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Kayla smacked her lips in anticipation.  I am looking forward to it.
 I am going to go upstairs and take my shower, but I ll be back down in a little while.
Her sisters nodded.  Okay.
She made her way upstairs. She took a quick shower and, fifteen minutes, later returned downstairs.
When she made her way into the kitchen, she saw her sisters had already started on the dishes.
Walking over to the sink, she joined in, and they had the kitchen cleaned up in no time.
Kayla yawned.  I guess I m more tired than I thought I was. She stretched.  I am going to head to
bed. Don t stay up too late.
Keirra was already heading for the stairs herself.  Don t worry. I won t.
Not seeing any reason to stay downstairs by herself, Kristen trailed her sisters up the stairs. They all
murmured good nights to each other then proceeded to their rooms. Kristen crawled into her bed
and turned on the bedside lamp. She lay down and then picked up the picture frame containing the
last family photo they had taken together. She smiled at how happy everyone looked.
She put the picture down and then picked up another that showed Keirra, Kayla and herself just a
year ago. The picture depicted happiness, but it was strange not to have her mother and father in it.
She missed her parents so much, and it was times like these when she was glad she had two sisters.
Closing her eyes, she wondered what life would have been like if their father had lived. Would she
have gotten the chance to know Randy like she did? A smile came to her face when her cell phone
rang. Picking it up, she saw Randy s number and answered.
 Hey yourself. How was the rest of your day?
She closed her eyes and tried to push aside the memories of their erotic encounter.  It was okay.
The kids were calm the rest of the day. I also did my best to make sure all of the kids who looked
like they might be coming down with something were quarantined, but I would still keep an eye on
Wade and give him an extra dose of vitamins if you have them.
 Thanks for the warning.
Kristen hoped he wouldn t get sick. She hoped that none of the other kids became sick. Another day
like today would be too much.
 So your dose of medicine held you over for the day?
She laughed at his analogy. The fact she had sneaked him out of the day care center after an illicit
tryst made her feel like a teenager again. She paused before responding.  Yes, it did, and speaking of
which, have you ever thought about us making love?
He was silent, and for a moment she thought he hadn t heard her. She opened her mouth to tell him
to ignore the question, but he responded.  Yes, I have. Have you?
She closed her eyes and shook her head. She did feel like a teenager now, one discussing a taboo
subject.  What made you ask?
 Well, after today, I just wondered if you had thought about it.
Randy chuckled.  If I recall, you once accused me of thinking about sex all the time.
 Well, I think it might have been true at that point. Kristen thought back to some of their make out
sessions but couldn t remember a time when the statement rang true. He had never let it go past
kissing and touching over her clothes and sometimes underneath in a fashion very similar to what he
had done today. But he had never tried to test the limits and would always stop if she asked him to.
 You could be right, but I always respected you for sticking to your values.
 What do you mean?
He chuckled.  You told me you were going to wait until you were certain you wanted to make love,
and I respected your decision.
She cleared her throat.  So it wouldn t surprise you to find out that I am still a virgin? He paused,
and she knew he was shocked by her confession.  There has been no one else since you, but I know
you are the one.
She heard him drop the phone and curse. He picked the phone up again and dropped it once more.
She laughed and heard him fumble to gain control of the phone.
 Do you mind repeating what you just said?
She spoke slowly so she was sure he understood her.  I said you are the one.
When he remained silent, she became nervous wondering what he thought about her confession
the importance of it. She tried to lighten the mood by teasing him a little.  Did you drop the phone
* * * *
No, he hadn t dropped the phone again, but he was shocked. The fact she considered him to be
good enough to be her first humbled him. He hadn t been Lila s first, but she had been his, and now
he hated that she had been. Nothing more would be more meaningful to him than to be Kristen s
first. In several ways, he always thought she would be. On the other hand, he was no longer
awkward like he had been in the beginning with Lila, and he knew he would be able to please
Kristen. Then again, he always had. Still, he was hesitant because he knew how significant this was
for her for both of them. He cleared his throat before speaking.  Are you sure about this?
 Yes, I am very certain.
He heard the conviction in her voice, and he smiled. When Kristen made a decision, it meant she
had thought it through.  Okay then, but we are still going to take this slow.
He heard Kristen snap her fingers.  Darn, and here I was thinking I could come over tonight and
slip between the sheets with you.
He laughed.  You have been spending too much time with Keirra.
Kristen laughed in response, but they both knew it was a true statement. He knew firsthand how
close Kristen and her sisters were. They were inseparable, and because of that, there were times
when her sisters did rub off on her, and there were times when she rubbed off on them. The good
thing was it didn t occur often. Otherwise, there would be more trouble than there normally was.
Kristen had always been special to him, and he had to be to her considering what she just revealed
to him. It was hard to contain himself because it was the one thing he had yet to share with her. It
was also the one he couldn t wait to share with her.
Randy began formulating a plan in his mind. He wanted to be prepared to make it special for her
when the time arose.  What do you say we get together for dinner at my place this weekend and we
take it from there?
 That sounds good to me. Do you need me to bring anything?
 No. All you have to do is bring yourself. I will take care of everything else.
She sighed, and he could understand her slight hesitance. What she was getting ready to agree to
could make a person nervous. He just hoped she wasn t going to change her mind. Still, the last
thing he wanted to do was pressure Kristen into any unfair situation.
He had always felt she wasn t experiencing the life she should be because of her serious relationship
with him. Yet, this was one thing he did want to experience with her and would go to any lengths to
make sure it was an experience she would never forget.
 Okay, she whispered.
He held back his sigh of relief.  I will give you a call and let you know what time Saturday.
He fought a yawn but was unsuccessful. It had been a long day.
 Did you have a hard day? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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