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Ward spent most of his time at the bungalow, but slept occasionally at home
and was still reckoned a dweller beneath his father's roof. Twice he was
absent from the city on week-long trips, whose destinations have not yet been
discovered. He grew steadily paler and more emaciated even than before, and
lacked some of his former assurance when repeating to Dr. Willett his old, old
story of vital research and future revelations. Willett often waylaid him at
his father's house, for the elder Ward was deeply worried and perplexed, and
wished his son to get as much sound oversight as could be managed in the case
of so secretive and independent an adult. The doctor still insists that the
youth was sane even as late as this, and adduces many a conversation to prove
his point.
About September the vampirism declined, but in the following January almost
became involved in serious trouble. For some time the nocturnal arrival and
departure of motor trucks at the Pawtuxet bungalow had been commented upon,
and at this juncture an unforeseen hitch exposed the nature of at least one
item of their contents. In a lonely spot near Hope Valley had occurred one of
the frequent sordid waylaying of trucks by "hi-jackers" in quest of liquor
shipments, but this time the robbers had been destined to receive the greater
shock. For the long cases they seized proved upon opening to contain some
exceedingly gruesome things; so gruesome, in fact, that the matter could not
be kept quiet amongst the denizens of the underworld. The thieves had hastily
buried what they discovered, but when the State Police got wind of the matter
a careful search was made. A recently arrived vagrant, under promise of
immunity from prosecution on any additional charge, at last consented to guide
a party of troopers to the spot; and there was found in that hasty cache a
very hideous and shameful thing. It would not be well for the national - or
even the international - sense of decorum if the public were ever to know what
was uncovered by that awestruck party. There was no mistaking it, even by
those far from studious officers; and telegrams to Washington ensued with
feverish rapidity.
The cases were addressed to Charles Ward at his Pawtuxet bungalow, and State
Federal officials at once paid him a very forceful and serious call. They
found him pallid and worried with his two odd companions, and received from
him what seemed to be a valid explanation and evidence of innocence. He had
needed certain anatomical specimens as part of a programme of research whose
depth and genuineness anyone who had known him in the last decade could prove,
and had ordered the required kind and number from agencies which he had
thought as reasonably legitimate as such things can be. Of the identity of the
specimens he had known absolutely nothing, and was properly shocked when the
inspectors hinted at the monstrous effect on public sentiment and national
dignity which a knowledge of the matter would produce. In this statement he
was firmly sustained by his bearded colleague Dr. Allen, whose oddly hollow
voice carried even more conviction than his own nervous tones; so that in the
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end the officials took no action, but carefully set down the New York name and
address which Ward gave them a basis for a search which came to nothing. It is
only fair to add that the specimens were quickly and quietly restored to their
proper places, and that the general public will never know of their
blasphemous disturbance.
On February 9, 1928, Dr. Willett received a letter from Charles Ward which he
considers of extraordinary importance, and about which he has frequently
quarrelled with Dr. Lyman. Lyman believes that this note contains positive
proof of a well-developed case of dementia praecox, but Willett on the other
hand regards it as the last perfectly sane utterance of the hapless youth. He
calls especial attention to the normal character of the penmanship; which
though shewing traces of shattered nerves, is nevertheless distinctly Ward's
own. The text in full is as follows:
100 Prospect St.
Providence, R.I., February 8, 1928.
Dear Dr. Willett:- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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