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the hungrier for his and with a delirious moan, she put her mouth to his neck.
He went still, his strong hands pinning her in place, and she opened her mouth and gently, oh-so gently,
pierced the skin over his carotid artery. Even though he d warned her, the ease with which her teeth
pierced his flesh took her by surprise. The skin parted like butter under a heated blade and her mouth
was flooded with sweet, warm liquid.
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She felt his hand clench on the back of her head, felt the vibration of his vocal chords in her own mouth
as he growled.  Suck, he commanded, and she did. She moaned in sheer pleasure as the liquid flowed,
swallowing convulsively as she fed.
Her hips began moving again of their own volition, pumping frantically as she felt the orgasm building
inside her. The taste of him went straight to her head, making her dizzy and frantic for more. Hercunt
clamped down, the orgasmbarreling through like a freight train and she ripped her mouth from his throat
with a roar.
 Oh God, Jack I m coming!
Her head went back and she stared blindly at the ceiling as her body imploded, pulsing and shuddering
and vibrating around him. The orgasm went on and on, pushed higher by the constant drive of his hips.
She screamed out again as she felt him grow impossibly harder, bigger inside her.
Jack reared up with a savage snarl. He wrapped his arms around her, latched a hand in her hair to drag
her head back and sank his fangs into her neck.
Rowan howled, the piercing pleasure-pain pulsing through her and sending fresh waves of spasms
through her body, and with a muffled roar, he followed.
* * * * *
 This has been the weirdest month, Rowan said, her mouth full of rare roast beef. They were sprawled
on her living room rug having a two a.m. picnic. Rowan was bundled in her bathrobe and Jack just had
on a pair of silkpajama bottoms that he d had someone bring over, along with the rest of his clothes.  I
get kidnapped, kidnapped again and turned into a vampire. Tough to beat for strange.
Jack grinned at her.  I can beat it, he said.  There was that July I was in Berlin with those two
 Whatever! Rowan held up a hand.  I don t want to know.
He chuckled into his wineglass.  Spoilsport.
 Damn right, she said. She took a sip of her own wine and hummed in appreciation.  This is amazing. I
love how I can taste all the littleflavors so clearly.
 One of the side benefits, he commented.
 This life is going to be pretty cool, she decided, sitting back with a satisfied sigh.  I m really glad I can
still eat real food. I d have hated to give up cheesecake.
 You just have to be careful, he told her, topping off her wine glass.  Too much regular food can upset
your system and you have to make certain you feed regularly.
 Right. By the way, that bit in the bedroom 
He raised an eyebrow.  Bit? Or Bite?
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She grinned.  Both, I guess. Can we feed off each other or will we need to have other sources?
 We can feed off each other for fun, he told her, lying down on his side. He propped his head in his
hand so he could watch her.  But we will have to supplement that with synthetics.
 Wow. She blinked as though trying to clear the cobwebs from her vision.  I m not human anymore.
 So dramatic, he chided, and rolled his eyes when she stuck her tongue out at him.  You re still human,
you know. Your species can t change, although your DNA has gone through a bit of a transformation. It
would be appropriate to say you re a little more than human now.
 It s going to take me a while to get used to this. She stared into the fireplace sipping her wine and Jack
felt a cold trickle of dread crawl down his spine.
 Are you sorry? he asked quietly, and her head snapped around to look at him with surprise.
 What? No, of course not. She set her wine aside and stretched out next to him.  Why would you say
He shrugged, feeling horribly vulnerable and not liking it.  It was a big decision, made under duress. It d
be natural for you have some regrets.
She laughed, a deep belly laugh that had him turning to her in surprise. She was grinning at him.  You
ass, she said with affection.  It was not a decision made under duress.
He frowned at her.  What re you talking about?
Rowan reached out to flick the hair off his forehead, loving the way the light from the fire played over his
features.  I d already decided I wanted you to turn me, she explained patiently.  So really the only thing
that was decided on the fly was the timing. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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