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few years ago.
You seem to get big-ticket items for your birthday.
She lifted an eyebrow in query. Are you a big-ticket item?
Lissa Matthews
Have you failed to notice just how big I am? And no, I m not talking about my
dick, though it s nothing small either.
He tweaked her nose and then kissed the tip. The gesture was affectionate, sweet,
tender, and it made her chest ache.
Come on, get up, lazy bones.
But I like it right here.
Tough. I need to put some lotion on your tat.
She sighed and used the edge of the mattress to pull herself up. I need to wash my
hair anyway.
Where? Weren t you just in the shower?
Yes, but I didn t think I was supposed to get the tattoo wet. I figured I d wash it in
the kitchen sink.
Okay then. Let s go wash your hair.
You don t have to help.
Oh I know, but maybe I d like to. He got down in her face until they were nose to
nose. In case you hadn t noticed, I really like touching you and I ll use any excuse I
have to.
Yeah. Oh.
Okay, well, let me get dressed and you can help me wash my hair.
You can do it naked.
You re not naked.
I m not washing my hair.
Perv. Mandi laughed, completely at ease with her nudity, his being fully clothed,
and their light, teasing banter. There was no gonna fall because she was already so far
gone for him. If she hadn t had a crush on him before, she certainly would have one by
now. He made it so simple to like him, to want to be with him.
Ink Spots
He licked his lips and thrust his hips at her. Every inch, baby.
* * * * *
You made all these? Jaz called from the living room. He was flipping through a
notebook full of pictures of jewelry.
Yeah, she said from the doorway of her bedroom.
She d been searching for a while for something to wear that wouldn t rub on the
candle tattoo. She d put her hair up in two little clips and she looked amazing. Except
she was still topless.
Jaz pointed to her bare breasts. You going like that?
Mandi put her hands on her hips and pushed her shoulders back, thrusting her
chest forward. Those tits stood out proudly, capped by the tightest, prettiest nipples.
She shot him a smug look, full of female power and feminine knowing. I might.
If his grin mirrored his thoughts& I don t think so. I don t share. Damn, man.
Could you sound just a little more possessive?
Oh well. She shrugged and dropped her hands. I don t either.
Not a problem with him. He didn t want to be shared with anyone. He had a feeling
Mandi was more than enough to wear his ass out. She disappeared back into her room
and he could hear her muttering about nothing to wear.
How about this? she asked, stepping back into the living room.
This was a black top. It covered her back to just under her shoulder blades, tied
around her neck from the front while leaving a deep plunging scoop neckline. It
worked. His dick said so. Though her being naked worked too. However, where they
were going and what they were going to be doing, naked was the last thing she needed
to be.
I like it. Gonna wear those sexy-ass boots I can t stop thinking about?
She laughed, and it sank deep beneath his skin. Would you like me to leave you
alone with my boots for a while?
Lissa Matthews
Not unless you re in em.
Hadn t planned on wearing those, no, but I do have another pair you might like
just as much.
Honey, any boots on you, any heels at all, and I m a happy man.
She disappeared but returned quickly, carrying a pair of ankle boots, almost the
mirror image of the knee-high ones he was so in lust with. Hot damn.
You sure you don t want me to leave you alone with my boots?
No. Another laugh from her had him turning his back on her. He was ready to
tackle her to the floor and feel those heels digging into his ass. Before the night was
over, he was going to do just that. He went back to flipping through her notebook,
trying to ignore the urge. You do really nice work.
Thank you.
In all seriousness, you should consider making some things for the shop. I d love
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