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you will understand that Mr. Elton is the standard of perfection in Highbury, both in person and mind."
"Very true, Miss Woodhouse, so she will. He is the very best young man--But, my dear Jane, if you
remember, I told you yesterday he was precisely the height of Mr. Perry. Miss Hawkins,--I dare say, an
excellent young woman. His extreme attention to my mother-- wanting her to sit in the vicarage pew, that
she might hear the better, for my mother is a little deaf, you know--it is not much, but she does not hear
quite quick. Jane says that Colonel Campbell is a little deaf. He fancied bathing might be good for it--the
warm bath-- but she says it did him no lasting benefit. Colonel Campbell, you know, is quite our angel.
And Mr. Dixon seems a very charming young man, quite worthy of him. It is such a happiness when
good people get together--and they always do. Now, here will be Mr. Elton and Miss Hawkins; and
there are the Coles, such very good people; and the Perrys--I suppose there never was a happier or a
better couple than Mr. and Mrs. Perry. I say, sir," turning to Mr. Woodhouse, "I think there are few
places with such society as Highbury. I always say, we are quite blessed in our neighbours.--My dear sir,
if there is one thing my mother loves better than another, it is pork-- a roast loin of pork--"
"As to who, or what Miss Hawkins is, or how long he has been acquainted with her," said Emma,
"nothing I suppose can be known. One feels that it cannot be a very long acquaintance. He has been
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gone only four weeks."
Nobody had any information to give; and, after a few more wonderings, Emma said,
"You are silent, Miss Fairfax--but I hope you mean to take an interest in this news. You, who have
been hearing and seeing so much of late on these subjects, who must have been so deep in the business
on Miss Campbell's account--we shall not excuse your being indifferent about Mr. Elton and Miss
"When I have seen Mr. Elton," replied Jane, " I dare say I shall be interested--but I believe it requires
that with me. And as it is some months since Miss Campbell married, the impression may be a little worn
"Yes, he has been gone just four weeks, as you observe, Miss Woodhouse," said Miss Bates, "four
weeks yesterday.--A Miss Hawkins!--Well, I had always rather fancied it would be some young lady
hereabouts; not that I ever--Mrs. Cole once whispered to me--but I immediately said, `No, Mr. Elton is
a most worthy young man--but'--In short, I do not think I am particularly quick at those sort of
discoveries. I do not pretend to it. What is before me, I see. At the same time, nobody could wonder if
Mr. Elton should have aspired--Miss Woodhouse lets me chatter on, so good-humouredly. She knows I
would not offend for the world. How does Miss Smith do? She seems quite recovered now. Have you
heard from Mrs. John Knightley lately? Oh! those dear little children. Jane, do you know I always fancy
Mr. Dixon like Mr. John Knightley. I mean in person--tall, and with that sort of look--and not very
"Quite wrong, my dear aunt; there is no likeness at all."
"Very odd! but one never does form a just idea of any body beforehand. One takes up a notion, and
runs away with it. Mr. Dixon, you say, is not, strictly speaking, handsome?"
"Handsome! Oh! no--far from it--certainly plain. I told you he was plain."
"My dear, you said that Miss Campbell would not allow him to be plain, and that you yourself--"
"Oh! as for me, my judgment is worth nothing. Where I have a regard, I always think a person
well-looking. But I gave what I believed the general opinion, when I called him plain."
"Well, my dear Jane, I believe we must be running away. The weather does not look well, and
grandmama will be uneasy. You are too obliging, my dear Miss Woodhouse; but we really must take
leave. This has been a most agreeable piece of news indeed. I shall just go round by Mrs. Cole's; but I
shall not stop three minutes: and, Jane, you had better go home directly--I would not have you out in a
shower!--We think she is the better for Highbury already. Thank you, we do indeed. I shall not attempt
calling on Mrs. Goddard, for I really do not think she cares for any thing but boiled pork: when we dress [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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