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Dena nodded.
Then he turned to Jill. Ma am, if that was your house we met you by, I ll come and collect her when we are through.
* * * *
Dena spent the afternoon talking with Jill about inane topics that mattered only because they were pleasant. And, as
she got to know her new friend, she decided to be blunt. Do people on Absolute Zero have extrasensory abilities?
Jill was immediately uncomfortable. There is no question that many people on my planet are extremely adept at
working with virtual reality and other forms of artificial intelligence. We don t normally explain to outsiders why that
Me too, she said, and described Lyask in quite a lot of detail. Giving Jill that trust opened up her new friend to
continue their discussion. Finally, Dena asked, Do you think the similarities between our people are why I can control
the Nav with my mind?
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Starlit Destiny
Yes, Jill said. But it is illegal to install AI circuitry onboard spacecraft. If what you are telling me is true, I d
suggest that I am the only person you talk with about this, or your friends could be in trouble with the Sarza
Command. In fact, I m surprised they haven t been caught yet.
Jaret hadn t told her there was AI circuitry on the Jurate. She made a mental note to ask.
Evening arrived with a brilliant display of lavender hues reflecting off distant mountains. Pink light sparkled through
icicles hanging from the eves. As the horizon gently faded to midnight blue, she helped Jill prepare supper until her
husband came home from working. After Greig arrived, he shooed them out of the kitchen so they could visit.
Jill s husband was tall and soft about the middle, a huge man compared to Krys. And there was another point Dena
noticed when comparing the two. The man doted on his wife. Greig insisted he cook dinner; Greig insisted Jill visit
with her. In fact, Greig insisted on a lot of things. But, Dena noted sadly, he was insisting in a sweet, gentle manner.
Dena sighed. She had to admit, Krys was always trying to take care of her. But force-feeding wasn t nearly as
romantic as having dinner ready and waiting. Even Jill s meat had been cut into bite-sized tidbits.
Conversation during supper proved that Greig was thoroughly smitten with his wife. How could Jill possibly confuse
Krys rough demeanor with her own husband s kind, loving manner? If Krys loved her, why wasn t it so obvious for
her? That thought was much more disturbing.
Dena was worried when after the evening meal she was still waiting for Krys to arrive. Perhaps I should leave now.
No, Dena! The yeddi! Matt howled in warning.
What s a yeddi?
Really scary monsters that howl all night. They got really big fangs. Matt started prowling around demonstrating.
They will steal unsuspecting trash bags, if we aren t careful, Jill s husband whispered. You let Lyn and Darian
worry about that ship, you go and tell Matt a bedtime story.
Considering what Jill had revealed about Krys and Jaret working with her husband in the past, Dena had wondered if
Greig was involved in the illegal computer trade. Greig s statement that he knew Krys and Jaret were working on their
ship made her think she was right. Krys probably let her spend the afternoon with Jill so he would be free to take care
picking up the electronic signature. More than likely, he d bought it from Greig.
Dena gazed at the comm-unit on her wrist. If she was right, Krys wouldn t want her to be here. He probably didn t
realize that Jill was Greig s wife. She should be nervous, but she wasn t. That knowledge didn t detract from her
opinion of this man and his family. They might be willing to live outside the law, but they were good people. Look at
her! By leaving her planet, she d broken more laws than she knew existed, and none of it was her fault.
I should go.
Please don t, Dena, Jill insisted. "Matt really has taken to you.
Dena smiled in agreement and helped get Matt ready for bed. When the little boy finally lay down, she yawned right
along with him while tucking him firmly beneath thick blankets. She sat beside him and started weaving a fanciful
story about a mermaid who lived in a magical underwater city and a handsome man who came one day and shook up
her world....
She faintly heard Matt s padding feet, half-aware of his voice as he told his mother. My pretty Dena fell asleep.
Mama, will you finish. Dena thinks Kastytis is named Krys.
* * * *
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Starlit Destiny
Dena woke as Krys carried her out of Matt s room. She smiled shyly and thanked both Jill and Greig for a lovely visit.
After she dressed, she followed Krys outside. When he turned away from the spaceport she asked, Where are you
A small inn, near your friend s house.
Where s Jaret?
Guarding the ship.
She balked when they arrived at the tiny room he d rented. There was a huge comfortable bed--just the one.
Shouldn t we leave now? It isn t safe--
If we slept on the Jurate, you d be forced to share a bunk with me. Do you want Jaret, right above us, hearing you
crying out in your dreams? He d get the right idea. His tone was still cold, his lips curled into an intimidating grin.
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