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moment, he told himself. His hand slid between those enticingly
parted legs, fingers brushing against his captive s heavy balls.
Hantilis flinched, as if expecting new pain, and Itamun stilled,
waiting until the other man had relaxed slightly. Then he cupped
the tender sac in his palm, applying gentle pressure as his fingers
stroked over it. A shudder ran its way through Hantilis s body,
ending in a soft sigh as he rolled back toward Itamun.
Do you want more?
Another defiant shake of the head from Hantilis made Itamun
growl in frustration. He released the other man, but only to move
up his body, fingers tangling in that thick brown hair to tug
Hantilis s head back, forcing his body into an awkward arch. This
time when he picked up the belt, he was far less gentle. The first
blow met with a resounding crack and Hantilis cried out, his body
jerking down against the bed. It made Itamun hesitate, worried he
might cause the other man serious harm.
Please, Hantilis whimpered.
Please what? Itamun demanded.
Don t stop. Keep doing that.
Several heartbeats of utter stillness passed as Itamun sat there
on his knees, his fingers still tangled in the other man s hair,
staring at Hantilis as if he d never seen him before. Some men
found it exciting to be lightly flogged, but this went far beyond
enjoying the rhythm and faint pain of a sensuous whipping.
Suddenly, the other man s defiance took on a new light. He wanted
to be overpowered. It was such a bizarre, new idea that Itamun
wasn t sure what to make of it at first. Did he want to be beaten,
abused, forced? How far did such masochism go, and was Itamun a
monster because the idea of this new game made his body nearly
vibrate with tense hunger?
Hantilis turned his head as far as he could while Itamun held
his hair, looking at him from the corner of his eye. His tongue
darted out, wetting his lips. Please& my prince.
The belt came down and Hantilis jerked in pleasured pain, his
hips thrusting down against the bed. Unable to stop with such
temptation before him, Itamun continued to whip him hard enough
to turn that pale skin red. Every muscle in Hantilis s body was
tense, flexing beneath his skin as he shifted, alternating between
rocking down against the bed and leaning back to meet each blow.
Itamun shifted his grip, letting the leather strike lower, earning a
startled whimper from his captive when he struck where thigh and
ass met.
That whimper was the final blow to Itamun s self-control. He
dropped the belt and slid away from the bed as he pulled off his
tunic and went to a trunk of his belongings at the end of the bed.
What are you doing?
Itamun glanced up to see Hantilis pushing himself up on his
elbows, turned at the waist to look over his shoulder at him. His
ass was still in perfect view, temptingly striped in red.
Don t question me, the prince told him coolly.
Once his hand closed around the tiny stoppered jar of sweetly
scented oil he d brought for his skin, he climbed back onto the bed
again. One hand went to the back of Hantilis s head, though this
time he didn t pull his hair. His hand only guided the other man s
head around, forcing him to rest his forehead against the bed. The
gentle rise and fall of Hantilis s back as he breathed became more
pronounced, the tension returning to him again. Was it fear or
arousal? For this wonderful, enticing man, Itamun wasn t sure
there was a line between the two.
Itamun s hands slid down Hantilis s body, taking hold of his
hips to pull them up as his knee nudged the other man s thighs
farther apart. With his head against the bed and his ass presented
so temptingly, it was an awkward position. Certainly, it would
make it difficult for his captive to move much. Itamun found he
liked that idea quite a bit.
He poured some of the oil into his hand to stroke it over his
cock, then slid two slick fingers between the other man s cheeks.
The sight of Hantilis spread open and vulnerable like that was
shockingly exciting in a way no eager slave boy had ever been. His
fingers massaged back and forth over the tight hole before they
pressed forward slowly. Just as he d guessed, Hantilis must have
done this before, and his body relaxed just enough to allow the
passage. His fingers worked in and out of the tight heat, softening
up what resistance remained in the other man s muscles. Yet there
was little resistance left in the rest of him, judging by the way
Hantilis groaned and rocked back to meet Itamun s hand, toes and
fingers curling.
Do you want me to fuck you? He worked a third finger into
Hantilis, slowing his movements teasingly. The only response to
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