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are so not funny." Then she laughed again. "I guess I am a
bit of a diva aren't I?"
Derek smiled, got up, and sat in her lap. Taking her cheeks
in both hands he planted a big kiss on her lips. "You're my
diva and I love you. Want that spanking now?" Beck shoved
him playfully, laughing even harder. "Seriously. Call him.
Right now with me sitting here. I want to hear how it goes."
Beck looked doubtful. "You really think I should call him.
Right now?"
Beck dug in her purse and pulled out her cell phone. "If he
hangs up on me I will never forgive you ever. If he is angry
with me and makes me feel even worse I will take your nuts
and ."
Derek made a talking motion with his hand. "Beck, less
threatening, more calling."
Wrestling With Desire
by D.H. Starr
She stuck out her tongue and dialed the number. "Hi.
Bryce, it's me. No, I'm not mad at you...what?...why are you
sorry?...But I was calling to tell you that I'm sorry...I know,
but you were just telling me the tru...Will you stop
interrupting me? I'm calling to tell you that I was a total
bit...Bryce O'Neill! If I say that I am a bitch, then I am a bitch
and you will not tell me differently. Do you understand?"
Derek dropped his head into his hands and rocked it gently.
This is her idea of an apology? "Of course I still love
you...tomorrow night? Yes, definitely. Ok hon, g'night." She
snapped her phone shut and shoved it back into her purse.
"Seriously, the boy doesn't know how to accept an apology.
He kept trying to blame himself and wouldn't let me get a
word in edgewise."
Derek lifted his head out of his hands. "So, you guys made
nice-nice and everything is all better?"
Beck pursed her lips. "Don't get all smart ass on me, Derek
Thompson. It's not like you are Mr. Sensible all the time."
"Very true. So, shall I buy us another round?"
Beck nodded. As he passed her chair she grabbed his
hand. "Thanks for being there. It's nice to know that I can still
count on my favorite best friend."
* * * *
Derek woke up to the sound of his cell phone ringing the
next morning. Reaching over to his desk without opening his
eyes, he fumbled for his phone, spilling a pile of papers and a
book onto the floor in the process. "H'lo". His voice was
groggy and thick with sleep.
Wrestling With Desire
by D.H. Starr
"I woke you. Shit." Scott sounded mortified. "Go back to
sleep and call me when you get up."
"No, I'm up, I'm up. What's up?" Derek rolled over and
leaned on his elbow, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. It
was 10:28.
"Nothing, I just wanted to get together with you." Despite
the fact that Derek had only been awake for about thirty
seconds, he couldn't suppress the smile that spread across his
face. Scott had such an innocent way of saying things with
sincere honesty that it was impossible not to feel all warm
and fuzzy.
Derek stretched while still managing to keep the phone by
his ear. "Yeah. What are you in the mood for?"
"I hadn't really thought about it. You have any ideas?"
"Um, yeah. Maybe we could go into Boston and walk
around. I have been meaning to go to Best Buy to check out
new mixing boards." Remembering his evening with Beck, he
thought it might be a good idea to include her in their plans if
Scott didn't mind. "Would you mind if we included Beck with
us today? She kind of had a rough night last night."
"Really? What happened? Is she ok?"
"Well, it appears that her musical love interest would be
more interested in Beck if she was a chick with a dick." Derek
heard a smack through the earpiece of his phone. "You
When Scott's voice returned, it was thunderous laughter
that came through the line. "Yeah." More laughing. "M'here.
Sorry. I dropped the phone." It took Scott a minute before he
could continue speaking as he attempted to catch his breath.
Wrestling With Desire
by D.H. Starr
"You have got to be kidding me. Bryce, the only guy that
Beck spends time with nowadays, is gay? That is priceless!"
Derek wasn't sure if he appreciated Scott's lack of concern,
but he began to laugh with him anyways. I guess it is kind of
funny. As long as I never, ever let Beck know I think so, I
should be fine. "Ok, enough Scott. She was upset. Should I
invite her to join us?"
"Yeah, definitely. I love hanging out with Beck."
His irritation was short lived, replaced by affection as Scott
so easily and quickly included Beck in their plans. A sudden
thought crossed his mind and he became momentarily
concerned. "You will be nice won't you? I mean, you won't
make her feel stupid or bad or anything like that? Sometimes,
when the two of you get together you both ."
"Oh, come on. Give me a little more credit than that."
Scott sounded insulted. Derek held his breath waiting for
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