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He was pleased that she didn t pull away from him and even curled her fingers around his. He squeezed
her hand and murmured against the tantalizing lobe of her ear, I d much prefer to have you all to myself.
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She shivered against him and linked her fingers more securely through his. She stood on tiptoe and
pressed a kiss across his lips. That sounds divine.
He returned the kiss with an equally light one, wishing he could deepen it. Soon as they were alone in the
dark confines of her vessel, he gathered her into his arms and drank deeply of her lips. He stroked her
hair away from her lovely face and memorized her delicate bone structure.
She returned his kisses with equal and growing fervor. She snuggled against him and wound her fingers
through his hair.
The windows steamed and he was so intoxicated he forgot they were in a semi-public place until a horn
blasted nearby and raucous laughter scorched his ears. When the angel in his arms pulled back, he
mourned the loss of her warmth, the light caress of her fingers, her lips.
Clestie smoothed her hair and tried to put it back in order, but wisps escaped in charming tendrils
around her heart-shaped face. Her eyes were wide and shimmering in the dark car. I don t know what s
come over me.
He growled and released her reluctantly, wanting nothing more than to ravage her and make her his.
Don t apologize.
No woman had ever regretted being with him, being worshipped by him, and he most definitely didn t
want this one to feel such.
53 Ashley Ladd
He drank in her loveliness and his groin tightened unbearably. He grazed his knuckles down her closest
arm and didn t miss the fact her flesh goose-pimpled. The gods kissed you the day you were born.
A becoming blush stained the apple of her cheeks and she slid a shy glance at him. Do you slay all the
girls with lines like that?
Slay? He frowned. I assure you I have never harmed a woman and I would never hurt you.
Clestie started the car then spun the wheel and then let it slide through her loose fingers as the SUV
made a sharp turn to the right. I mean, do you flatter a lot of women with such flowery words? How
many fall for those lines?
I was being most honest. I ve never beheld a more beautiful mortal. Even Helen pales in comparison.
Helen as in Helen of Troy? Awe laced her voice and a humble joy lit her face.
He nodded. None other.
The traffic grew horrendous and she gave her attention over to it.
Almost half an hour later, she pulled over to the curb, turned off the vehicle and turned to him. Thank
He lifted her hand to his lips and caressed it. Tingles shot up his spine and he longed to taste her lips. I
am sure you receive many such compliments.
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Clestie grimaced and shadows crossed her eyes. Not many.
Then your man is not worthy of being a man. You deserve to be cherished and revered. I would never
let you forget how beautiful you are.
But you won t be staying, will you? Her lips twisted.
Leo could swear pain and longing clouded her eyes, awakening similar emotions in him. He would never
willingly hurt this special woman. He pulled her across the seat and enveloped her in a hug. I cannot. I
must return to help my charges. They have lost their way and need me.
Her lips parted as if to speak and then she tightly pursed them.
He slid a finger beneath her chin and lifted her face so he could better see into her soul. The typical
Scorpio passion blazed out at him.
I am slave to my responsibilities. He remembered his father s thunderbolt. And my family.
Ruefully, she glanced over at the shop and nodded. I understand family loyalty. The closed sign still
dangled askew on the front door beneath the silvery wind chimes. He could barely make out the counter
and vague outlines of racks.
Tis not a bad thing. He wouldn t have met her, however, if not for his streak of disloyalty.
54 Heavenly Hijinks
His hands couldn t get enough of her softness, nor his gaze her intoxicating beauty. He feathered kisses
over her eyelids and down her cheek to the long creamy column of her throat.
Umm, you re scrumptious.
He hadn t been so affected by a woman since& He thoughtfully rubbed his chin. He couldn t remember
the last time he d ever been so captivated.
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