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move apart. Keenan stroked his fingers down Oco s face, his
expression one of abiding joy. I had no idea I was even capable of
feeling like that.
I didn t know, either. Oco brushed back Keenan s hair. I am
now thoroughly bound to you.
So you weren t before?
I think I was before, but this& I think this is a soul resonance.
What s that?
I thought it was propaganda to increase the allure of Earthlings,
but now I know it s real. Oco explained that Earthlings were
rumored to be able to form a powerful bond. As to what this
mythical bond can do, I don t quite know. It s difficult to sift rumors
from fact. But I know my kind s alignment isn t nearly as powerful as
what I just felt.
I like the name. Soul resonance is romantic. Just like you.
Keenan eased off Oco s lap and stood, working the kinks out of his
long legs. Does this mean that if I lose you, I ll die?
Oco noticed that though Keenan summoned the strength to ask, he
wasn t able to look at him while he did.
Yeah. I guess I kind of figured out what Lisstera was talking
about. You were right not to tell me before the meeting because I
114 Anitra Lynn McLeod
would have had a panic attack of epic proportions. Keenan finally
lifted his face. Despite the darkness, Oco was able to see a thin film of
tears in his eyes. Tell me that we re both going to live for a very long
We are. Oco was up and pulling him close in a flash. That s
one of the supposed benefits of a soul resonance. Longevity. Some
say even immortality.
All from having sex with an Earthling?
It s not just sex. Oco rubbed his cheek against Keenan s head,
loving his feel, his scent. This was so much more than a simple
Keenan agreed. I m just a little scared. The idea that I might kill
you by leaving you is very frightening.
It s no longer an issue. Oco paused. Unless you are thinking of
I m not. Keenan hugged him hard. I guess I m panicking after
the fact.
When Oco realized Keenan was trembling, he took him over to
the lounging couch and pulled them under a thick blanket. He knew
he wasn t cold so much as he was afraid, but he thought he could
offer much more comfort if they were snuggled together.
What happens when one of us dies? Does the other die from
No. At least I don t think so. An Alzimian alignment ends with
In the Earth ceremony they say something about until death do
you part. I guess that s really literal for your kind.
I don t think I would be parted from you even in death.
They cuddled together, watching the stars. Oco told him the few
constellations he knew. Keenan was surprised and glad that humans
weren t the only ones to see pictures in the sky. Together they made
some up. Keenan taught him the Earthling tradition of wishing on a
shooting star, but Oco felt he had everything he d ever wanted.
Bound by Lust 115
Keenan sighed, called him a romantic prince, and then they were
silent as they stroked one another and kissed without any intention of
becoming aroused. This was more about comfort and the simple joy
of being together rather than a race toward release.
When Keenan yawned, Oco scooped him up and took him inside.
They bathed then went to bed. Oco didn t think he would be able to
sleep, but he did eventually. When he saw a shooting star out the
window, Oco wished that whatever Keenan wanted, he would be able
to provide for him. Because if anyone deserved happiness, it was the
tender man in his arms.
116 Anitra Lynn McLeod
Chapter 13
I knew you had a dark side. Keenan was surveying the mess
that his mate had left all over the bathroom floor. You, my dear, are
a slob.
After he finished drying his hair, Oco deliberately dropped his
towel on the floor then lifted his brow at Keenan as if to ask what he
was going to do about it.
Keenan tsked at him. The shame of it all.
Does this mean you re leaving me? Oco turned toward the
mirror and set to work finger combing his hair into a modified
No. Keenan picked up the towel. It means I shall punish you
until you stop. By twisting up the end and flicking the rather thin
material with just the right amount of play, he was able to whap the
tip against Oco s buttock.
Oco jumped and spun.
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