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Bean groaned for him, pushed into his hand. "It's all yours."
"Excellent." He grabbed a rubber, muscled them into the water, pressed Bean up against the tile. "My
"Oh, fuck, yes." Bean spread his legs.
The conditioner made a perfectly reasonable lube, and he slicked his fingers up, pushing two in deep.
"Yes. Yes." Bean pushed back, taking his fingers and wordlessly begging for more.
"Hot man." He opened Bean up, moving that tight little hole.
"Hot for you, Clay. Want you inside me."
"Soon." He worked a little harder. "You ready?"
"Fuck yes. Can't you tell?" Bean's ass pushed back toward him.
He swatted that tight ass again, then gloved up, slicking his prick.
Whimpering, Bean pushed back demandingly. "Come on. Come on."
He lined up and pushed in, spreading Bean without hesitation. Bean pushed back into his invasion, ass
clamping down tight around him. He bit out a tight curse, then rolled forward, insisting that Bean take him
in. Bean relaxed his muscles long enough for him to go deep, and then tightened around him again.
"Fuck, yeah." He pulled out slowly, then slammed in again.
"Mmmhmm." He grunted, started fucking hard and quick, driving them both higher.
Bean worked with him, pushing back into every thrust and making the best noises.
"Hot man." He set his teeth against Bean's shoulder.
"Fucking burning, man. For you."
"Good." He leaned in, humping hard. "Thought about you all day."
Bean leaned back, cheek rubbing against his. He leaned harder and brought their lips together, kissing
deep. Bean opened right up to him, ass and mouth, his for the taking. Fuck, this man was hot. So hot.
And fine. And wild. It was like Bean hadn't just come. Clay grunted and slammed in harder, eyelids
heavy, heart slamming in his chest.
"Fuck! Fuck." Bean whimpered, groaned.
"Uh-huh. Exactly."
Bean's laugh was free and wild, filling the air. Fuck, this man was an addiction. His cock ached, his balls
were heavy.
"Can I come? Please? I wanna. I need to."
"Over and over and over." He bit Bean's earlobe, jacked that pretty cock.
"Oh, fuck!" Bean cried out for him, body jerking between his hand and his cock.
"Good. Come on. I want to fucking feel you coming on my prick." Those muscles were going crazy.
"Yes. Oh, fuck. Clay!" As Bean shouted his name, the man came, ass going unbelievably tight around his
He panted through Bean's orgasm, then started slamming, driving himself higher and higher. Bean wasn't
selfish, the man humping back and bearing down on his cock, making it good.
"Fuck, babe. So good..."
"Uh-huh. Uh-huh." Bean was panting hard, movements slowing as Bean pushed back into his thrusts.
He grunted and pushed deep, shooting so hard he couldn't bear it. Bean collapsed against the wall, chest
"Better." He rested hard, pressing them both against the tile.
The water beat down around them, keeping them warm as they caught their breath. He let his fingers run
up and down along Bean's abs, feeling each and every ridge.
Moaning softly, Bean leaned his head back on Clay's shoulder. "Feels good, man."
"Yeah. Yeah, babe." He nuzzled the curve of Bean's shoulder. "You hungry?"
"Yeah, starving actually." Bean chuckled. "And for food this time."
"No shit." He slid out, patted Bean's ass, and dealt with the condom.
Bean pushed under the water, soaped up and rinsed quickly. "You said something about burgers?"
"I did. We could do them here. Meat's in the fridge."
"You got some onions and mushrooms? I can make the patties for you." Reaching out, Bean soaped him
up, hands and fingers touching him everywhere.
"Works for me. There's chips and beer, too." Hell, he even had good cheese.
"And beer. Let's not forget the beer." Bean turned off the shower and got out, grabbing a towel and
starting to dry him off like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"I never forget the beer." He pulled Bean close, took one more hard-hard kiss.
Bean opened up to him, smooth as butter. Their bodies slid together, the towel rough between them.
He swept his hands down over Bean, cupped the fine ass, squeezed it. "Come on. Clothes. Food."
"Yes, Master." Bean gave him a wink and high-tailed it out of the bathroom.
Clay snorted and winged the balled-up towel at Bean's head.
Bean managed to duck, but then he came to a halt. "Shit. Clothes." He laughed.
"No, no. You just got out of the dirty clothes." He dug out a pair of soft shorts.
"Mmm, I love the idea of getting into your pants."
"You'll look good in them." And he'd have easy access.
Bean took them from him, fingers sliding along his.
He grabbed a pair of shorts for himself, tossed over a T-shirt. "For later, if you get chilly."
"Thanks." Grinning at him, Bean slid on the shorts and tucked the T-shirt into the waistband, leaving the
long, lean torso bare.
He gave Bean the once-over. Pretty. Very. There was a faint blush on Bean's cheek, but the man
showed off for him a bit, letting him see. Nice. He approved. "Come on, babe. I'm gonna waste away."
Bean nodded and leaned against him, clearly wanting a kiss. Greedy, hungry man.
He gave it, tongue fucking Bean's lips for a second before he backed off. "Food."
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry." Bean didn't look it, though, eyes bright and glittering with happiness.
Real sorry, both of them.
Bean admired Clay as the man worked the grill, turning burgers expertly. They were getting just enough
char on them to be delicious without going to the point where they'd taste like burned meat. Fucking A.
He'd whipped them up with a little chopped onions and mushrooms mixed into the meat and that, along
with the barbeque sauce Clay was slathering them with as they cooked, was going to make them the
tastiest burgers ever.
Bean whistled as he tossed together a salad using lettuce and bits and pieces of vegetables that Clay had
in the fridge. They worked as well together in the kitchen as they did in the bedroom; they made a good
team. Hell, he hadn't felt this comfortable with anyone outside of Bake in... well, ever.
He brought the salad and a couple more beers outside and put them on the picnic table already set for
two, and then settled in one of the deck chairs, where he had a great view of Clay.
"Looking good," he noted, meaning the burgers and the man, both.
"Thanks, babe." Those broad shoulders flexed, waist tapering down into a teeny tiny ass.
God, he could sit here and drool all fucking night long and the rest of the week, too. He laughed, having
a sudden image of him telling Bake he couldn't come into work because he was too busy drooling.
"Share the joke?" The buns went on the grill, boom boom.
"Oh, it's silly. I was just thinking I should tell Bake I'm not going to make it to work the rest of the week,
so I can stay here and admire your amazing body."
"Oh, he'd be here in a second, cussing me."
"I think you mean cussing me." Bean laughed. "He can't do the business accounts to save his life."
"No? I'm in touch. I hate that part."
"Yeah? You need someone to look at your books? I'm pretty handy with that part. I mean, I like getting
out there and getting my hands dirty and all, but the numbers are where I get my groove on." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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