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Dashika snorted.  You did a piss-poor job.
Adam grinned.  You re here.
 Only  cause I was tracking your asses down, Dashika objected.
 You re here, Jake echoed.  Maybe we didn t go about things right, but you
came. We lay together, and now we re all One.
 Yeah. That s what s buggin me. Dashika examined her nails, though inside
she was panicking.  See, I have a life. I m a national forest service ranger. A good one. I
have friends, family. Can t just drop all that for your sake, now matter how good you
are in bed. You see where I m coming from?
 The friends and family you could keep, as long as you kept our secret, too,
Adam said seriously.  The job would be more of a problem. We need you here full time.
We need you, Dashika.
She glanced up. OK. Moment of truth.  So what happens if I say no?
Adam drew his hand back.  I hope you won t. But like you said, we made a piss-
poor job of this. We won t blame you if you walk away. Just know we want you, we
need you, and the Kin has bowed to you as a leader. That s a lot.
He laid a hand on Jake s shoulder.  My Beta and I will let you have time to think.
Are you willing?
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Dashika nibbled her lip again. Damn. She should just get up and walk out while
she could. But something about those two made her soft where she should be tough.
 I ll think, she said at last.  But I m not promising any more.
 Good enough. Adam rose and pulled Jake to his feet.  Come on. We ll lie on
the bed. Let Dashika be for a while.
Jake followed obediently. Come to think of it, he always was obedient, wasn t
he? He took one backward, longing glance at her. But when Adam curled up on the
bed, he spooned into the man s grasp, holding on tight to the arms that circled his ribs.
He grasped Adam s hands, and they lay still.
Well. So much for them, for the time being, anyway. Now she had to think.
Think like she d never thought before. She stared at the men, holding each other, and let
the wheels in her brain start to turn.
* * *
She doesn t want us, Jake whined mind-to-mind with Adam. We did this all so
That we did. Adam ran a hand down Jake s arm. She s as strong and tough as I
thought. She may walk away. We might have to look for someone else.
Want HER, Jake thought sullenly. We re meant to be together. Meant to love one
I know. Me too. She s the only woman I ve ever met who could match us. I got the
feeling, just touching at her mind, we re the only men who ve ever left her satisfied. But sex
might not be enough, Jake. She might want to be on her own.
Want her HERE.
If she wants to leave, we let her go. Understand? No fights, no fusses. We let her walk.
It s the Alpha s right. She s Kin. Even if she leaves, in time I suspect she ll form a pack of her
Without us? Jake sounded woebegone.
Could be. And if things pan out that way, then we let her go.
Don t want to.
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I know.
Hold me?
Adam s laughter sounded through their mind link. You sound like more of a Lupa
than she does.
If she stays, she has to accept us too, right? You and me. Always has been, always will be.
She s included, but we re still together. Jake s hands tightened on Adam s. Promise.
I promise. Now, if you want to be held, just nestle closer. I ll keep a hold on you until
Dashika makes up her mind.
And then?
And then, we let her do what s in her heart.
Jake sighed. Hope she thinks fast.
So do I, lover. So do I. Adam tucked his chin into the crook of Jake s shoulder and
rubbed his lover s naked cock, more for comfort than to get him hard. But we ll see. We ll
wait and see.
* * *
Damn. You couldn t get a credit card between those two. Snuggled up tight as
puppies in a nesting box, they were. Dashika gazed at Adam and Jake, sizing them up.
Leave out the werewolf part, and they were the perfect men for her. Big. Strong. Daring.
Knew how to fuck. God, did they know how to fuck. They satisfied her. Made her feel
whole. Wanted. Needed.
Maybe& maybe even& loved.
But they d also known making love to her would awaken something in her --
something she wasn t sure she was ready to deal with. They could have warned her.
Maybe, like they said, this thing had always been there, inside her. Maybe that s why
she d always been so at home in the forest. But still. They hadn t asked. Then they d
handed her a choice. Stay or go. Like she could make up her mind that fast!
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Dashika let out her breath, untucked her legs,
and stood from the rocking chair. It d be a favorite, if she stuck around long enough to
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learn the place. Fit every kink of hers just right. She wondered if one of them had made
Her bare feet silent on the plank floor, she crossed to the uncurtained window
and peered out. The yard was still littered with wolves, each one s ears pricked
forward, listening for some sign from the cabin. Looking at them, she thought she could
tell just by sight which ones were male, and which female. Plus, with her weird new
way of sensing things deep inside, she could tell they were all strong, but not Alphas,
not by a long shot.
Not like Adam.
Not like herself, now.
Dashika tapped her nails against the window frame. It was a hell of a choice
she d been given. Say she said no. Walked out. She felt pretty sure they d let her go.
What then?
Go back to the ranger station, deny this new part of herself for the rest of her life,
and flinch every time she saw a wolf at the zoo? Leave Adam and Jake s big, soft bed
and both the men who filled her brim-full and took her over the edge easy as breathing?
But she could. If she wanted to. And God knew, she should. This was all just too
much for a good Carolina girl to handle.
On the other hand& say she stayed. All this was unexpected, out of the blue.
Lord knew she d never even dreamed of something like what had just happened. If she
stayed, what would she be gaining? Not one man, but two, each one of them great in
bed and of a personality she thought she d like getting to know. She d like to teach
them a few things about strong bitches outside of bed, for that matter.
She d gain a huge, extended family in addition to the one she already had. She d
have a home, not some cramped apartment or a cot at a ranger station. She d be [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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