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is called ___________-___________ leave.
10. A person's right to something (for example, their right to a paid holiday from work) is called an
For reference see Dictionary of Business - 4th edition (A&C Black Publishers Ltd, 978-0-713-67918-2)
Unit 0000
11. If an employee is away from work without permission and without a good reason, we can say that
s/he has taken ___________ absence from work.
12. When an employee is sick and has to wait three days before s/he can claim sick pay, these days are
known as ___________ days.
13. If an employee has permission to be away from work, s/he has leave of ___________.
14. When an employee gets time off from work instead of pay (for example, if they work overtime and
get some time off work instead of overtime pay), we say that they take time off ___________
15. A short period of leave given to a father to be away from work when his partner has a baby is called
___________ leave.
16. Paid time off from work given to an employee to help him / her deal with personal affairs is called
___________ leave.
17. A holiday or period when people are not working is called a ___________ (especially in the USA).
18. A payment made by the government or by a private insurance company to someone who is ill and
cannot work is called sickness ___________.
1. D L
2. T T
3. T R Y
4. U D
5. G E N
6. A B C
7. A S E I
8. U O A
9. O G R C
10. T M
11. U H S
12. A I
13. N E
14. I E
15. P T
16. A S
17. C T
18. B F
For reference see Dictionary of Business - 4th edition (A&C Black Publishers Ltd, 978-0-713-67918-2)
Workplace problems
Unit 0000
Exercise 1: In the following sentences and paragraphs, one of the words in each of the
word pairs in bold is wrong and one is right. Identify the most appropriate word in each
case. You will find this easier to do if you read each paragraph through first so that you
have a better idea of what it is about (Note that the wrong words are real English words,
but do not fit into the context of the sentence / paragraph).
Paragraph (A)
If there is a (1) despite / dispute between the management and the union in a company which cannot
be (2) restored / resolved, and as a result a (3) strike / stroke looks likely, a third party might be called
in to (4) abdicate / arbitrate.
Paragraph (B)
Three managers have been accused of (1) fraught / fraud, (2) dissemination / discrimination,
(3) bullying / bumbling, (4) racy / racial (5) obtuse / abuse and (6) sectional / sexual (7) harassment
/ arrestment . As a result two of them have been (8) fried / fired and one has been (9) suspected /
suspended without pay. The first two are claiming (10) unfair / unfaithful (11) dismissive / dismissal
and plan to (12) appeal / appal. The third has applied for a job with the government.
Paragraph (C)
We would like to point out that there have been several (1) breaches / beaches of the company's 'No
smoking' policy. We also have proof that several factory floor workers have been (2) neglecting /
negotiating their duties, and there have also been several incidences of (3) insurrection /
insubordination towards senior managers and intentional (4) damning / damage of company
property. If this happens again, those responsible will be taken before a (5) disconcerting / disciplinary
(6) broad / board and could face (7) instant / instance (8) dismal / dismissal. We would like to stress
that the company has a (9) nil-tolerant / zero tolerance policy towards those who misbehave or break
the rules.
Paragraph (D)
The management are fully aware that because of staff (1) shortness / shortages we are all
(2) overstretched / oversubscribed at the moment, Mr Harrington, but we suggest that if you have a
(3) grievance / grievous, you put it to us in writing rather than encourage your colleagues to hold a
sudden (4) walkout / walkabout. We'd like you to treat this as a (5) verbal / verdant (6) warming /
warning: the next time it happens, we will be obliged to ask for your (7) notice / note.
Paragraph (E)
What a terrible month! Sales have (1) droned / dropped by 40%, six employees have been made
(2) recumbent / redundant, two senior managers have (3) resigned / resided, our main supplier has
gone (4) bankrolled / bankrupt, someone has (5) haggled / hacked into the company website and
given us a (6) virus / viscous (with the result that the entire computer system has (7) crashed /
cracked), and the coffee machine is still out of (8) odour / order.
For reference see Dictionary of Business - 4th edition (A&C Black Publishers Ltd, 978-0-713-67918-2)
Unit 0000
Paragraph (F)
One problem that many companies face is that of their employees (1) plateauing / plating. This often
happens when there is a lack of opportunity for promotion. In such situations, employees may feel they
are lacking sufficient (2) simulation / stimulation, and as a result could lose their (3) motivation /
motorisation and display less (4) indicative / initiative than before. This in turn can lead to reduced
(5) proclivity / productivity for the company concerned. A good manager should recognise the
potential danger signs, and (6) implement / inclement any solutions that they think might help.
Paragraph (G)
An unhappy workforce should be easy for a good manager to spot. Basically, if staff (1) turnover /
turnaround is high and staff (2) detention / retention is low, (3) conflict / conscript situations are
frequent, there is frequent staff (4) absenteeism / abstention, poor (5) timeserving / timekeeping
and (6) misconduct / misconception in the workplace, if (7) moral / morale seems generally low and
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