass without actually
gripping the blade.
We must first find the beast which you claim you can do.
Illidan took hold of the dragon scale. I make no claim; I speak the truth.
Then, there is no need to wait. It is nearly nightfall.
Turning to the queen, Illidan executed the sort of bow he had witnessed in Black Rook Hold. With your
She gave him a regal smile. And you may go, too, dear captain.
Most gracious, Light of Lights, Flower of the Moon& Varo then also bowed, his action crisp and military. He
then indicated the doorway to Illidan. After you, master sorcerer.
Without a word to the armored figure, Illidan marched out. He sensed Varo then follow right behind him. It would
not have surprised Malfurion s twin if the captain tried to knife him in the back, but Varo then evidently had more
control than that.
Where do we go? he asked his escort.
You can do your casting once we re away from Zin-Azshari. Our Lord Sargeras wishes this mission to be finished
as soon as possible. He itches to set his feet upon Azeroth s soil and give our world his blessing.
Fortunate is Azeroth.
Varo then eyed him for a moment, trying to find fault with his answer. Unable to do so, he finally nodded, Aye,
fortunate is Azeroth.
The captain led him through the palace, eventually descending. As they neared the stables, Illidan asked, So you re
to be my companion throughout all this?
You should have someone to watch your back.
I m gratified.
Our great lord puts much stock into this notion of the disk fulfilling his needs. He will have it.
I welcome your company, the sorcerer remarked. At that moment, however, they entered the stables. What Illidan
saw there made him stop dead. And what s this?
A dozen Fel Guard stood waiting near the night sabers, their monstrous faces eager for bloodshed. Two Doomguard
flanked them, clearly there to keep order on their wingless brethren. Another pair of Fel Guard kept tight rein over a
slavering felbeast.
As I ve said, Captain Varo then answered with possibly a hint of sarcasm. You should have someone to watch
your back. These& He indicated the fiendish warriors. & will watch you very carefully. Of that, I make my
utmost promise, sorcerer.
Illidan nodded and said nothing.
We will make haste, I promise you, Rhonin.
Promise me nothing, Krasus, the human returned. Just be careful. And don t worry about Stareye. I ll deal with
He is the least of our worries. I trust you and the good Captain Shadowsong to keep the host together.
Me? Jarod shook his head. Master Krasus, you ve got much too much confidence in me! I m a Guard officer,
nothing more! It s as Maiev said, fortune smiled on me! I m no more a commander than than
Than Stareye? smirked Rhonin.
I am afraid we must count on you, Jarod Shadowsong. The tauren and the others, they see the respect you give
them and give it back in turn. There may come another time when, as you did earlier, you must make a decision to
act. For the sake of your people, I might add.
The night elf s shoulders slumped in defeat. I ll do what I can, Master Krasus. That s all I can say.
The mage nodded. And that is all we ask of you, good captain.
Now that we have that little matter settled, the human commented. How do you plan to reach the lair?
The gryphons are no longer available to us. We shall have to take night sabers and urge them to their swiftest.
But that ll take too long! Worse, it ll leave you more vulnerable to the Burning Legion s assassins!
Archimonde had demons constantly shadowing the host, seeking to slay Krasus and his band. Malfurion had been
especially marked by Archimonde after the druid s astounding reversal of certain Legion victory, but the dragon
mage had no doubt that he was also high on the demon s list.
A spell would be too risky a manner by which to travel to where Deathwing awaits, Krasus returned. I have no
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