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window. The sea was rough, heralding a storm, if the weatherman was right.
Sahara whispered to Jeff that she was going to see Larry for a minute and
then they could go home, but he said he had to go back to work for a couple
hours and left.
Sahara sat and took Larry s hand in hers. Honey, you look worse than
any man I have ever seen. Well, chin up, honey, because we got your wife to
shower and& .
And what? he asked. Georgia passed the table as they spoke and gave
Sahara a shrug as if to say it s up to you.
Sahara held his hand tighter. And we made love to her. The two of us
loved her, and she responded. She is tired now, and probably asleep. Go
home to her.
Larry tightened his hand around hers until it hurt. She had sex with the
two of you? His voice was a hard, cruel whisper, so full of anger that
Sahara was frightened. She had never seen him like this. She welcomed
two women to her bed, but threw me out? Her friends can share her body,
but her husband can t? I know she liked sex with you, almost as much as I
Caroline s House 301
did, but I never thought she preferred you to me. Well, I guess I was dead
wrong. He hung his head as he started to rise.
Now, wait a damn minute. Sahara was angry. You had better sit
down and think this through. She is fading away, as you yourself told
Georgia, and does not seem to care. Well, we care and did something about
it. We went thinking she needed friends, which she does, and some serious
talking-to, which Georgia did. We showered her and got her into clean
clothes. We held her and kissed away her tears, and one thing led to another.
Soon we two were making love to Caroline. You watched Caroline and me
and know that our love was soft and good. She trusts us, but she does not
trust you, at least not right now. Instead of being angry with us, or her, for
that matter, you should be thanking God that we were able to at least slow
down her disappearing.
Larry continued to stare out the window as if he was alone, but he was
listening. You are right, I know that. Nevertheless, it hurts. Her rejection
hurts like hell. I should be thankful for what you did. Hell, maybe I should
ask Doc and Jeff to make love with her too, as I know they love her. Maybe
anyone and everyone she would take, just to keep her alive. Dear God, what
should I do?
Georgia had overheard their conversation as she slowly wiped down the
table next to them. She walked to Larry and turned his head to kiss him on
the lips. I love you, Larry, nearly as much as I do Doc. I know he feels the
same way about Caroline. If that is what it takes, we will do it, but the real
solution is you. Maybe you ought to go home and see if you can at least talk
to her.
* * * *
The house was dark when he unlocked it and relocked it behind him.
The animals met him at the door and ran to their bowls. He fed and watered
them, giving each some serious petting, as if taking solace in their
appreciation of his affection. He slowly climbed the stair and entered their
bedroom through the broken door, without turning on any lights.
What are you doing here? her voice came from the bed, clearly visible
through the open shades as lightning illuminated the room, followed by
302 Beverly Sims
thunder so close it shook the house. Go away. Go back to her, whoever she
He moved to the bed and sat down. Please let me talk. Please at least
listen. When she did not reply, he continued. I have no excuse for what I
did and I am sorrier than you will ever know. Instead of being there for you,
instead of giving my support, instead of wrapping us together in our pain
and love, I let us fall into separate pits of pain. We lost our child, but your
loss was more than mine, although in my selfishness, I never considered
that. On some level, I suppose I resented his death, blaming you because
you died rather than staying alive with me to create our child. I suppose I
thought it was your now-life that was the reason, or maybe your age.
Whatever I thought was just selfishness. I never stopped to think you were
blaming yourself exactly as I did, and that in reality, none of it was your
Caroline, I love you. I want you back. I want my shining red-headed
angel in my arms again, in my bed, in my love. I know that is not possible,
that you despise me too much for that. I know your depression has taken
away any desire to stay whole if it means being with me. I understand that.
Georgia and Sahara told me what they did for you today, and I am so
thankful. Hell, I know you love Doc and even Jeff, and I will beg them to
come and make love with you to keep you from going. I will do anything
and everything to stop you from leaving us, as we all love you.
He had talked without a word from her. He rose and went to the
bathroom so she would not see him cry, but even with the water running,
she could hear his pain.
As he exited the bathroom, another strike of lightning filled the room.
He saw her standing naked in the pouring rain on the balcony. The doors
were open, and the wind was whipping through the room and down the hall.
He stood where he was, just watching her as she turned and moved back
inside. It seemed she moved through the air, gliding toward him. Her arms
were wet and cold as she put them around him. Her lips were warm and wet
as they met his in a soft, loving kiss. He cried out as he encircled her body,
sobbing into her dripping hair. I love you, darling. Please say you
remember the love we had together. Please say you will try to find it in your
heart to forgive me.
Shhhhh. Just kiss me, Larry. Just kiss me. And he did.
Caroline s House 303
* * * *
Their son was born ten months later, healthy and robust. Georgia and
Doc became godparents, as did Larry and Georgia for the little girl born
two months earlier to Jeff and Sahara. Caroline/Carmine resumed writing,
now with a word processor, under the name Larry Gardiner, Ghostwriter.
When Caroline had the next child a year later, it was to be a present for
Georgia from Doc and Caroline, with Larry s blessing.
Beverly Sims and her husband Bob, an avid fisherman, live in Central
Florida. They enjoy travel throughout the U.S. visiting the most off-the-
wall places they can find, anywhere coast to coast, Canada to Mexico. These
adventures add fuel to the fire of endless novel ideas in her head.
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