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yourself that you were ten years younger, or ten are given, so will your automatic experience
years older; then it would be faithfully reflected in conform. The one suggestion that can break through
your personal environment. If you were twenty, you is this: I create my reality, and the present is my
would be able to draw upon the wisdom you point of power.
imagine you would have at thirty.
Session 658, Page 304 "On prerequisite [for
Session 656, Page 294 "Your present beliefs hypnosis] is an intense concentration upon a
structure the memories which will parade before specific incoming data to the exclusion of
you now. everything else. Therefore the orders given are
clear-cut, to the point. No conflicting information is
Session 657, Page 297 "I have frequently said that received, no cross messages. The shutting out of
beliefs cause reality, and that no symptom will superfluous data and the narrowing of focus are the
simply fade away unless the reason is ascertained -- two most important ingredients. realization can help
but such reasons go far beneath your current ideas simply because the body messages are also quieted,
of cause and effect. They involve intimate and the mind not concerned with them.
philosophical value judgements on the part of each
individual. Beneath them, the apparent causes of Session 658, Page 304 "Many people assign great
limitations in personal life, there are other far- power to a hypnotist, yet whenever you have the
reaching beliefs, and each individual will use those undivided attention of another, you act as a
elements in his private experience to back these up. hypnotist to a large degree. Whenever you have
This applies to any kind of lack or hindrance severe your own undivided attention you act as hypnotist
enough to be a problem. and subject simultaneously.
Session 657, Page 297 "To rid yourself of annoying Session 658, Page 308 "Your beliefs, then, are like
restrictions then my dear friend, you repattern your hypnotic focuses. You reinforce them constantly
past from the present. Whatever your circumstances, through the normal inner taking in which you all
you use the past as a rich source, looking through it indulge. "
for your successes, restructuring it. When you
search it looking for what is wrong, then you Session 659, Page 311 "In each person s experience,
become blind to what was right, in those terms, so there are areas with which he or she is pleased.
that the past only mirrors the shortcomings that now When you find yourself dissatisfied, however,
face you. question the orders you are giving in that particular
arena of experience. The results do not seem, now,
Session 657, Page 298 "...you must in your reality to follow your conscious desires. But you will find
make some symbolic move that shows you are that they do follow your conscious beliefs, which
willing to accept a change. As foolish as it may may be quite different. "
sound, you should give some money away, or in
whatever manner that suits you act as if you did Session 659, Page 311 "The hypnotist then acts as a
have more money than you physically have. parent substitute. In cases of therapy, an individual
is already frightened, and because of the beliefs in
Session 657, Page 299 "In a very real manner of your civilization he looks not to himself but to an
speaking, this means changing your viewpoint, that authority figure for help.
comprehension with your physical self, and form
Session 659, Page 312 "In their own way symptoms your world on a conscious basis. Such manuscripts
frequently operate, actually, as repetitive as mine are meant to help you do precisely that. The
neurological ritual, meant to protect the sufferer more involved you become with complicated
from something else that he fears even more. physical organisms, the more energy you project
outward and the more entranced you become with
Session 660, Page 318 "Love, as it is often exterior manifestations.
experienced, allows an individual to take his sense
of self-worth from another for a time, and to at least Session 663, Page 343 "All of the exercises given
momentarily let the other s belief in his goodness earlier in this book are prerequisites, however; they
supersede his own belief in lack of worth. are necessary so that you understand how the point
of power is to be used.
Session 661, Page 328 "Each individual has what I
will call a psychic territory of power. This Session 663, Page 344 "With the precise night and
represents an inviolate area in which the person day schedule that is possesses, your planet would,
insists upon remaining supreme, aware of his or her in those terms, give birth to a creature
uniqueness and abilities. This psychic region will be consciousness uniquely suited to fit it. "
protected at all costs, and here there is indeed
immunity from all diseases or lack. Other portions Session 664, Page 347 "Your feelings are as natural
of the psyche may be battlegrounds from problems, a part of the environment as trees are. They have a
but the individual will not really feel threatened in a great effect upon the weather. There are even
critical way as long as this primary territory is connections that can be made, for instance, between
intact. epilepsy and earthquakes, where the greater energy
and instability come together, affecting the physical
Session 661, Page 331 "It seems that you are highly properties of the earth. "
civilized people because you put your ill into
hospitals where they can be cared for. Session 664, Page 348 "Beliefs direct, generate,
focus, and harness feelings. In this context then
What you do, of course, is to isolate a group of feelings are being compared to mountains, lakes
people who are filled with negative beliefs about and rivers. Ideas and beliefs bring about those
illness. The contagion of beliefs spreads. Patients obviously man-made structures that imply self-
are obviously in hospitals because they are ill. The conscious minds and the ocean of interrelated social
sick and their doctors both work on that principle. events. Feelings are still dependent upon your
Women delivering children are placed in the same neurological structure and its impact with physical
environment. This may seem very humane to you, reality. An animal feels but it does not believe. "
and yet the entire system is structured so that
childbirth does not seem to be the result of health Session 664, Page 348 "There are what I am going
but illness. to call here ghost chemicals --aspects of normal
chemicals that you have not perceived so far, where
Session 661, Page 332 "The individual is made to certain thresholds are approached in which
feel powerless, at the mercy of doctors or nurses chemicals are changed into purely electromagnetic
who often do not have the time or energy to be properties, and energy released that directly affects
personable, or to explain his [or her] condition in the physical atmosphere.
terms that he can understand. The patient is
therefore forced to transfer his own sense of power Session 664, Page 348 "There are many hints and
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