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considered, but Melissa's friend had confided her intense relief when her
husband had been told to stay in Gaeta and continue the work which kept food
on the tables of the empire.
Both soldiers and sailors were accustomed to Readers guiding them, but most
of them had worked only with men before. On Melissa's ship, a converted
whaling vessel called the Western Sun, the crew fell all over themselves in
their attempt to do and say the right things, knowing that these women could,
if they chose, Read every thought they had. The embarrassment level reached a
high Melissa had never known before and she suddenly realized that these men
were trying not to show that they reacted to the healers as attractive women.
In trying to be friendly and put the men at ease, the healers only increased
the tension& until what was happening dawned on them, one by one, and they
withdrew into a restraint that quickly eased the situation.
How strange, Melissa thought. It had not occurred to her since her normal
adolescent turmoil several years ago to think of her physical attributes,
other than her skills as a healer. Now she realized that all the Readers on
this mission were physically attractive people. The old, the infirm, and the
out of condition had been left at home where only their mental powers
mattered. Every Reader on this journey was in the prime of life and the glow
of health no wonder it made the sailors uneasy to be suddenly surrounded by
pretty young females not only forbidden to them, but capable of knowing their
As soon as the women realized what was happening, things settled down to a
smooth, uneventful journey. Melissa learned how boring the life of adventure
could be. After she had explored the ship, there was nothing to do but sit
around and talk with the other Readers, or listen to the sailors tell tales of
other journeys, other battles. The third day out they sailed north of the
empire's border, well out of sight of land and range of any Reader not out of
body and specifically looking for them.
The seas became rougher, and a few Readers had to take their own medicines
for seasickness. Melissa wanted to stay on deck, but the lurching swells made
it too difficult for someone unaccustomed to sailing to stay on her feet.
Half-stumbling, half-crawling, she found her way back to her hammock, and rode
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out the rough weather safe in its cocoon.
When the seas smoothed, the sailors laughed at the women for referring to
what they had been through as a storm. "That was nothing!" they were told.
"You'd better get your sea legs before we go much farther!"
But there was no time for that; the fleet turned and headed toward land. The
maps showed a harbor large enough to accommodate about a third of the
fleet they would disembark in shifts, provided they dared enter the harbor at
all. They were still out of range of the most powerful Readers which meant
their own Readers could not Read the shore. Even in calm seas, leaving one's
body in a moving vessel was not recommended; one of the four Master Readers
traveling with them would do it when they were closer in, with other Readers
carefully monitoring him.
The gentle breeze dropped to a calm; the fleet slowed to a crawl. The sun set
without any great glory, for there was not a cloud in the sky. The waves
settled into gentle rocking. Apprehension rose from the experienced sailors at
the unnatural calm.
In the tense atmosphere, every Reader was Reading, seeking for a clue to
their being stalled here. Then, "Lower the oars!" shouted the captain of the
Western Sun almost half the fleet were equipped with oars and soon they were
moving forward again, leaving be hind those ships equipped only with sails.
Jason's ship also had oars even though she could not communicate with him
among the mass of Readers, Melissa could use the mental clutter as a mask to
watch him. She had noted carefully during the whole journey just where his
ship was in relation to hers and what his responsibilities were. He was
guiding them now, transmitting the proper heading to the Readers in all the
other ships.
Melissa Read ahead, trying to sense the land. Nothing. The ship moved as
smoothly as a chariot on a main road, no waves to interfere with the skilled
oarsmen's efforts.
Suddenly every Reader in the fleet Read a new mental voice, strong and
vibrant and commanding. //Stop. Turn your ships around and return to the
Aventine Empire, and no one will be harmed.//
Although the voice was calm, it struck fear into Melissa's heart. They were
discovered. What could have prompted a Reader to leave his body and seek them
out here? How could he have known?
//You are helpless against us,// the voice continued. //We are Adepts and
Readers working together. We will stop you before you reach our shores. Turn
back, lest you come to harm.//
The Readers conferred with one another. No one transmitted the message to the
nonReaders, and the oared vessels continued smoothly onward.
//We do not fear you.// Jason transmitted to the mysterious renegade. //We
far outnumber you. Read the size of the army proceeding against you, and
surrender before .you come to harm.//
There was a pause. Then the renegade responded, //Your army will never reach
shore. Behold!//
A fresh breeze rose, and howled into a biting north wind. As the ships rocked
and shook, the oarsmen broke rhythm in surprise. As fast as it had come, the
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wind died. //Behold your weakness,// Jason told the renegade. //A little wind
like that cannot stop us.//
"Keep moving!" he called to the captain of his vessel. It was an unnecessary
order; the men had already taken up their smooth pulling again.
Every Reader in the fleet was Reading to full capacity it was not Melissa's
own powers, but the range of one of the Master Readers that suddenly brought
the land ahead into their minds. As the ships sped over the calm sea it took
form as hills and a harbor and on one of the hills overlooking the harbor
three people, almost unReadable. Two men stood, facing the sea; the third lay
on a spread cloak on the ground his body was there, but not his mind, which
roved among the fleet of ships. That explained the pause he had had to return
to his body to speak to the others, the Adepts who had then raised the wind. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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