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surface, he tapped in a response code Willa had never seen. Incoming message. His
eyes flashed to hers for a moment, the heat in them enough to melt her wings. Hold
that last thought& we ll get back to it.
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She nodded, moving to another station to monitor ship s systems and the
readout for local space. While Brant dealt with his communication, she d make sure no
enemy was attempting to sneak up on them.
Over her shoulder, she glimpsed the Sh Bahkyr bowing toward a live-feed
hologram. Whoever he was talking to looked a lot like her least favorite person, Taelen.
Large gold eyes, honey clear, were set deep in a frame of thick black eyelashes. His
forehead was high and broad and his nose thin and long. Full lips and full wavy black
hair finished him off. Black holes and novas, but he was a pretty male. If she hadn t
hooked up with Brant, who gave her all she needed in the way of nourishment, Willa
would have been tempted by the Landresi s boldly masculine grace.
Instead, she turned around quickly and concentrated on her own board. The
Landresid, as a people, frightened her. Their powers were mysterious and awesome
and not to be taken lightly. This one, the most powerful of them all, had an aura about
him that set her feathers shivering.
Pretending to pay no attention to the continuing conversation, she kept her head
bowed and her ears cocked. That last proved to be unnecessary since the language,
probably Landre, was one she couldn t fathom. The gutturals were soft and smooth, the
vowels liquid and lyrical, but though she tried hard, she could understand nothing.
Her curiosity didn t stop her from completing her tests and she wrapped up the
last diagnostic about the same time Brant concluded his conversation with the ruler of
the Landresid. The male s voice, imbued with a dark rich tonal quality, switched from
the incomprehensible language to Galactic Standard. His words had her twisting
around. So, donesi, this is she whom you have bonded with. Your ninomo will be upset
she was not the first to greet and welcome her.
He might just as well have continued in that other language, for Willa was so
stunned she couldn t take his words in. Then, a moment later, what he d said about
them bonding came through loud and clear and Willa froze in horror. How could he
know what they d done? Taelen swore he d had no contact with home and she didn t
think Brant would have shared something so intimate. Besides, Taelen had broken his
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word not to use magic on Brant. What he d done played an integral part in what Brant
and Willa had become. She didn t think the prince would be too quick to make an
honest report of his magic usage to his father.
She snuck a peek over at her captain. Far from seeming upset, Brant had a huge
smile on his face. Beckoning her to his side, he faced the hologram after gifting her with
a smile of sublime sweetness. Yes, this is my Willa. The Tygyr and I have chosen her.
Golden eyes stared at Willa, the intent gaze making her shiver. The Landresi
acted like he was trying to catch a glimpse of her soul. Feeling she should say
something, she bowed her head without taking her wary gaze off the magic wielder.
Well met, sir.
Her soft greeting faded, dwindling away in the uncomfortable silence that
welled on the bridge. Winged beasts took to flight, their pinions fluttering in her belly.
Willa s teeth worried her bottom lip, caught the tender inner curve on a sharp tip. His
all-seeing eyes seemed to bore a hole right through her middle. What felt like eons went
by and she d begun to panic when he finally spoke.
She is a being unlike any other, different from most sentient life forms
inhabitants of most worlds have encountered. However, she will prove an excellent
mate for you. I have no objections.
Bringing a hand up to cover her mouth, Willa hid a smile, knowing before he
spoke what his reaction to the male s words would be. Sure enough, Brant s shoulders
squared and his jaw tensed. Tightening an arm about her, he spread his legs in a
conquering stance. I don t recall running it by you for approval. Sir. The tacked on
title of respect sounded begrudged.
The wise Landresi ruler seemed to note that. He didn t bother hiding his own
smile. The roguish twinkling of his eyes told her how much he enjoyed spiking her
lover s ire. Told also that he d taken no offense at Brant s belligerent response. Yes,
Willa decided. He must be Taelen s sire, for their smiles and their humor are exactly alike.
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It is a good thing, this teasing and laughter -- even laughter hidden -- among
family. The handsome male sobered, his face falling into more severe lines. But I must
speak of something painful. Your second-in-command must hear this as well.
Before he finished speaking, Willa leaned over and opened the ship s com,
quietly ordering Bevel to the bridge.
Straightening and turning her face up toward his, she flinched as Brant s
expression crumpled, watched him catch himself and erase all emotion from his
features. He couldn t erase it from his eyes, though. Willa swallowed a lump of
sympathy, her inner reservoir filling with his bitter dollop of fear.
You have news of Letshya, don t you? The way his mouth formed the name,
the caressing inflection of his voice revealed how much he loved his sister/twin.
The Landresi nodded curtly, golden eyes dull. The kind of news best shared
only once.
Chapter Fourteen
Sir, the prisoner has escaped! Looking anxious, the man hastened to protest his
innocence. I swear I had nothing to do with it. I left to obtain food and when I
returned, I found Abrams dead on the floor, his throat ripped out.
Fingers laced, Avron sat at his desk staring at the guard s sweating face in his
monitor, his own expression bland; a calculated response that constantly served to
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