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slowly looked her up and down he could understand that interest.
What did his father think he was doing, introducing her to Mike? Everyone knew he went through
women faster than he changed clothing. Many women had been fooled by his act of affection but
Lucas knew the guy only had one goal in mind and Lucas was sure that Amy wasn t ready for the
consequences of a failed office romance.
Lucas was even more irritated he cared. He consoled himself by thinking he was only concerned
because if she got discarded her work performance would suffer, which would make him have to fire
her. He would then have to take time away from his busy schedule to hire a new employee.
He was just about ready to storm over there, grab her arm and drag her away when his father
approached him. How you doing boy? he asked far too slyly.
Fine Father and you? he automatically responded, not taking his eyes off of Amy.
Joseph was thinking that his plan was coming along just fine. His son was falling for Amy quickly and
he didn t even realize it. Joseph may as well push things along a bit more and help speed things up. In
the game of love no one could lose.
Don t you think Amy and Mike look good together? She s seemed a little lonely this past week, he
Mike s a cad. I m going to put a stop to this. You need to quit meddling in people s lives Father,
Lucas said angrily.
I m sorry Lucas. I didn t know you were interested in her. You know a boss shouldn t have a
romance with his employee, he added. He knew his son well. There was nothing he enjoyed more
than a challenge.
I m not interested in her," Lucas said, not fooling his father in the least. I just know what kind of a
man Mike is. He ll break her heart and then her work will be affected. I m only thinking of the work
environment. With those parting words he started walking in her direction.
Joseph chuckled to himself feeling downright giddy. Oh yes, his son was falling hard. He d picked
out the perfect match for him.
Amy, we have some work to do," Lucas said as he approached her and Mike. He didn t even
acknowledge Mike s presence. Mike, not wanting to upset the boss, slunk away without another
word. Amy lost a bit of respect for him. She turned around, inwardly sighing.
Yes sir, I m sorry. I ll get right on it, Amy replied with her head held high while heading towards
her office. She didn t understand why he sounded so irritated. Everyone was at the party. It wasn t
like she was the one who d thrown it.
Lucas followed her into the office, then stood there looming over her as she sat down. I don t like
office romances, they cause nothing but trouble, he informed her in his most stately tone of voice,
which caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand up. She had to silently count to ten before
First of all, Mr. Anderson," she said through clenched teeth, I was simply socializing with another
employee. And second of all, who I do choose to have a romance with is none of your business.
Amy was surprised by the acid in her own voice
Suddenly he was only inches from her face. When you work for me you will listen to what I say.
Mike s a womanizer and I don t want to deal with the repercussions when he throws you out like
stale bread and believe me, he will.
Amy leaned back from him as her heart started beating hard. She was sure it was visible to him, even
through her shirt. She forgot all about her anger with the man as the urge to reach out and grab him
was so overwhelming. She wanted Lucas. Everything about him screamed sex and if he leaned in a
couple of more inches and claimed her mouth she would welcome it.
For what seemed like an eternity she couldn t break contact with him. She felt liquid heat pooling
inside of her. Look away, look away, look away, she shouted at herself until she finally found the
will-power to turn her head, wondering how long they d stood there face to face.
Realizing how close he was to her and also the intense desire he had to kiss her shocked Lucas
enough into standing up straight and retreating from her office. Before he could think about it he
slammed the door, causing the pictures on the wall to shake.
Lucas leaned against the door and willed his body to return to normal. He hadn t felt so much desire
for a woman since his college days. Even then he knew he d possessed more control. If she hadn t
broken their eye contact he may have ended up taking her right there on her desk, just a few short feet
away from hundreds of employees who could ve walked in at any moment.
It was most definitely time to go work out and expend some of his pent up energy. He went down in
his private elevator, avoiding Amy the rest of the day, choosing to communicate through email only. It
seemed to be much safer that way for the both of them.
Insert from Melody Anne s Breakthrough Young Adult Book
Midnight Fire Rise of the Dark Angel
There are worlds within worlds. There are galaxies beyond what we could ever imagine. How did it
all come to be? How is there order within the chaos? Is there one master for all the universes, or are
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