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requisitions the spirit could not consent, without authority from his master, the chief of devils. At length all
these concessions were adjusted. The devil on his part also prescribed his conditions. That Faustus should
abjure the Christian religion and all reverence for the supreme God; that he should enjoy the entire command
of his attendant demon for a certain term of years, and that at the end of that period the devil should dispose of
him body and soul at his pleasure [the term was fixed for twenty-four years]; that he should at all times
stedfastly refuse to listen to any one who should desire to convert him, or convince him of the error of his
ways, and lead him to repentance; that Faustus should draw up a writing containing these particulars, and sign
it with his blood, that he should deliver this writing to the devil, and keep a duplicate of it for himself, that so
there might be no misunderstanding. It was further appointed by Faustus that the devil should usually attend
him in the habit of cordelier, with a pleasing countenance and an insinuating demeanour. Faustus also asked
the devil his name, who answered that he was usually called Mephostophiles (perhaps more accurately
Nephostophiles, a lover of clouds).
Previously to this deplorable transaction, in which Faustus sold himself, soul and body, to the devil, he had
consumed his inheritance, and was reduced to great poverty. But he was now no longer subjected to any
straits. The establishments of the prince of Chutz, the duke of Bavaria, and the archbishop of Saltzburgh were
daily put under contribution for his more convenient supply. By the diligence of Mephostophiles provisions of
all kinds continually flew in at his windows; and the choicest wines were perpetually found at his board to the
annoyance and discredit of the cellarers and butlers of these eminent personages, who were extremely blamed
for defalcations in which they had no share. He also brought him a monthly supply of money, sufficient for
the support of his establishment. Besides, he supplied him with a succession of mistresses, such as his heart
desired, which were in truth nothing but devils disguised under the semblance of beautiful women. He further
gave to Faustus a book, in which were amply detailed the processes of sorcery and witchcraft, by means of
which the doctor could obtain whatever he desired.
One of the earliest indulgences which Faustus proposed to himself from the command he possessed over his
servant-demon, was the gratification of his curiosity in surveying the various nations of the world.
Accordingly Mephostophiles converted himself into a horse, with two hunches on his back like a dromedary,
between which he conveyed Faustus through the air where-ever he desired. They consumed fifteen months in
their travels. Among the countries they visited the history mentions Pannonia, Austria, Germany, Bohemia,
Silesia, Saxony, Misnia, Thuringia, Franconia, Suabia, Bavaria, Lithuania, Livonia, Prussia, Muscovy,
Friseland, Holland, Westphalia, Zealand, Brabant, Flanders, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, and Hungary; and
afterwards Turkey, Egypt, England, Sweden, Denmark, India, Africa and Persia. In most of these countries
Mephostophiles points out to his fellow-traveller their principal curiosities and antiquities. In Rome they
sojourned three days and three nights, and, being themselves invisible, visited the residence of the pope and
the other principal palaces.
At Constantinople Faustus visited the emperor of the Turks, assuming to himself the figure of the prophet
Mahomet. His approach was preceded by a splendid illumination, not less than that of the sun in all his glory.
He said to the emperor, Happy art thou, oh sultan, who art found worthy to be visited by the great prophet.
And the emperor in return fell prostrate before him, thanking Mahomet for his condescension in this visit. The
doctor also entered the seraglio, where he remained six days under the same figure, the building and its
gardens being all the time environed with a thick darkness, so that no one, not the emperor himself, dared to
enter. At the end of this time the doctor, still under the figure of Mahomet, was publicly seen, ascending, as it
seemed, to heaven. The sultan afterwards enquired of the women of his seraglio what had occurred to them
during the period of the darkness; and they answered, that the God Mahomet had been with them, that he had
enjoyed them corporeally, and had told them that from his seed should arise a great people, capable of
irresistible exploits.
Lives of the Necromancers
Faustus had conceived a plan of making his way into the terrestrial paradise, without awakening suspicion in
his demon-conductor. For this purpose he ordered him to ascend the highest mountains of Asia. At length
they came so near, that they saw the angel with the flaming sword forbidding approach to the garden. Faustus,
perceiving this, asked Mephostophiles what it meant. His conductor told him, but added that it was in vain for
them, or any one but the angels of the Lord, to think of entering within.
Having gratified his curiosity in other ways, Faustus was seized with a vehement desire to visit the infernal
regions. He proposed the question to Mephostophiles, who told him that this was a matter out of his
department, and that on that journey he could have no other conductor than Beelzebub. Accordingly, every
thing being previously arranged, one day at midnight Beelzebub appeared, being already equipped with a
saddle made of dead men's bones. Faustus speedily mounted. They in a short time came to an abyss, and
encountered a multitude of enormous serpents; but a bear with wings came to their aid, and drove the serpents
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